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macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
screensaver400 said:
First, Spotlight initial indexing is way to slow. Tiger was freshly installed on this machine late Saturday, and it's still doing indexing. Currently, it says 22 hours left, but it said 4 hours left on Sunday.

I've found that if you just let the computer index and do NOTHING ELSE, it will finish quickly. The system seems to throttle back indexing to virtually nothing when you're trying to do anything at all on the machine. I'd assume this is to keep the machine from feeling slow fresh out of the box.

Anyhow, disable sleep and let the 'book run for several hours just indexing with all other apps closed, it should be indexed in no time.



macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2005
Its been on straight since early Monday now, with no sleep. I have been using it, but its had two nights now to work nonstop. Currently, its said 13 minutes left for 3 hours... It just went to 14 minutes left.


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Southern California
skythefly13 said:
If anyone would like to do the math for me, He promised us in the 1H of 2005.

If anyone knows the exact middle date of the year, then Post it...

The exact midpoint of the year is 12 noon on the 183rd day (when exactly 182.5 days, or half of 365, have elapsed). This is 12 noon on July 2nd.

Also, Once you find the middle date of this year, then find whats halfway between that.


This would be when 91.25 days have elapsed. March 31st is the 90th day, so 1.25 days later is 6:00 am on April 2nd. There you go!


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2003
I'm hoping for a distant release...

I hope they drag it out as long as possible and make it a solid release. Just over the last two years since I've been in the "Mac thing", Apple has been slowly loosing the integrity of their initial software releases. I hate it when the rush just to meet a release date. I'd rather wait an extra six months and get some top grade software.

Part of my feelings on this are related to iLife 05'. iDVD 5 is practically unfit for use, and it's an embarrassment that Apple ever published it in it's current state. When users are reporting blatant repeatable problems in the most obvious areas, you start to wonder if they even tested there software before selling it!

I know Panther was a little like this, so I hope they just take their time and get back to the "Apple quality" we once knew. It would be a shame if they didn't.


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Southern California
TigerPRO said:
Part of my feelings on this are related to iLife 05'. iDVD 5 is practically unfit for use, and it's an embarrassment that Apple ever published it in it's current state. When users are reporting blatant repeatable problems in the most obvious areas, you start to wonder if they even tested there software before selling it!

Oy. I've felt the same way about iDVD 4, at least when running on a G5. I've experienced numerous crashes, and other times it simply goes out to lunch when encoding. Searches of Apple's support forums and the web in general confirm that this is a common issue on G5s. It does work quite a bit better on G4s for some reason.

If this is true about iDVD 5, it sounds like maybe Apple needs to give the iDVD team a kick in the pants to get them on track! I've held off on upgrading to iLife 05 because I just haven't had time to get back to my movie stuff, and this certainly doesn't encourage me to do it any sooner.

Agree on the sentiment that they shouldn't rush Tiger. I'd rather have a little bad press from slipping the release (hey, how many times has Longhorn slipped?) than a ton of bad press from a buggy release.
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