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macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2008
Why would I want to start my own company and become an entrepreneur. If I were to make a similar game to Fortnight, it would be illegal. I have to ask their permission first and they would probably end up saying no.
Actually that is not correct.
"In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work."17 U.S. Code § 102.Subject matter of copyright.

Or to put it simply, "Copyright does not protect the idea for a game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it. Nor does copyright protect any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in developing, merchandising, or playing a game. Once a game has been made public, nothing in the copyright law prevents others from developing another game based on similar principles. Copyright protects only the particular manner of an author’s expression in literary, artistic, or musical form." Games (FL108), US Copyright Office, It’s How You Play the Game: Why Videogame Rules Are Not Expression Protected by Copyright Law (American Bar Association)

You can't copy Fortnight verbatim but at long as it is different enough it's legal. Of course as with the whole mess with "King Kong" vs Donkey Kong demonstrates big companies (MCAUniversal in that case) can claim copyrights/trademarks that they don't actually own or don't even exist. Most people don't have the resources or know how to fight such false claims and cave in.
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macrumors 65816
May 31, 2020
Or could it be that they're both following the laws of the countries they're operating in?

So? That has no bearing on the case.

What does having bearing is that foreign dictator regimes want to find ways to break into your phone and bypass privacy controls. They want to force themselves into the deepest parts of your phone to siphon off data that strengthens their regimes if they ever need to target you for your opinions, your thoughts, your journalism.

They want you dead if they don’t agree with you and they want to hack your money. It’s not hard to understand.

Many people disappeared in Hong Kong before it was taken over. They were targeted by phones that didn’t have enough privacy or security against malicious apps. Kashogi was targeted and killed. Bezos was targeted and blackmailed. There are authoritarian governments and extremist groups who are working all day and all night to get into your devices.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 5, 2010
If iOS was "open" like macOS, none of that would happen to the extent you describe because we're not seeing that with macOS

You can't compare it to macOS or Windows since they are operating systems for very different devices in a very different market.

Look at Android and particularly in Asia for a worst case scenario.

Hundres, if not thousands, of application stores, lots of malware infected apps and even some attacks which reach millions of devices.

If you are an app developer for Android and wants to distribute in China it is recommended that you publish in at least 15 app stores. You can easily find lists like "30 most important app stores in China" and similar.


Jul 25, 2007
Why would I want to start my own company and become an entrepreneur. If I were to make a similar game to Fortnight, it would be illegal. I have to ask their permission first and they would probably end up saying no.

If you didn’t call it “fortnight” and didn’t copy the characters, graphics resources, etc., why would it be “illegal?”


Jul 25, 2007
It would be illegal because doing the same stuff would be copying. If I were to put to the same places, same guns, and same skins that would be copying. It doesn’t have to be the name.

I didn’t say just the same name. I said the same graphics resources. But it’s not copyright infringement if everything looks different and otherwise the gameplay is similar. Nobody is suggesting you make an exact copy of the game.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Correct... I won't get apps from the dark corner from the internet. :p

But if such a way was forced into existence... there will be some people who will get apps from those shady stores and have their phones totally compromised by malware.

You know there are hackers waiting to get their unsigned code onto iPhones.
Your fear of what MAY happen shouldn't preclude me from doing what I want to on my devices


macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2008
I didn’t say just the same name. I said the same graphics resources. But it’s not copyright infringement if everything looks different and otherwise the gameplay is similar. Nobody is suggesting you make an exact copy of the game.
Right. There are plenty of examples of this. WoW Pet Battles might as well be the latest in a long list of Pokemon "rip offs" but there is nothing illegal about them. Similarly Peacebloom vs Ghouls is very similar to Plants vs Zombies but no violation is occurring.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Apple isn’t a monopoly in any sector. They sell less iOS devices than Android devices and less macOS devices than Windows devices.

They certainly ARE a monopoly. Don't think so? Ok. Two questions for you:

You bring up Windows & Android. Where can I get apps for those operating systems?

Now where can I get apps for iOS?


macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2008
They certainly ARE a monopoly. Don't think so? Ok. Two questions for you:

You bring up Windows & Android. Where can I get apps for those operating systems?

Now where can I get apps for iOS?
This is nonsense as Epic is saying Google (Android) is a monopoly even though, as you pointed out, there are other options on that platform. Never mind you mentioned Windows; well where do you go for MacOS programs? All over the place. Lot of programs via Github and sourceforge for MacOS. Also there are browser based games that can be played on iOS so there are alternatives.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
This is nonsense as Epic is saying Google (Android) is a monopoly even though, as you pointed out, there are other options on that platform. Never mind you mentioned Windows; well where do you go for MacOS programs? All over the place. Lot of programs via Github and sourceforge for MacOS. Also there are browser based games that can be played on iOS so there are alternatives.
Thank you for proving my point. You can get apps for any of the aformentioned os's anywhere - except for iOS. There is only ONE place to get iOS apps from and that is from the App Store. Web apps are not iOS Apps they're web apps.

iOS is a monopoly as you have just proven
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Jul 18, 2011
They certainly ARE a monopoly. Don't think so? Ok. Two questions for you:

You bring up Windows & Android. Where can I get apps for those operating systems?

Now where can I get apps for iOS?

By your logic, Apple is a monopoly regardless of whether they have sold one iPhone or 1 billion iPhones, because you only install an app via the iOS App Store either way.

Not to mention that Epic is suing Google as well. So clearly they aren’t happy with simply having the ability to sideload apps.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
Yes. I should be able to download WHAT I WANT when I want and from whereever I want. Just like on my Mac, my Windows pc, just like on my Android devices.

You can get apps for any of the aformentioned os's anywhere - except for iOS.

If Apple doesn't provide the features you want in a particular device... you can go elsewhere to find them.

I don't get mad at the Chinese restaurant because they don't serve tacos. :p

The danger is having regulation FORCING companies to do certain things or operate in a certain way. Nobody wants that.

If you're mad at iOS for being the only platform that doesn't do something... then by your admission there are plenty of others that do offer them. Seek them. Enjoy them.

Don't get frustrated by iOS and its limited feature set. Life's too short to be stuck complaining about things like this.


macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2008
Thank you for proving my point. You can get apps for any of the aformentioned os's anywhere - except for iOS.
As I said before by your logic no one should have exclusives ala Origin, Epic, whatever and we should be able to download any game from any service. You cannot have it both ways.


macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Yes. I should be able to download WHAT I WANT when I want and from whereever I want. Just like on my Mac, my Windows pc, just like on my Android devices.

Your sense of entitlement is astounding and not at all supported by case law. No one, not Apple, not Google, not Microsoft, not Bethesda, not Bungie, not Activision, etc. has to give you what you want when you want from wherever you want. Thats just ridiculous.

Its also completely false that this is true on your Mac or your windows PC or your Android device. There are numerous games (and apps) that are exclusive to certain platforms. There are apps that are only available from certain sources. There are apps you can install only on specific devices. Your entire argument is factually, logically, and legally unsupported. Just because you WANT something doesn't mean someone else has to provide it to you or that they should be compelled by law to do so.

But if you REALLY believe thats the way the world should work, fine, put your money where your mouth is, I WANT every single thing you own. Now give it to me. Oh, what's that? You don't like that idea? Too bad, it doesn't matter, its what I WANT therefore I should be able to have it. Not so much fun when its you being forced to do something is it?


Jan 29, 2021
They have really taken you in. Epic just does what their Chinese masters TenCent tell them, and there is nothing that TenCent cares less about than fairness and dignity for all developers. All they care about is selling worthless digital rubbish to impressionable kids at a maximum profit.
Same as Apple does. They do what their master tells them to do.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 13, 2007
Chicago, IL
Correct... I won't get apps from the dark corner from the internet. :p

But if such a way was forced into existence... there will be some people who will get apps from those shady stores and have their phones totally compromised by malware.

You know there are hackers waiting to get their unsigned code onto iPhones.
I doubt opening the store would also open it to unsigned apps. There should be higher standards on the phone that is provided by the App Store, but everything would still be for approved developers.
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