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macrumors member
Sep 17, 2002
I think I'm being introduced to non-RIAA artists.

The "Global divas" thing had a lot of names I'd never seen before, and I think Natacha Atlas is going to wind up with some of our money real soon. And... she's on Mantra. Which sure looks like an indie label to me.

Props to Apple for the neat compilations, and major props for including indie artists in them!


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2003
Col. Grove, Oh
Nice idea, but....

Essentials is a great idea, but there is no savings buying the collection. I can listen to the songs in the collection and just buy the songs I like, plus add a few more favorites to burn my own "Essential" CD. Apple could have added a small built-in savings to make Essentials a little more appealling. At 99¢/song, I'll pass.


macrumors member
Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by FlamDrag
Other than the fact that it's one more way for me to find songs to spend 99c on, I love it.

Generally, I like to browse and buy vs. going to the store with a specific list of songs I'd like to get. For shoppers who shop as I shop, this is a good thing.

BINGO. I was about to shell out some more money while looking around.


macrumors 6502
Jul 6, 2003
Apple Listens

I wondered when I sent a detailed recommendation to Apple regarding the advantages of this "Essentials" feature if they really read what was posted to them. Whether it was my recommendation or others along with mine that got this feature going, it tells me that Apple really does read what we write them. My other recommendation was to fill in the MP3 ecology gap they have right now as no Flash players support AAC w/DRM. It would be nice to see Apple fill in this gap as well.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
Originally posted by Sonofhaig
"Make-Out" Essentials! Now that is clever and funny!:D

LOL now there's a sight. A bunch of iTunes employees gathered around a conf table talking about the best music to include in the Make-Out Essentials CD. The question had to be asked. Did anyone get any action on this track? How about this one? Anyone? OK that one is gone. What about this one? :D


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2002
Originally posted by jcshas
I really like this idea. Much more interested in this vs. the celebrity playlists.

I prefer the celebrity playlists. As a middle aged guy, thanks to the playlists I've discovered many songs I would never have considered because the celebs gave some personal insight into their collections.

While I like the Essentials too, because they're compiled by anonymous Apple personnel, there's less of a "connection" with the music.


macrumors member
Aug 8, 2003
Re: Good, not great

I don't believe these are "albums" per se. It looks more like the staff at iTMS put together a bunch of collections to help people make decisions about what music to buy. Similar to the Celebrity Playlists idea.

I was probably one of many people who requested this feature when iTMS first launched, so it's great because it makes the store feel more like a music magazine than just a store.

Now they just need to have all the Billboard charts up there!

Originally posted by Moonlight
I think they need to offer a discount if you buy the whole record. They also should offer "essentials" on types of music most people don't listen to, like electronic, world music, etc... But still a good idea:)


macrumors 6502
Nov 6, 2003
Very good idea Apple. I like it. Just wish there were some kind of discount for buying the entire album.


macrumors newbie
Aug 15, 2002
good idea but...

who the hell is in charge of puttin' these things together. Man there is much better music they could have put on those things. For the love of God Apple, I love ya but seriously, come now.


macrumors 68000
Oct 8, 2003
Sacramento, CA, USA
Originally posted by JohnGillilan
Do you suppose Apple is putting together these compilations, or are these artist's labels paying a fee for this extra advertising?

The range of songs seems way too broad for this; there are small labels, and large ones too.

If the record company's are doing this, wow, they sure know how to cover it up!
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