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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 25, 2009
I have a folder with tens of thousands of various files that I rescued and conslidated from a bunch of older drives.

I am trying to move all of these files to a new drive, but I get a message that some (probably hundreds or thousands) of the files can't be copied over because they are "in use".

If I open up the folder, I can see that many of the files have GREY text in their filename instead of the normal black text you see on files in the Finder.

Looking for a fix, I found this page:

...but it seems both an elaborate fix, and that it seems to be for fixing files one at a time and through use of a CLI (the Terminal app).

Has someone out there made a "De-GREY-ify Finder files" app (or automation, shortcut, or droplet) that I could just drop a folder full of grey-ed out files onto and have it reset whatever weird thing the files have set incorrectly?

Or an app like ONYX or Disk Utility or something that goes through and searches for "confused" files like this and fixes them?

Thanks for your suggestions/help!
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