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The General

macrumors 601
Jul 7, 2006
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16)

That's fine, steve, I'm sure devteam will figure out how to do it.

it's already possible with mywi

I think Steve Jobs should respond to his emails with long, well thought out, thorough replies that address any conceivable question the correspondent might have. I mean, how long could that possibly take?

(Do I really need to add a roll-eyes or other flag to this post to make sure someone won't think I'm being anything but sarcastic?)

no, but you do need to put a silver paragraph asking whether or not you need to.


macrumors member
Nov 9, 2008
Makes me want to rethink jailbreaking.


Me to. I don't like to Jailbreak my iPhone 3GS to tether to the iPad. There should be no need to do this. I dont like to steal software or media content.

But If I get forced to Jailbreak by Apple (Thanks Apple, Thanks Steve!) - maybe I´m so pissed (cause of all the security issues that come with jail breaking anyway) that I have to try all the other advantages of jail breaking.


macrumors member
Jan 27, 2010
i am starting to get sick of all these restrictions.

If i can see one thing which will be apple downfall, its control.

Right now apples products are hot and amazing, but the future can change and you going the right way to anger your customers with ridicules rules.


macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2010
so obvious. why did people think yes? like really?:confused:

hahaha. Exactly. It would be zero sense to buy the 3G version if the wireless supported tethering (legally)

Everyone finds a reason to bash at first because most people don't understand the concept of business. Apple has been the type of company that doesn't do something unless it's done right.

I remember when the iPhone came out and EVERYONE on here was crying about no physical keyboard. Now look at every smartphone coming out. Same form factor, same concepts.


macrumors 6502
Nov 23, 2007
Not gonna happen.
The iPhone can fit in your pocket. The iPad can't.
The iPhone is a... uh... phone. The iPad isn't.

Maybe it will cut into iPod Touch sales, but not iPhone sales

You might be surprised, I've already gotten rid of my iphone and I was the biggest iphone fanboy in the world LOL, theres much better offerings out there nowadays. Only advantage iphone has is the app store and i'd much rather download the good games that are 10 bucks to use on the ipad rather than a tiny phone not to mention much rather browse the web on the ipad. I don't really have a use for iphone anymore but I do for an ipad :) Guess we will have to wait and see though.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Wow.. if they can give the iPad a 10 hour battery life, I wonder what they'll do with the next iPhone. Even half of that would be amazing to see on a phone.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2005
Yawn, what a surprise...

Just continue this way Apple. With all respect to the initial iPhone success and vision - now all the SJ is doing killing the potential of the apple consumer devices.

Locked down as much as possible, censored, castrated functionality. It really reminds me of Sony crap.

But fear not, customer, many nice alternatives are on horizon. MS is really getting it together with WM7 while offering some features apple cannot even dream to match and Android is maturing as well.

Unfortunately, unless apple becomes customer friendly, unlocks the devices for real, unlimited development - it will be heading into the same little niche market it was always stuck in.

When I moved all my workstations / phones to apple / osx 3 years ago, I never thought that I would look back into Windows world again but sadly, I am more thrilled about release of WM7 phones then iPhone 4G which, despite all bells and whistles still will be same "You do not really own this device, it is ours" mode set by apple / SJ.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2006
Fact remains that replying to a customer's email with just 'no' is plain rude

'Sorry, but no' or 'No I'm afraid' would have been the response of somebody with good manners and an understanding of common courtesy.

I suppose Jobs just sees everyone else in the world as a seething mass of ordinary 'monkeys with open wallets' !!


macrumors regular
Feb 10, 2007
Fact remains that replying to a customer's email with just 'no' is plain rude

I disagree. He is a very busy guy and he is not supposed to even talk to customers (seriously, when was the last time Steve Ballmer replied to a customer's e-mail?). If he is willing to spend some of his precious time to read customers' mail it means he is even more attentive to their needs than other CEOs.


macrumors 68040
May 29, 2003
If it is the iPad you are talking about it can connect to any phone with WiFi.

Well, that sucks I was hoping one would be able to tether. Guess the Wifi model will be a truly only Wifi model then.

That is any phone that can emulate a WiFi base station. Alternatively if the phone can work in conjunction with a WiFi hub you could connect. I believe there is software for jail broken phones to do one or the other.

What I'm trying to say here is that it would not be impossible to do given the right software and right hardware. Certainly this is more complex than a Bluetooth tether but on the otherhand ought to work really well.



macrumors 68000
Feb 14, 2003
SF Bay area
Anyone find this at all surprising?

A little. It had been proposed elsewhere that this was the future. Your iPhone would be your wireless internet device. You would pay one bill for this and tether your other devices to the iPhone. In addition, the iPhone would become smaller as you would mostly use it for phone calls and for an internet connection. The iPad would serve as the larger screen when needed. It sounded plausible.


macrumors newbie
Nov 15, 2007
You might be surprised, I've already gotten rid of my iphone and I was the biggest iphone fanboy in the world LOL, theres much better offerings out there nowadays. Only advantage iphone has is the app store and i'd much rather download the good games that are 10 bucks to use on the ipad rather than a tiny phone not to mention much rather browse the web on the ipad. I don't really have a use for iphone anymore but I do for an ipad :) Guess we will have to wait and see though.

I would say the ipad is not great for gaming. The only games that will work well are touch based games. The tilt games will be horrible.

Unless you are looking to play chess on a coffee table with the family.


macrumors newbie
Oct 5, 2009
A little. It had been proposed elsewhere that this was the future. Your iPhone would be your wireless internet device. You would pay one bill for this and tether your other devices to the iPhone. In addition, the iPhone would become smaller as you would mostly use it for phone calls and for an internet connection. The iPad would serve as the larger screen when needed. It sounded plausible.

+1 to that! I think iPad tethering would be an ideal solution for most people. That is, they would use it primarily at home, but in the rare case when they need it, they can tether. It would be extremely inconvenient to have to shell out another monthly cost for something that would be so infrequently used.
I also think allowing tethering to iPhones promotes people to buy both products. Apple doesn't force you to get a 3g dongle for laptops, so why restrict tethering on the iPad? I also don't buy the cannibalizing argument. I can not see any people buying an iPad *instead* of an iPhone.. only *in addition* to an iPhone.


macrumors 68040
May 29, 2003
Jailbreaking is not stealing!!!!!


Me to. I don't like to Jailbreak my iPhone 3GS to tether to the iPad. There should be no need to do this. I dont like to steal software or media content.
Jailbreaking in and of itself is not theft. It is unfortunate that some use jailbroken devices to steal software but that does not appear to be the primary or even secondary goal of the jailbreak community at large. Rather the primary goal is an independent development tool chain and the resulant unencumbered programs.

By using MiFi or other like software on the iPhone one could see thatbad a theft of service. The problem of course is that the terms also state unlimited data.

But If I get forced to Jailbreak by Apple (Thanks Apple, Thanks Steve!) - maybe I´m so pissed (cause of all the security issues that come with jail breaking anyway) that I have to try all the other advantages of jail breaking.

First off this has nothing to do with Apple or Steve so direct you attitude at AT&T. Carriers in other parts of the world support tethering in one form or another. In fact shipping iPhone software supports it right now over USB if the carrier profile allows it.

I'm actually wondering if Steve was responding precisely to USB tethering with his NO. In anyevent connecting to a cell phone via WiFi isn't strickly tethering so maybe some carriers won't have a problem. Still people have to realize it isn't an iPad issue but rather a phone issue when ""WiFi tethering"" is discussed.

As to the other benefits of Jailbreaking realize that there is a lot of perfectly legal software out there. You don't have to turn yourself into a thief to benefit from a jailbreak. On the otherhand the security risks are real wnd you need to understand how to avoid the issues.

In my case I don't jailbreak. Frankly it is because of the security risks. Since my cell phone is my only communications device I don't want it screwed up nor do I want to worry about it. I get enough of that from my Linux machines. I have thought about getting a Touch for jailbreaking though.



macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2007
Locked down as much as possible, censored, castrated functionality. It really reminds me of Sony crap.

LOL... Apple probably is the most open minded COMMERCIAL company. They always use standards, they do the contrary only if needed. Apple formats are usually free or even open source formats. Censored? If you are talking about App Store, Apple is doing incredibly good probably you don't ever image the amount of works and problems you encounter with a big project like that, it is impossible to please all anyway.

Sony crap? Sony and Microsoft are very close indeed, but if you can't see the difference from Apple.... you're blind.

Anyway, i agree it would be nice to have thetering on WiFi version. Commercial reason is strong, few would buy 3G version. Anyway iPad is a thing you will use 90% of the time at home with your WiFi, or anyway it is the way i see.


macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2007
As to the other benefits of Jailbreaking realize that there is a lot of perfectly legal software out there. You don't have to turn yourself into a thief to benefit from a jailbreak. On the otherhand the security risks are real wnd you need to understand how to avoid the issues.

I work in an Apple Premium reseller, like 99% of users who jailbroken their phones do that for pirating software and they also pirate softwares that are free on AppStore. it is easy to say things like what you wrote in a internet forum... reality is much more different.


macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2007
First off this has nothing to do with Apple or Steve so direct you attitude at AT&T. Carriers in other parts of the world support tethering in one form or another. In fact shipping iPhone software supports it right now over USB if the carrier profile allows it.

Indeed in my country i use my iphone for thetering on my MBP 13" often, without paying anything extra. It is a carrier choice.
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