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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 5, 2020
Just wanted to open this thread up so we can share our experiences with the new Logitech Folio Touch. I'm receiving mine on Sunday and will post impressions of it here. It seems exactly like the Combo Touch, in every respect. I just hope there aren't any disconnection issues with this one. Excited to try this keyboard case out, and hopefully it will be solid. If it's not, I'm looking at the serious possibility of dropping the money for the Magic Keyboard. Lap-ability is probably my main concern and I'm not feeling so hopeful about that kickstand. Let's see how it works out.


macrumors member
Apr 28, 2015
This will be my first keyboard of any kind for an iPad. The magic keyboard is too expensive for me, and was waiting patiently for Logitech to release this. I don’t do a lot of typing, but can definitely see the convenience of having a trackpad on my iPad. Looking forward to your thoughts!
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macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
Mine is coming Monday. Already tried and rejected Magic Keyboard. It was too heavy and I thought I could get past the the desktop only use but could not. Currently have Smart folio keyboard, but looking for backlighting and trackpad.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 5, 2020
So, TL;DR: It’s been a dud so far. It’s basically exactly the same as the Combo Touch with the exception of the detachable keyboard. It’s a tank, and definitely provides solid protection. The keyboard is fine, about what you would expect from the slim folio/combo touch and other Logitech keyboards. Lapability is surprising decent, but the footprint seems much larger than the magic keyboard. Biggest problem however is constant disconnection from the Smart Connector. This occurred on a table, on my lap, and it’s just not acceptable. It’s an insta-return, and I might go with the Magic Keyboard after all. Really disappointing, but kind of expected after reading the Combo Touch reviews.

one more

macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2015
Biggest problem however is constant disconnection from the Smart Connector. This occurred on a table, on my lap, and it’s just not acceptable. It’s an insta-return, and I might go with the Magic Keyboard after all. Really disappointing, but kind of expected after reading the Combo Touch reviews.

Weird, ours holds just fine with iPad Air 3. Have you tried putting some hard surface between the bottom of the keyboard and your laps? You just need to go easy on that connection hinge as it is kept in place with magnets. I think that Combo Touch has a more robust build than MK (surfaces, etc.), so should also age better.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2018
Weird, ours holds just fine with iPad Air 3. Have you tried putting some hard surface between the bottom of the keyboard and your laps? You just need to go easy on that connection hinge as it is kept in place with magnets. I think that Combo Touch has a more robust build than MK (surfaces, etc.), so should also age better.

There's no connection hinge as the magnets aren't on the hinge. They're in the case itself as the magnets on the 2018+ Pro's are in the back and not the edge.

Disappointing to hear about the problems.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 18, 2011
Portland, OR
Just got my Logitech Folio Touch delivered.

First off, I am perfectly happy with the Smart Keyboard Folio but really wish it had a backlight. I bought and returned the Magic Keyboard, mostly due to it being a glorified "dock" and not really designed to be moved around much, IMHO.

First impressions with the Logitech Folio Touch is that it's heavy. I believe I saw somewhere it's just barely heavier than the Magic Keyboard. I don't travel with my iPad so not a huge deal but definitely a downside. Keyboard is obviously not up to the great Apple scissor keys but fine enough since I'm not writing a novel on my iPad. One pretty big flaw is the trackpad is the springboard design and very difficult to click in the upper 25% of it.

I truly believe this form factor is what Apple should have come out with and they would have obviously made it much better than the Logitech product, and at a higher price. But feel they didn't want to get criticized for matching the form factor of the MS Surface Pros.

My ideal Apple-made iPad keyboard case:
  • Backlit keys
  • Trackpad
  • Top row function keys
  • Fold keyboard to the back
  • Infinitely adjustable back stand


macrumors member
Apr 28, 2015
Wow that’s disappointing to hear, was looking forward to getting mine on Tuesday/Wednesday. Weight doesn’t matter to me much since I don’t plan on taking it with me on the go, but the disconnection issues and the track quality are not acceptable. Hopefully I’m pleasantly surprised when I get mine.

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macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2015
There's no connection hinge as the magnets aren't on the hinge. They're in the case itself as the magnets on the 2018+ Pro's are in the back and not the edge.

Disappointing to hear about the problems.

On Air 3 it snaps onto the body of the iPad with the entire strip, like this:


one more

macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2015
Yes I know this, which is why I stated the difference. Your suggestion doesn’t apply to the Folio Touch. The keyboard does not detach at all.

I see what you mean now; but then I do not understand this bit, since the Smart Connector is meant to be enveloped quite tightly by the case?

Biggest problem however is constant disconnection from the Smart Connector.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2018
I see what you mean now; but then I do not understand this bit, since the Smart Connector is meant to be enveloped quite tightly by the case?

SJ is just stating that's what's happening because the on-screen Keyboard keeps appearing. It doesn't necessarily mean the disconnection is happening physically. It could be a software issue.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 5, 2020
Yeah, the iPP is very secure in there. It must be a software issue. I’m sadly going to return this guy today.


macrumors 65816
Feb 14, 2009
I’m not a fan
i would miss the Magic Keyboard case extra port for charging, the snap on and off while on the couch and in bed.
Also people make too much of the lack of function keys. I Don’t miss them at all


macrumors 6502a
Aug 12, 2010
England, UK
So, TL;DR: It’s been a dud so far. It’s basically exactly the same as the Combo Touch with the exception of the detachable keyboard. It’s a tank, and definitely provides solid protection. The keyboard is fine, about what you would expect from the slim folio/combo touch and other Logitech keyboards. Lapability is surprising decent, but the footprint seems much larger than the magic keyboard. Biggest problem however is constant disconnection from the Smart Connector. This occurred on a table, on my lap, and it’s just not acceptable. It’s an insta-return, and I might go with the Magic Keyboard after all. Really disappointing, but kind of expected after reading the Combo Touch reviews.
Just got my Logitech Folio Touch delivered.

First off, I am perfectly happy with the Smart Keyboard Folio but really wish it had a backlight. I bought and returned the Magic Keyboard, mostly due to it being a glorified "dock" and not really designed to be moved around much, IMHO.

First impressions with the Logitech Folio Touch is that it's heavy. I believe I saw somewhere it's just barely heavier than the Magic Keyboard. I don't travel with my iPad so not a huge deal but definitely a downside. Keyboard is obviously not up to the great Apple scissor keys but fine enough since I'm not writing a novel on my iPad. One pretty big flaw is the trackpad is the springboard design and very difficult to click in the upper 25% of it.

I truly believe this form factor is what Apple should have come out with and they would have obviously made it much better than the Logitech product, and at a higher price. But feel they didn't want to get criticized for matching the form factor of the MS Surface Pros.

My ideal Apple-made iPad keyboard case:
  • Backlit keys
  • Trackpad
  • Top row function keys
  • Fold keyboard to the back
  • Infinitely adjustable back stand
Thanks for the impressions, guys. I’m currently using an 11” iPad Pro with the MKB. A bit gutted about the poor impressions of this Logitech one. I like the MKB, but I would like the screen to be able to lean back further than it can right now. I suspect there’ll be improvements to a future version of it. I have a Surface Pro 4 which has a kick stand, but I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it as I find it a bit awkward on my lap sometimes. Still, I think it‘s better than the MKB solution. I sometimes find the MKB leaning back on my lap.

EDIT: fixed typos. One thing I’m finding with the MKB is that I’m making a lot more mistakes when typing.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2011
So, TL;DR: It’s been a dud so far. It’s basically exactly the same as the Combo Touch with the exception of the detachable keyboard. It’s a tank, and definitely provides solid protection. The keyboard is fine, about what you would expect from the slim folio/combo touch and other Logitech keyboards. Lapability is surprising decent, but the footprint seems much larger than the magic keyboard. Biggest problem however is constant disconnection from the Smart Connector. This occurred on a table, on my lap, and it’s just not acceptable. It’s an insta-return, and I might go with the Magic Keyboard after all. Really disappointing, but kind of expected after reading the Combo Touch reviews.
Seems like Logitech didn’t learn from their previous gen Slim Folio. I loved it to death except that after a year, it also started losing connection a lot too. The onboard keyboard on the iPad Pro kept on showing up and I had to constantly reattach the keyboard.
More and more grateful for my MK everyday.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 5, 2020
I honestly feel that while the Apple Magic Keyboard is probably the best iPad keyboard case out there, Apple will dramatically improve it over the next several generations. I can just see an improved one releasing when the 14X iPads are released next year. I'm honestly willing to wait it out. I don't really need a device like that and the iPad works quite well with my KB380 and Pebble. Ideally, the next gen of AMK will be compatible with all 11" and 12.9" models from 2018+. That being said, I'll probably buy a current model if it ever drops to $199, which I can definitely see happening around the holiday season.


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2007
I got mine today and so far, I am pretty happy. I have used Logitech keyboards in the past with my tablets, and this one is doing exactly what I want it to do. The track pad is ever-so-slightly taller than that of the Magic Keyboard, which I used prior to this. I feel as though it might be a bit more responsive and requires a lighter touch, which I personally prefer but others may not. In terms of the weight, I found the Magic Keyboard to have a little bit more heft, but if the keyboard provides more functionality and shortcut keys, I am all in. Love the fabric coating, love the angle options, and having that extra iOS set of shortcut keys, for me personally, is pretty important. I'm pretty stoked with this but this is day 1 and I will need to spend more time with it. So far, so good.


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
Got mine yesterday. Now sure I am going to keep it. It is heavy and makes the iPad pro as thick or thicker than my 2020 MBP 13" and feel like it weighs close to same. Note: it is a little lighter but the MBP 13 is better to carry. Still better for more usage than the Apple Magic Keyboard which I previously sent back.

I guess I am spoiled by having the Apple Folio keyboard which only weights 10 oz. (280 g). If only they put a backlight keyboard and trackpad into that! I don't need or want the thick side protection of the Logitech, but need the foldover cover of the Logitech and Apple Folio keyboard
So, TL;DR: It’s been a dud so far. It’s basically exactly the same as the Combo Touch with the exception of the detachable keyboard. It’s a tank, and definitely provides solid protection. The keyboard is fine, about what you would expect from the slim folio/combo touch and other Logitech keyboards. Lapability is surprising decent, but the footprint seems much larger than the magic keyboard. Biggest problem however is constant disconnection from the Smart Connector. This occurred on a table, on my lap, and it’s just not acceptable. It’s an insta-return, and I might go with the Magic Keyboard after all. Really disappointing, but kind of expected after reading the Combo Touch reviews.

I am having no issues with disconnects. I have trouble seeing how you could on 11" iPad Pro. The case is super tight and the way the case squeezes the connectors case dots on the back of the 11" iPad Pro into the tips on the case there is no movement or separation.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2018
Received mine today and typing this reply with it now. Everything is working as it should except for the app. I downloaded it and after it says my firmware is up to date it just displays the app wallpaper with the option to turn on or off the notifications and nothing else. I had to reboot my ipad to make the backlight and other shortcut keys to work.

After all that, I’ve had no issues. I did notice though, if you attempt to pick up the whole setup it will assume you are switching to a mode other than the normal typing mode. So let’s say you’re in the middle of typing something, you pick it up, then the on screen keyboard will pop up because it will let you continue typing in tablet drawing or view mode.

I can see this happening inadvertently if you’re using this on your lap as your setup isn‘t stable. It knows or thinks you’re switching to a different mode. I’m not sure if this is what’s happening to the individual having issues but it’s worth noting.

I was worried about the weight, it is pretty substantial. It’s no problem moving it around the house but I think I’ll put the ipad on the SKF if I’m traveling again. But if I have to bring the FT I wouldn’t exactly dread it.

For this price it’s a no brainer. As I mentioned before it’s cheaper than the SKF so if you need a keyboard I’d recommend the Folio Touch with no hesitation.

Edit: A few notes. If you have any third party USB C Cables or Hubs you might find that the plug itself might not fit thru the case opening. It‘s pretty small as with most bulky cases.

Also, if you don’t want the pesky on-screen keyboard popping up when you’re typing on your lap, just go to accessability-keyboard-then turn on full access. Just be warned that if you go into tablet or drawing mode, and you need to type a quick response, the OS will wait for a hardware keyboard input.
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macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2011
I got mine this evening, and I’m definitely keeping it. This is my first case of any kind I’ve used through three generations of iPads. I’ve only kept my iPad in a cheap neoprene sleeve, so watching video in bed at night has never been quite as enjoyable when always having to hold it up with my hands. And for anything that involves typing, I almost always default to using my MBP. Not anymore.

I’m typing this with it now. It’s fine on my lap whether in bed or on a chair. I don’t mind the kickstand on my legs at all. I feel like I could type for a while like this, even with shorts on. I like the folio‘s key action (my daily keyboard is the Apple wired USB keyboard). If you rest your wrists on the case while typing, some might not like the feel of the case’s edge. It can feel a bit harsh or irritating. It’s probably the least refined aspect of the case, but nowhere near a deal breaker for me. No problem just to lift my wrists a bit off the case.

The track pad feels great. I only use tap-to-click on my laptops so the diving board mechanism doesn’t bother me. Swiping to switch apps works perfectly (iOS 13.6) for me.

Volume and sleep buttons don’t feel like they take too much effort to press.

I was pleasantly surprised by the kickstand’s ability to maintain whatever angle I set it. It’s nice to reliably fine-tune the screen angle.

I was taken aback when first pulled the box out of the delivery package. It was heavy. Logitech’s packaging is heavy, so I was relieved when I actually held just the case. Sure, the combo is heavy compared to a naked iPad, but I don’t mind it a bit. It’s still less cumbersome to carry around than my 15” MBP.

$160 is a lot for me. I was a bit nervous reading the initial reviews, and was preparing to send this back if I didn’t like it. But this case is a no-brainer. I will definitely be getting more use out of my IPad now.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2010
Do keyboard-covers like this one usually last for years? I normally just get one cover for my device hoping they last a long time. My first gen IpadAir from 2013 still has the same cover.
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