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macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2020
Colorado Springs
Its interesting. Epic stopped updating their Mac version of Fortnite - which was installed by installing Epic's game store installer from their website (not Apple's App Store). If you launch the game Epic literally lies to the user and says Apple won't allow them to update it (which is totally untrue) - since it's not an Mac App store App, its a direct installer from them.

Over on a windows PC where you can install whatever you want (very libertarian that way) you can see how Fortnite is presented to users from Epic. Now quite a while ago you could just download Fortnite and run it from Epic. But then Epic decided they wanted to make their own Game Store. So they forced Fortnite installs to go through that (so you had to install Epic's Game Store on your PC to install Fortnite). But that wasn't enough, because then Epic made it so you couldn't launch Fortnite (the .exe) by itself (if you do now, it fails to launch) you had to launch it through Epic's Store Program - which always starts up blasting you with advertising for other games. After resetting the Store to Library and launching Fortnite, after exiting the game the Store App is brought back up and set to the Store (not the Library where you left it) blasting you in the face with advertising.

It's a terrible user experience over on the PC and don't want Epic allowed to import that onto our iOS devices (which they most certainly would if allowed). We'll see how it pans out.
Most people still don’t realize that we still have Gaming PC’s to play Fortnite on.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2020
Colorado Springs
That's not how it should be. If you want to do that, start your own company...but I am sure you would take the same stand as Apple is taking. Not trying to be an ass, but Apple is a private company (in the sense that it is not government) It is their system, their hardware, etc. Epic signed a contract with Apple (which, most likely, made them the multi million dollar company that they are) and now they are violating the contractual agreement. I think cost wise, there should be a sliding scale based your sales on the app store. Epic seems to have an issue with Google too as it seems that Google is not happy with them going around the agreed contractual rules either.

This is not about "fairness and dignity" as there is not much fairness and dignity is signing a contract and then violating it when you not longer like it.

Lie I said, I'm not trying to be a D**k here, just talking about "fairness and dignity" If you sign an agreement and no longer like, then approach the other party and try to renegotiate the agreement. Or leave the store. Working in television alone with some IT server stuff, I will say that I can't even begin to comprehend the cost of running Apple's app store, Google's play store or Amazon's AWS. It's got to cost 100's of millions per year between hardware, engineering and utilities.
Why would I want to start my own company and become an entrepreneur. If I were to make a similar game to Fortnight, it would be illegal. I have to ask their permission first and they would probably end up saying no.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2020
Colorado Springs
I disagree. If a majority of the apps are “safe”, apple is within its right to advertise it. It’s interesting the types of thinking that goes on in the forums.
Apple tries hard to make sure apps are safe but some aren’t. TikTok is used as a Chinese Malware Spy App to where they can steal your information and track you down. Facebook sells your information and then it’s pretty much the same.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2020
Colorado Springs
Seems like half of the apps on the Play Store have some kind of malware in them. There was also a study showing that 85% of Android apps send data to Google. Why people want iOS to be like Android in this regard is honestly beyond me. I am absolutely not rooting for Epic ... and the only reason they're in this trial to begin with is because Epic blatantly violated Apple's terms of service.

Edit: I meant send data to Facebook. I'm sure 100% of data is being sent to Google.
Exactly. All the data is sold to Google and random people that we don’t even know where.
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macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
Don't you feel this is inevitable in the long run?
Be it this year, neat year, in 5 years or 20 years.
Having a locked down, closed system, as more and more people join will gain attention and be seen as unacceptable.
I have no strong opinion either way, other than feeling it's only a matter of time or matter of scale before companies are forced to open up closed down platforms.


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
If iOS or Android were ‘opened’ to such an extent that there were multiple app stores and easy ways for developers to install apps without any code checking or moderations we would see:

- millions of infected devices

- millions of very malicious malware injected into apps

- almost every app mass pirated and killing the income of good developer

- people such as journalists tracked and murdered like Kashogi

- your banking apps hacked and your money stolen. When you see malicious people online asking for the phones to be opened they are these thieves.

- more self censorship and fear

- then very quickly the public will scream for Apple and Google to help

- then Apple and Google will be forced to secure the systems and only have one app store again

- if not people will start becoming allergic to smart phones and will use a basic phone with no apps again


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
I will admit I struggle to get onboard with the negative Android viewpoint
Given the vast, and I mean VAST proportion of the entire world using Android.
Do we think this will ever change?


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
They are owned by monopoly Tencent who censors in China.
That makes them no worse than Apple who also censors in China, but I have a feeling you dislike Tencent more than Apple because Apple. Am I right?

Or could it be that they're both following the laws of the countries they're operating in?
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macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
If iOS or Android were ‘opened’ to such an extent that there were multiple app stores and easy ways for developers to install apps without any code checking or moderations we would see:

- millions of infected devices

- millions of very malicious malware injected into apps

- almost every app mass pirated and killing the income of good developer

- people such as journalists tracked and murdered like Kashogi

- your banking apps hacked and your money stolen. When you see malicious people online asking for the phones to be opened they are these thieves.

- more self censorship and fear

- then very quickly the public will scream for Apple and Google to help

- then Apple and Google will be forced to secure the systems and only have one app store again

- if not people will start becoming allergic to smart phones and will use a basic phone with no apps again
If iOS was "open" like macOS, none of that would happen to the extent you describe because we're not seeing that with macOS


macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2001
Moorpark, CA
Are app developers forced to write Apple iOS apps for slave wages? Of course not. Do app developers have other platforms that they can develop on? Yep. It’s called Android. So no, Apple is not a monopoly either. Indeed, Apple doesn’t even have 50% of the cell phone and tablet markets.

I find it rather ironic that other oligopolies like Facebook and Google, oligopolies that regularly interfere in the market of ideological freedom, would be so transparently crass as to accuse others of their own obvious behavior. Of course we have come to expect and even accept such hypocritical behavior from all of our “tech titans” and across a wide spectrum of issues.
They have really taken you in. Epic just does what their Chinese masters TenCent tell them, and there is nothing that TenCent cares less about than fairness and dignity for all developers. All they care about is selling worthless digital rubbish to impressionable kids at a maximum profit.


Apr 23, 2010
Witnesses are less likely to lie in a physical courtroom? The reasoning or evidence behind that? Under oath is under oath.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apple tries hard to make sure apps are safe but some aren’t. TikTok is used as a Chinese Malware Spy App to where they can steal your information and track you down. Facebook sells your information and then it’s pretty much the same.

true and Apple’s guidelines to have apps post what information they take from users within the AppStore.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Why would every app be on the App Store?

Epic wants to have their own application store. If you look on the Android side, hundreds if not thousands of application store exists. And not all apps are on Google's store.

Not every app is on the Apple app store as it is. Of these scenarios, tell me what's better for the consumer:

(1) Not having every app available on Apple's app store and also being prevented from getting them from another source (i.e. the way it is now), or

(2) Not having every app available on Apple's app store but you're able to get the app from another source.

Some apps are not available not because they're malicious but because Apple had to remove them, even when they serve a public good.

Having a lot of options are not great.

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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
But ultimately this is all being played out under the watchful eye of regulators who are already investigating Apples App Store monopoly.

That is the threat to Apple not this suit. This just adds more fuel to the fire of the antitrust cases.

Apple do that too?

In all honesty it will depend on who Regulates the Regulators. If you think Regulators are not influenced by external corporate interests in 2021 I have some Oceanfront Property in AZ to lease you. ;)


macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2019
More Freedom than Yours
Thats more of a negative reflection on your use of TikTok and Facebook. Many of us do not, and have never used those app's.

Many folks have understood that "free" app's need to make their money somehow, and if you use them, you should understand that your personal data and usage information is the vendor's source of revenue. Nothing is free, as money has to be made somewhere in the process. As long as you keep that in mind when selecting the app's and services you choose to use, you should not be surprised or disappointed.....
Bold of you to assume I use social media, I do not use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat etc. Paying with my eyes is not a problem (seeing adverts like here on MR). The average Normie has no clue that they’re being tracked and location data being sold. That’s the problem.
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