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macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Apple fanboys are the most anal retentive people I've ever seen.

I own a bunch of Apple products and have sold so many people on the iPhone and Macs I've lost track of them all, just what is wrong with people??? They take any jokes/criticism of Apple as if you've insulted their mother!


macrumors 6502a
May 22, 2008
Apple fanboys are the most anal retentive people I've ever seen.

I own a bunch of Apple products and have sold so many people on the iPhone and Macs I've lost track of them all, just what is wrong with people??? They take any jokes/criticism of Apple as if you've insulted their mother!

Excacly. To claim this is disrepectful to apple and Jony Ive is surreal. And in case Jon Ive gets sad from the appaling mockery of his lifes work he can take a dollar bill to wipe his tears with. Hes got 130.000.000 of them.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2013
Oh man, some of those were just funny! Nike, McDonald's, all the corporate stuff. Hilarious!

I love Apple products but I found a lot of humor in that post. Parody is great and even the greatest people get parodied.

Made my day and I still like the look of iOS 7 regardless of the laughter. :p


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2013
You can't deny that this is hilarious.



macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2013
Come on, not everyone has the same taste, and not everyone likes iOS7.

And in the same vein, respect that not everyone LIKES it, and accept that this is his opinion - it's mine too - the mockery of Jonathan Ive's work is pathetic and juvenile.

Steve Ballmer

macrumors 6502
Oct 2, 2009
Redmond, WA
Apple fanboys are the most anal retentive people I've ever seen.

I own a bunch of Apple products and have sold so many people on the iPhone and Macs I've lost track of them all, just what is wrong with people??? They take any jokes/criticism of Apple as if you've insulted their mother!

This has been the Apple cult since the beginning. Wasn't that long ago you didn't dare speak poorly of the Apple ][ or the original Macintosh.
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