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AJ Muni

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
It came out today here in the US, and I picked it up and I must say its a crazy/fun game. The only experience I had with strikers before, was playing the game cube version about a year ago in a gamestop store, and thinking to myself wow this game is crazy. I thought about getting it then, but then saw it was coming out for the wii so i held off. Did anyone else buy it? Anyone wanna exchange friend code(s) so we can play?


Jan 18, 2005
I've got it, it's embarassing to think that so many people are going to overtake me on this game :eek: I only play multiplayer - haven't touched single yet. I'll get my code later and expect to get owned.

Head start? What head start? :D


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
I've got it, it's embarassing to think that so many people are going to overtake me on this game :eek: I only play multiplayer - haven't touched single yet. I'll get my code later and expect to get owned.

Head start? What head start? :D

The codes are regionalized just like the game. Yay Nintendo! They are well on their way to screwing themselves in online play again.

They need to have a single account/ID that lets you play any wi-fi game, this code crap is just that.. crap.

I'll boot up the game in a few, hopefully its as good as the reviews have made it out to be.



Jan 18, 2005
Friendly matches are casual matches in which players can go up against their friends. Unlike the ranked matches, the unranked matches use the friend code system, are not region specific, and there is no point system involved for winning or losing matches.

Random match= region.
Friends= any region.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2004
Mac since 7.5
Curious to hear what y'all think of this game. Already have Striker for the 'cube, and not sure I need another edition for $50.

AJ Muni

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
Curious to hear what y'all think of this game. Already have Striker for the 'cube, and not sure I need another edition for $50.

Well so far this game has been outta hand. I don't kno if the cube version has online play, but the wifi on the wii makes it real fun. I thought I was doing alright, winning about 3 out of 4 matches..and I just got my ass kicked 15-2. I think over at ign they have a pretty good comparison to the cube version. So far it's been fun, and it seems like a game that'll be real fun, and I wont get bored of anytime soon..


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
What? Sorry, I've been too busy playing.

This game freakin' rocks for multiplayer. I got a friend over to play co-op through the first cup.

Jimmi; on single player you can have friends on your team. So try out single player :D That's how you unlock multiplayer stages and characters!


Jan 18, 2005
Yea, multiplayer = rocks. It's done the unthinkable and shunned Smash Bros Melee off the multiplayer thrown (for me at least). I'm going to try and get Caroline into it tomorrow since my sisters away at the moment (she's 15 and amazing at this. We're balanced. Something has levelled the playing field for sure).

What are all your fave teams? I just stick with Mario/Luigi, with Toad, Koopa Trooper and Birdo.


macrumors 68020
Jul 3, 2003
The game is slightly more psychotic than the GameCube version, if you have played that one. Everything has been improved: better AI, customizable sidekicks, better arena selection, arenas that affect you and your opponent's abilities, goalie control mini-game for Charged shots.

The AI in the single player modes are definitely putting up more of a fight. The challenge mode actually gets difficult, and the first cup starts off slightly difficult. They had me on the edge at moments. I think it comes from the addition of the evasion abilities when you have the ball. The arenas might change up your strategy up a little. The goalie mini-game is kind of decent. I just think it would've been cooler to hold your arms with the nunchuck and Wii remote and block shots that way.

Online was pretty lag-free as long as you're above 4 stars (or is that the highest?). I played three series, lost all three, but there was no lag for the first, lag for the second, and lag in the beginning but it disappeared for the third. Online is insane. People are ridiculously good. It boggles my mind. I beat people to a pulp in the GameCube version, but on the Wii, I got 2 wins in those 9 matches. :(

You know, I'm glad there's no voice-chatting enabled in Wii games. Strikers is one of those games where you really want to yell out obscenities at your opponents... :)

Friend Code: 425308-477929, Mii: Charles. I'm likely be on in the afternoon (US EST) on weekdays.

AJ Muni

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
Online question: Is it like MP: Hunters where it searches for opponents for you or are there rooms you can go into and play?


No rooms tony..If you don't play with a friend, they'll find someone for you. Reminds me of mario kart ds.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
Game kicks ass.. especially online! Me and my brother have been going at it for the past couple of hours. Wish there was a way to communicate with him though. Haven't played a ranked match yet though. Here's my game code: 386653 780449

Do we have to have each others' console #s for this to work? Anyhoo, if you add me, let me know so I can add you too!


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
Game kicks ass.. especially online! Me and my brother have been going at it for the past couple of hours. Wish there was a way to communicate with him though. Haven't played a ranked match yet though. Here's my game code: 386653 780449

Do we have to have each others' console #s for this to work? Anyhoo, if you add me, let me know so I can add you too!

Added! I'm 532682 681760.

Added Applekid too.


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
dang too bad i have to wait until september to add you guys since i'm currently playing with my brothers console and not mine

my fav team is waluigi, birdo, bohoo and zombie-koopa (what's the english name ? )

i personally like to have a fast team and waluigi provides that extra defense value with those long tackles
weak point is that in terms of shooting you are depending a lot on Birdo and on your own game reading skills for keeping opponent under pressure

another good combo is 2 birdo, 1 zombie and peach

and if you want to shoot blindly replace peach with the big ape ;)


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
Where do you find said code?

Ill post mine tonight when i get home if i can figure out where it is :eek:

Overall I'm impressed, its a pretty fun game :)


Go to see your friends list, it's written on top of the screen.

It's all about the multiplayer...
The only improvement I can think of would be if there was some way to communicate with the opponent as you kick their behind.

AJ Muni

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
I added all of you that provided your code in here as well (3 friends)..and my code is

373768 856606

This game is so bad ass!!


macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
Avg Ratio: 79% - Based On 22 Media Outlets


j/k - I will be picking this one up (just as soon as I get another Wii)

Well, the weaknesses most people point out in Strikers have to do with the single player game - multiplayer is pretty much universally praised. Lair's criticism stems from poor controls and unoriginality. =)


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2005
Must save money for tuition and books....
Must save..
Resist temptation to buy....


Oh and by region do you mean like UK, Europe, USA? Or by more localized regions?


macrumors 68020
Jul 3, 2003
They need to do a better job recording wins. I won 2 games, but I had a login error after the game was over, so it never got added :(

Kicked that newb's rear...


macrumors 65816
May 31, 2006
New York
... zombie-koopa (what's the english name ? )

I think it might be Dry Bones? I don't know. I don't have the game, but it sounds like this guy:

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