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macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
I don't think so ... I thought the Ipod would revolutionize the way we interact with our music.
The iPod didn't revolutionize how we interact with our music, iTunes + iTMS + syncing did. They're not going to sell tens of millions of Airs, but if they sell enough to recoup their R&D costs and lure in a few more switchers, it'll be a success. Some of that miniturization R&D will be applicable to other projects as well Not a lot of people buy the top of the line Mercedes sports car either, but it exists.


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2005
Who wants to take bets that the OP will buy a Air after a few revisions?

If it not for you, do not buy it. Go buy your macbook pro or macbook.

I already have a Macbook Pro 17" and so an air would be perfect for me.

Macbook Air won't die for at lease a year.


macrumors regular
Jan 21, 2008
The MB air is definately a niche product. Its in the niche of costing a ton of money and serving no useful purpose. (ahem Lisa, Ahem, Apple III, Ahem Powermac Cube)

If you dislike it so much why talk about it? Usually when people don't like a new product they just keep looking at and buying what they like and let well enough alone. Also, as far as I know, no laptop in the Modern Steve Jobs Era has failed, although they may have changed names/styling a bit. Quit being so negative, it is because of people like you that technology is so slow to evolve into what it should have been a while ago. Face it: the CD is on its way out, Microsoft is shaking in its boots for the first time since Win95 and we may never see a winner in the HD DVD War (Barring some interference from the FCC), but we move on. Most major software developers are already offering direct downloads of their offerings, and that wont stop anytime soon. You probably haven't paid for music in 3 or more years much less bought a CD. Bluetooth and WiFi are just about everywhere, including in cars that already offer direct links for iPods. And once they finally standardize WiMAX we will never have to worry about wireless internet again. I will agree that I wish it had a FW port, but I don't really need it and thusly I don't whine like a punk. So please, quit B****ing about the MBA just because you miss the 12" PowerBook G4 and this engineering masterpiece doesn't quite live up to your dreams. And for God's sake spell definitely right!


macrumors 65816
Jan 11, 2008
I think the MBA is awesome. They pushed the thin portable notebook beyond anyone else so far. That's what I love about Apple. They aren't afraid to take risks, knowing they may or may not be very successful with every single attempt. The products they do produce are excellent *and* aesthetically pleasing. Some of their items are more appealing to me than others, but that doesn't motivate me to criticize a product merely because I personally have no real use for it. Even if I don't personally know anyone who is planning to purchase the item, I don't have the audacity to pretend I work in Apple Marketing and Research, and have knowledge beyond a mere guess to predict how well their products will succeed. The level of arrogance in this community is astounding. Fortunately, it's not the attitude of all members here, but some just amaze me with their snarky attitudes and elitist mentality. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Problem solved.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
If you dislike it so much why talk about it? Usually when people don't like a new product they just keep looking at and buying what they like and let well enough alone. Also, as far as I know, no laptop in the Modern Steve Jobs Era has failed, although they may have changed names/styling a bit. Quit being so negative, it is because of people like you that technology is so slow to evolve into what it should have been a while ago. Face it: the CD is on its way out, Microsoft is shaking in its boots for the first time since Win95 and we may never see a winner in the HD DVD War (Barring some interference from the FCC), but we move on. Most major software developers are already offering direct downloads of their offerings, and that wont stop anytime soon. You probably haven't paid for music in 3 or more years much less bought a CD. Bluetooth and WiFi are just about everywhere, including in cars that already offer direct links for iPods. And once they finally standardize WiMAX we will never have to worry about wireless internet again. I will agree that I wish it had a FW port, but I don't really need it and thusly I don't whine like a punk. So please, quit B****ing about the MBA just because you miss the 12" PowerBook G4 and this engineering masterpiece doesn't quite live up to your dreams. And for God's sake spell definitely right!

I can spell defintaly however I want, definitely, definity, defanitopolis.

Down with MB Air!!!!


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2007
II don't have the audacity to pretend I work in Apple Marketing and Research, and have knowledge beyond a mere guess to predict how well their products will succeed.

Let's see.. the Newton, Mac Cube, Mac Mini

Could the MBA go into that group? Perhaps..


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
In all seriousness, I am being half hearted and am punching buttons a bit. What is disturbing to me is how cultish the Apple following has become. It seems like so long as it comes from Apple computer and from the mouth of Jobs it is right and all is good. It is a bit disturbing mind you. What is more disturbing is that when someone tries to express an opinion that is even slightly negative towards apple, they get bashed.

I have been using apple products for more than 22 years (boy I am old), and I think they make great products and that Steve Jobs is a great idea person and has done well for the company. But that is the point, it is just a company which makes computer products. That's all. I don't understand this cult like following.

Defintaly or is it Definitely?

For those who buy the MB Air, enjoy.


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2006
don't feed the troll!!


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macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2004
In all seriousness, I am being half hearted and am punching buttons a bit. What is disturbing to me is how cultish the Apple following has become. It seems like so long as it comes from Apple computer and from the mouth of Jobs it is right and all is good. It is a bit disturbing mind you. What is more disturbing is that when someone tries to express an opinion that is even slightly negative towards apple, they get bashed.

I have been using apple products for more than 22 years (boy I am old), and I think they make great products and that Steve Jobs is a great idea person and has done well for the company. But that is the point, it is just a company which makes computer products. That's all. I don't understand this cult like following.

Defintaly or is it Definitely?

For those who buy the MB Air, enjoy.

It's been like this since he came back in '97, even before that look at the NeXT lovers, people will always love the words that come out of his mouth. He's been on fortune and man of the year more than anyone else.

Not saying the products are all for the people, if they were they would be free. They do the best they can with the market they are selling to. I bought a MB air, I can't wait for it, it will fill my void since it's actually a mobile computer.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2004
Tucson, AZ
I have a feeling that someday this thread (and all others related to the MBA) may be remembered as the infamous thread 500.

By the way, if some of you want a good laugh, then read that thread.

Oh wow-- what a screaming laugh riot.

Funny how you could just substitute MBA for iPod and completely recreate some of the "MBA sucks" threads that are all over the forums.

Some people really need some new material -- or at least a new crystal ball.



macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2006
Peterborough, nr London
MBA lack of DVD is a problem

I commute 85 miles (each way) every working day by train, it takes between 45 to 55 minutes. whilst on the train I can access my emails, do some work and (importantly) watch a DVD when I am sick of work and want to chill out. I carry my MBP with me everywhere and would welcome a lighter and slimmer laptop, but not being able to watch DVDs makes it worthless.:(


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2004
Tucson, AZ
I commute 85 miles (each way) every working day by train, it takes between 45 to 55 minutes. whilst on the train I can access my emails, do some work and (importantly) watch a DVD when I am sick of work and want to chill out. I carry my MBP with me everywhere and would welcome a lighter and slimmer laptop, but not being able to watch DVDs makes it worthless.:(

Rip your DVDs and load them on the harddrive -- I use my iPhone to relax with on the train and just load it up in the AM with what I want to watch.



macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2004
I commute 85 miles (each way) every working day by train, it takes between 45 to 55 minutes. whilst on the train I can access my emails, do some work and (importantly) watch a DVD when I am sick of work and want to chill out. I carry my MBP with me everywhere and would welcome a lighter and slimmer laptop, but not being able to watch DVDs makes it worthless.:(

Exactly, the MB air could be considered the flagship product for the iTunes movie rentals.

All your movies should be digital downloaded thru the store, forget dvd's (at least in apple's minds)


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2004
I have 200 - 300 DVDs, I'm not that organised and usually grab a DVD whilst running out the door. I have never ripped a DVD, but it sounds like it would take time (and trouble)

Well then, if you really like the macbook air, sounds like you'd be a good candidate for the external superdrive accessory.

Everyone got mad when they phased out the floppy drives, but nobody is complaining now. It takes companies like Apple to pioneer the way of change in technology. This could be the way of the future. It could be risky and not pay off, and it could be something in 3 years that we look back on and wonder why?


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2005
In all seriousness, I am being half hearted and am punching buttons a bit. What is disturbing to me is how cultish the Apple following has become. It seems like so long as it comes from Apple computer and from the mouth of Jobs it is right and all is good. It is a bit disturbing mind you. What is more disturbing is that when someone tries to express an opinion that is even slightly negative towards apple, they get bashed.

I have been using apple products for more than 22 years (boy I am old), and I think they make great products and that Steve Jobs is a great idea person and has done well for the company. But that is the point, it is just a company which makes computer products. That's all. I don't understand this cult like following.

Defintaly or is it Definitely?

For those who buy the MB Air, enjoy.

Jobs says lots of things and there are a lot of apple stuff out there but you do not see me buying them. I skip their displays for a gateway, iphone for a Windows Mobile Phone and have not bought a desktop from them in 10 years.

It just that the air hit the sweet spot for me.

And thanks, I will enjoy my Macbook Air.


macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2006
Peterborough, nr London
Well then, if you really like the macbook air, sounds like you'd be a good candidate for the external superdrive accessory.

Everyone got mad when they phased out the floppy drives, but nobody is complaining now. It takes companies like Apple to pioneer the way of change in technology. This could be the way of the future. It could be risky and not pay off, and it could be something in 3 years that we look back on and wonder why?

Dual - You clearly have never commuted carrying all those bits around. And what on earth would be the in swapping a MBP for a thinner MPA and then lugging around a separate drive, it would lose its purpose. SHEER MADNESS!!!!


macrumors member
Dec 25, 2007
I predict the MBAs date of ideath being....July of this year...don't expect this thing to survive through the summer. Sure they made this convienent little laptop, but we're still in the age of DVDs, people aren't ready to buy something that only deals with digital information. How is having to upload all your dvds and **** onto the small*** HD convenient?


macrumors 68000
Jan 28, 2006
In persona non grata
It takes companies like Apple to pioneer the way of change in technology. This could be the way of the future. It could be risky and not pay off, and it could be something in 3 years that we look back on and wonder why?

This is exactly what I was thinking about the MBA, it's not about where the laptop is today, it's the first view of what the laptop may be in 5-10 years. This is forward looking,"think different" stuff. Not everyone gets it. :p
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