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macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
I use iOS 3.1.3 on an old but lovely iPhone. For most of 2013, I was only vaguely aware of the name Jony Ive.

I began thinking about his sense of design after stumbling across this, in September 2013:

Jony Ive Redesigns the Solar System by Jynt0 on deviantART


Without thinking about an operating system: I thought the image was beautiful, now I see that the poster described it as intentionally ugly, still I think it's beautiful. It wasn't until a few days ago that I realised the connection between Ive and some of the Apple hardware that I love the most.

Jonathan Ive / Winner of the Design Museum's inaugural Designer of the Year award in 2003 : - Design/Designer Information

From a recent poll concerning the ugliness of pre-release Yosemite:

I've noticed that a number of several of Apple's more senior engineers that apparently disagree with Jonathan Ive end up getting fired. I have to wonder whether this "improvement" known as Yosemite has anything to do with quality and is instead tied completely to one man's enormous ego.

I really don't want to get into verbally bashing any individual.

I am now interested in the departures, and in possible disagreements over design. Without prejudice, and far from a full picture:

I love what's pictured above, I hate the appearance of pre-release Yosemite, I can't draw any conclusions about individuals (I don't know the people personally) and without wishing to bash anyone, I'd like to share my current favourites from the Jony Ive Redesigns Things collection.

Last but not least: Experience the power of a bookbook™

Winona Northdakota

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2010
I use iOS 3.1.3 on an old but lovely iPhone. For most of 2013, I was only vaguely aware of the name Jony Ive.

I began thinking about his sense of design after stumbling across this, in September 2013:

Jony Ive Redesigns the Solar System by Jynt0 on deviantART


Without thinking about an operating system: I thought the image was beautiful, now I see that the poster described it as intentionally ugly, still I think it's beautiful. It wasn't until a few days ago that I realised the connection between Ive and some of the Apple hardware that I love the most.

Jonathan Ive / Winner of the Design Museum's inaugural Designer of the Year award in 2003 : - Design/Designer Information

From a recent poll concerning the ugliness of pre-release Yosemite:

I really don't want to get into verbally bashing any individual.

I am now interested in the departures, and in possible disagreements over design. Without prejudice, and far from a full picture:

I love what's pictured above, I hate the appearance of pre-release Yosemite, I can't draw any conclusions about individuals (I don't know the people personally) and without wishing to bash anyone, I'd like to share my current favourites from the Jony Ive Redesigns Things collection.





Last but not least: Experience the power of a bookbook

I am fairly sure this is bogus. The website you link to is not really Jonny Ive's.


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
An impeccable reply, thanks Joe. Confession: I already knew that the 'title' was 'Sir'.

I got away with it, again – 'title' and 'bar' in a topic about design. In an iOS sub-forum … that's really pushing it :eek: … bad dog, Graham. Bad dog. In your barsket.


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
Someone redesigns sumfink

From One Trend Come Many.


It's, like, Photoshop, but fresh for yo. Content is king. Pixels are precious … we like to call them prixels, and you'll learn more about these in fall 2015. For now, however, with Yosemite it's simply smart 2 save space – think, 'the smallest MacBook Air' when completely redesigning an interface that might be used by creative people with massive and/or multiple displays.

So here it is –

– "Completely new. Completely Mashintosh.", as Apple might say. It's also, neither, and. Space fill. But whilst oozes changesake-freshness.

Little things mean a lot. The little close boxes in the palettes are now aligned, by default, with the repositioned buttons in the combined title/toolbar.

Got a file that someone has named for you? Urgent project for a major client? No problem. YoPhotoSemite follows the fresh approach. As EXIF data is typically more filename-like than a filename, so that data (or anything except the name of the file) is what you'll get in the combined title/toolbar.

Need to see the filename? That's a very traditional, last century approach to Apple watch-friendly computing that competitors might call 'stale' but we aim to purlease so there's the option of showing a tab bar with only one tab in the window.

Want the maximum amount of space for the image? Can do. And adding a tab bar to the interface actually saves space. More prixels for your Retina.

It's not only content that's king with Yosemite. We're less than a day away from 2015, the year when context becomes queen and you wear the crown. Canvlucency – that is, our innovative can-do transparent canvas – allows you to see your treasured desktop pictures (of The Simpsons, maybe) right up there at the same level as your YoPhotoSemite image. For copyright reasons we can't show The Simpsons in this pwewelease so in this screenshot, there's the default black desktop picture for Yosumfinky canvlucing through to the editing window. The reduced space for editing the image allows more – much more – of the desktop picture to bring condepthexture to your creatîf expérience.

Want more? There's one mo thing. We got it – before all the others – and you'll get it –

OS X Nofunity

– just as soon as our shareholders tell us it's ready for release.


Credit to thewap for the genuinely lovely Yosemite UI customisation that surrounds my YoPhotoSemite parody developer preview beta golden mashter. Credit also to thewap for the photograph of the outdoors, which I chose to entitle 'Sundial on a sunny day'.​

Has Jony taken the fun out of OS X? …

I shouldn't place the blame on any one person or group. With that said …


Yosemite? Yes, it's a fun sponge. I want an operating system that can shower me with fun, and Mavericks does a pretty good job.

With Yosemite I have to wring things out. Tepid drips of pleasure in a cold breeze of annoyances. Where's the fun in that? The system does feel unforgiving and … sterile, compared to everything that preceded it.

It's true that before Mac OS X we had the pain of extension conflicts and so on, but those pains were never the result of a developer or designer choosing to make something less user-friendly. Fifteen years of progress later and suddenly Mac users are given:
  • moving targets (see below)
  • a system font that's designed to look great in Retina-only environments
  • reduced contrast
  • abandonment of the title bar for titled content
  • excessive brightness
  • inconsistencies, incoherence, lack of logic
– and so on. The parts that are good are very, very good; the parts that are not are horrid.

Mock the "mock-ups", here...

… what is the dumbest idea you've encountered, so far?

In iOS-like OS X Yosemite: moving targets, most noticeable in Safari 8.x.

Do targets move like that, counterproductively, in any part of iOS 7 or 8? (Tap something, the system responds by moving that thing away away from your finger, so you must then move your finger before continuing with that thing?)


  • YoPhotoSemite.png
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