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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Over the weekend there were unverified reports that Apple's developer Mac OS X for Intel had been leaked.

Thus far, there is no real evidence that this is actually the case.

One fake OS X has been spotted on the file-trading networks but no actual reports of legitimate seeds. It's not known if the developer Mac OS X Intel will install on a standard PC with the same chipset.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2005
toronto canada
whats the point? if you want osx that bad, spend 70 or so dollars and get a cheap imac. this probably wouldn't even work that well, if its just developers build then you can't update it and there would be a TON of bugs in it


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2003
The Utah Alps
I bet there are PC users who would like to give this a try out of curiosity. However after the curiosity wears off what is the value?


macrumors 68000
May 18, 2003
biohazard_6969 said:
whats the point? if you want osx that bad, spend 70 or so dollars and get a cheap imac. this probably wouldn't even work that well, if its just developers build then you can't update it and there would be a TON of bugs in it

I disagree, I have a few macs, and I'd love to install it on my existing PCs as well. It's not about me being cheap, it's about me wanting MORE macs :)


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
*looks over at the little devil on his shoulder telling him to go find it, download it and install it on his X31 Thinkpad and see what happens.

*looks over at the little angle who is telling him its wrong because you don't have a license and it probably wouldn't work right anyways.*



macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
VicMacs said:
this is not going to happen, not for now, people will try to fool everybody... dont buy it

Yah. why do I doubt that Apple shipped an OS installer CD....well then again what do they do if something they work on blows the system up? I mean it is an early dev system after all....hmmm


macrumors regular
Aug 14, 2003
Seeking this will only:

-Waste your time
-Waste a DVD
-Tick you off.

It's not real. Trust me.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
Unless you can match the x86 dev hardware, it won't run anyway, e.g. GPU, MB chipset, etc.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
SiliconAddict said:
Yah. why do I doubt that Apple shipped an OS installer CD....well then again what do they do if something they work on blows the system up? I mean it is an early dev system after all....hmmm

Also the Mac OS X will still on run on a Mac with the Intel chip inside. Just like the one purchased by premiere developers for $999.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I believe this has been posted to about as many threads as the original Intel rumors were. From what I've read, the ISO "images" out there are just the letters GNAA repeated over and over again. So basically some idiot out there is having a lot of fun watching other idiots waste hours downloading their little prank. Don't be an idiot, don't waste your time.


macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2005
The 2 version sseeded on Bittorrent (Tiger x86 & Mac OS X Tiger x86 Xiso) are fakes. No real version is out there.

The real Tiger x86 will not intall on non-Apple hardware. The real Tiger x86 does not support ANY video card, just the Intel integrated video memory.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
DavidLeblond said:
Don't be an idiot, don't waste your time.

Being coned doesn't have anything to do with being an idiot...Unless you have some magical way of seeing into the ISO online and just knowing that it’s a fake. At least someone took the time to download it and see that it was a fake so the rest of us don't waste our bandwidth but in my case I'm on a T1 so I have bandwidth to spare. :D


macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2003
I'm sure there is a legit copy around.

I have no doubt that a legit copy of this exact OS is around, but I doubt if would be really useful to many people.

It has been said that it runs on a standard P4 system with a standard Intel MoBo and chipset. Does anybody know what MoBos are used? Which Intel Chipset is used? How about the network and sound chips that are used?

Apple would not build support in to a release like this with universal support for all devices. Until we have more details about the hardware used the software is useless.

That bieng said, once those details are released I could see sales for certain motherboards jump on eBay.. Even without support for updates it would still be interesting to use a computer with Dual G5 speeds for the price around a Mini.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
plastique45 said:
The 2 version sseeded on Bittorrent (Tiger x86 & Mac OS X Tiger x86 Xiso) are fakes. No real version is out there.

The real Tiger x86 will not intall on non-Apple hardware. The real Tiger x86 does not support ANY video card, just the Intel integrated video memory.

What would be interesting to find out is if you could install this developer preview of tiger and migrate the drivers over from the final release of 10.4.1 for x86. :confused:


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
Here's a video worth watching:

QT7 is required.

It looks like it *might* be running under Pear PC (he doesn't zoom in on the "About ..." window, so I can't see CPU info), but it's interesting, nonetheless.

The choppy video performance may lend itself to using the "default" drivers for Darwin or OS X on unknown hardware. I'm not sure.

Just thought I'd share. :)


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
ChrisBrightwell said:
Here's a video worth watching:

QT7 is required.

It looks like it *might* be running under Pear PC (he doesn't zoom in on the "About ..." window, so I can't see CPU info), but it's interesting, nonetheless.

No way in hell is that running X nativly. That my friend is a Latitude CS X. Its max CPU is something like 600Mhz. The one I own is 500Mhz. Comes with a Neomagic 8MB onboard graphics and has one unoccupied RAM slot on the base. with a max of 512MB RAM as an upgrade if you rip into the guts of the thing.)
There is NO way in hell that thing will run X either nativly or through a PearPC connection. (Even on my 2.8Ghz system PPC is SLOOOOOOOOW.) You will notice he has a WIFI card on the thing. Betting he's got a VNC session going on there.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
That looks like it may be under PearPC or CherryOS, when I load the about part, I can take a snap of that image, zoom in and enhance it to see what it says.


macrumors regular
Dec 17, 2003
Hell... Wanna join me?
Didn't Steve jobs say Mac OS X was "Processor Independent" doesn't that mean that it can be installed on any processor in lieu of windows?

Doesn't that also mean that emulators should try to emulate the OS instead of the Processor?


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
SiliconAddict said:
You will notice he has a WIFI card on the thing. Betting he's got a VNC session going on there.
I hadn't thought of that, but it's certainly possible. The terrible framerates on the dock animations would lend itself to that.


macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2004
Macrumors said:
Over the weekend there were unverified reports that Apple's developer Mac OS X for Intel had been leaked.

I have no doubt it will be leaked, sooner or later. The current crop of VNC sessions and fake images will give way to a real (i wouldn't say legit) copy some days or weeks down the road.

However, someone will get his ass whipped big time - that Apple does not provide installer DVDs, but delivers the box pre-installed tells me they have watermarked every single OS X/x86. Some fool will have to pay.

That said, my fingers are itching to download it and have a test-drive... I currently don't have the money to buy a select dev membership and the kit, but my hacker soul longs to get it onto a PC.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
shyataroo said:
Didn't Steve jobs say Mac OS X was "Processor Independent" doesn't that mean that it can be installed on any processor in lieu of windows?
There's more than CPU support to running an OS. All of your hardware, including hard drives and the keyboard, has to have proper driver support.

Doesn't that also mean that emulators should try to emulate the OS instead of the Processor?
You're thinking about this backwards. You emulate hardware to allow the OS to run. You don't emulate the OS to match the hardware you've got.

Additionally, despite OS X's processor independence, the shipping packages are built specifically for the PowerPC platform and not for the Intel platform. The Intel code is a separate codebase all-together, I'm sure.

It's like Linux/UNIX/BSD, if you think about it. Those OSes, for the most part, are processor independent (hell, look at NetBSD!). That doesn't mean that the PPC build will run on x86, though, nor is the inverse true. You have to have specific builds (or "fat" builds that support multiple CPUs) for whatever CPU your system is running.

Here's hoping I answered more questions than I created. :)


macrumors 68040
When I was at WWDC I was so close to plugging my firewire drive into one of the demo machines and running ditto across it. Discretion being the better part of valor and the possible repercussions convinced me not to.

I wouldn't be surprised if it does just work on generic Intel hardware. Remember though there may not be drivers for peripheral X or video card y.
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