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AJ Muni

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 4, 2005
sup guys...hey is it me, or does logging into multiplayer take forever? It takes a good 2-3 minutes for me while it "gets statistics" and what not...Is the same happening to you?


Jan 18, 2005
No more than 15-25 seconds here. Which is mad on a 512kbps connection for something to actually work fast.


macrumors newbie
Aug 1, 2007
sup guys...hey is it me, or does logging into multiplayer take forever? It takes a good 2-3 minutes for me while it "gets statistics" and what not...Is the same happening to you?

Yep ... same is happening to me over here ... friend code is 313639340463 ... anyone up for a game or two? Let me know here, so I can enter your code in as well.



macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
sup guys...hey is it me, or does logging into multiplayer take forever? It takes a good 2-3 minutes for me while it "gets statistics" and what not...Is the same happening to you?

Had it happen once, switched to a different Mii and it worked fine.


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
We should have a tournament on this. I've eaten all my opponents alive so far (Chibianh and Ed H :) ). Fun times! :D


macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
So yeah, my friend picked this up yesterday for a going-away party for my other close friend.

We played it non-stop from around 11:00 until 4:00 in the morning. It is probably the most sheer, ridiculous fun I can remember having in years. Fantastic game.


Jan 18, 2005
Anyone else find themselves turning off the mega strikes (whatever they're called) and items? It's actually a very brilliant football game once you jump past all the Nintendoified stuff too.


macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
Anyone else find themselves turning off the mega strikes (whatever they're called) and items? It's actually a very brilliant football game once you jump past all the Nintendoified stuff too.

I think the items and strikes are hilarious. If your team is properly balanced then your opponents shouldn't get off a megastrike more than once a game - it just takes a long time.

I've heard some people complain that the game seems random, but it's really anything but. You have to balance ball possession with the risk of fouling your opponents and giving them items, etc. There's skill to it.


macrumors regular
May 19, 2005
I was holding out on this game.... The last incarnation didn't look that interesting, and this one wasn't really getting my interest, either. However, all these recommendations, and all these MR folks playing has really gotten me considering it!

Better multiplayer than SSBM? That's hard to believe, but it's that the kind of talk that gets me interested. :) And an online Wii title at that!


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
I skipped the first game too, but this sequel is utterly spectacular. Must buy IMHO if you've got friends. Single player is just there as filler, but online play is awesome.


macrumors regular
May 19, 2005
I skipped the first game too, but this sequel is utterly spectacular. Must buy IMHO if you've got friends. Single player is just there as filler, but online play is awesome.

Sounds good. :) Did I ever play MK DS against you, Praxis? I played a few people on the board, but match races just weren't enough to keep me interested. If they would have thrown in GP and battlemode, now that would have kept me hooked.


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
Better multiplayer than SSBM? That's hard to believe, but it's that the kind of talk that gets me interested. :) And an online Wii title at that!

if you have friends with roughly equal skill it is better... luckily me and my friends all are very close in skill and thus every game gets heart wrecking exciting

overall i would say that the playing field is more equal compared to smash brothers

and if you get too many super strikes incoming then you should reconsider your team and go for a more defensive one .. i perhaps get 1-2 with rather low amount of balls and get perhaps to shot 1-2
but we also had games with not a single super strike


Jan 18, 2005
Maybe we don't know how to play it properly yet, but in our games the only time you get a super strike is by being either Mario or Luigi and using that giant mushroom item. It has never happened otherwise. The captain is always tackled before that bar pops up.


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
Maybe we don't know how to play it properly yet, but in our games the only time you get a super strike is by being either Mario or Luigi and using that giant mushroom item. It has never happened otherwise. The captain is always tackled before that bar pops up.

well all special attacks are valuable: with walugi you can form a box with his special attack so that nobody can tackle you

also of course the star can also be a life saver

without items, etc it's hard but still possible if the enemy is too confident or makes some error


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2006
I rarely even beat the computer past the first cup...but I go long stretches between matches...that's a fun game though.



macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
Maybe we don't know how to play it properly yet, but in our games the only time you get a super strike is by being either Mario or Luigi and using that giant mushroom item. It has never happened otherwise. The captain is always tackled before that bar pops up.

It's a matter of cover. Generally (we were playing 2v2) you have your teammate bite the bullet by hitting any players that might be nearby, giving you just enough time to get off a megastrike - this was typically how it worked when we used Daisy and Waluigi. It becomes a balance between giving the other team items and getting the points.

Hammer Bros.' special strike is absolute money, though. My goodness.

And yeah, the game can get nail-bitingly, hysterically intense with two well-matched teams. One match we spent 7 minutes (!) in sudden death before one of us managed to eke out a point. It was fantastic.


Jan 18, 2005
Cool, I'll have to try that. I always have a Hammer Bros guy in my team, and Toad. They work so well together IMO.


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
Cool, I'll have to try that. I always have a Hammer Bros guy in my team, and Toad. They work so well together IMO.

ever tried to jump over the golie with toad and walk into the goal? if you can pull that off in sudden death at a party it's all the rage i promise you that

that said i prefer birdo + boohoo in offense since birdo is somehow feeling faster than hammer bros to me (which is of course all mind tricks)


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
Jimmi, if nobody's getting Megastrikes, how about you try playing against me and see what happens? :D

My team is:

1) Toad
Fast, short range hitter; he can jump over the goalie if perfectly timed. If the opponent's defense is too good to get in a charge shot I just have toad run for it. He's also my primary defense since he's fast enough to catch anyone.

2) Birdo
Long range hitter; Birdo's charge move can score a goal from the center of the stage, if no one is in the way. I usually do my best to knock down everyone and give Birdo a free shot.

3) Hammer Bros.
Best defense, and medium range; if you get just the right distance from the goalie, you can score every time you get a charge shot as your hammers knock him out while you kick the ball in. And his defensive attack is KILLER. The sheer amount of mayhem it causes sometimes causes people to get scared and back off, giving you a second to charge.

I use Peach for speed.

Also, Waluigi has a very cheap way of pulling off megastrikes. You can use Waluigi Wall to put a wall around you and start charging within that wall.
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