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macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
So, we have an "Everything X-Men" thread and we're all clearly complete nerds, so here's a thread for discussing the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We are well into the universe already, but arguably the biggest Marvel character has yet to have a full film.

The MCU films upcoming are as follows

Thor: Ragnarok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Captain Marvel
Untitled Avengers sequel
(Formerly Infinity War: Part 2)
Spider-Man: Homecoming 2

We're at an interesting point in the universe where some of the original characters are becoming a bit worn out. Iron Man, Captain America seem to be taking a step back and Marvel is bringing out a fresh and diverse cast of characters.
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macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
I felt the same way. He was great in Civil War in a small dose. It makes me worry how Marvel is going to treat Spider-man. However, Tom Holland looks like the best of the Spider-man actors. Tobey McGuire was okay, Andrew Garfield was completely out of character. Tom Holland appears to fit the role of Spider-man as he was intended.


Sep 10, 2009
I saw the teaser earlier today on TV. It looks interesting but I feel the young actor looks like a young teenager. I was surprised to find out he was 22 or thereabout. As I've said before, I don't do comics and find the movies silly, but occasionally I'll watch one if it sounds interesting. The WWII Captain America was rather good, IMO.

I'll be honest, 2017 is shaping up to have some excellent film. 2016 was drawn out and it is boring. The upcoming film releases this month and in January 2017 leave a bad taste in my mouth. Too much science fiction junk and too many badly written dramas.

I watched Cafe Society this morning because I read it was amazing. It was boring and so cliche. I hate Eisenberg, too. To me, Eisenberg is the backup you'd call in if Samberg wasn't available. I can't wait until Dunkirk.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I enjoyed Ant Man.

The Punisher (2004) thumbs up.

The first two Tobey McQuire Spider Man movies are among the best Marvel vehicles ever produced. I don't care for the reboot.

Daredevil, a stinker, redeemed by the Netflix series.

The first Thor was outstanding. The second, ehh.

I have yet to see an Avenger movie worthy of purchase. I like action, but prefer stories that allow for more character development.

Fantastic Four, ehh.

IronMan 1 & 2- thumbs up.

Jessica Jones (Netflix)- worth watching.

Luke Cage (Netflix)- on the edge of worthiness. ;)

Eventually I'll see Dr Strange.

Although not Marvel, I have to mention Hellboy (Dark Horse)- outstanding!


macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
I saw Dr. Strange and I will say Marvel needs to lay off the straight origin stories. I would prefer a movie where we just assume the hero has their powers. We all know the story for almost all of them.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I saw Dr. Strange and I will say Marvel needs to lay off the straight origin stories. I would prefer a movie where we just assume the hero has their powers. We all know the story for almost all of them.

Not always the case, the Wolverine Origins story did not do this, instead it briefly flashed through Wolverine's exceedingly long life starting in the 18th or 19th century, hard to tell, which I honestly don't know if there is a comic basis for this, then launched into the defacto story of Wolverine as a mercinary and his first association with Colonel Stryker associating with mutants. I think there was a wolverine Origins comic but have not read it, but I'm confident Sabertooth is not his brother. :)


macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2010
Yea, they are not brothers in the comics. I also don't think many people know the origins of Say Dr. Strange or Ant-Man. If they want to expand the universe, they need a few origin stories. They may have found a way around that with Black Panther being in Civil War.
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macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Yea, they are not brothers in the comics. I also don't think many people know the origins of Say Dr. Strange or Ant-Man. If they want to expand the universe, they need a few origin stories. They may have found a way around that with Black Panther being in Civil War.

As someone who knew very little of Ant Man, the first one was an outstanding intro into the franchise. The balance has to be showing how the person came to be, but integrate it into a good story demonstrating his skills and dealing with a bad guy. In this regard, the first Spider-Man (vs Green Goblin) was supreme.



macrumors 65816
Aug 4, 2010
As someone who knew very little of Ant Man, the first one was an outstanding intro into the franchise. The balance has to be showing how the person came to be, but integrate it into a good story demonstrating his skills and dealing with a bad guy. In this regard, the first Spider-Man (vs Green Goblin) was supreme.


I don't think Sony knew what they wanted to do with the franchise. I would wager that they wanted to grow the universe like the MCU, but licensing would get in the way. The new partnership seems to make sense. And they must be all in having Mr. Stark usher the new character into the fold. Lol


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
We are well into the universe already, but arguably the biggest Marvel character has yet to have a full film.

I love what we've already seen of Spiderman, and what this trailer shows. The casting is right on, it's tonally about perfect, it appears that they're just moving on with the character, post origin (though I'd assume a flashback or two just to fill in the 3 or 4 people who don't know his origin :D).

Also ... mechanical web shooters. I know, I know, they were organic at some point, in some universe and/or retconned but MY Spiderman has MWS :D

The first Raimi Spiderman was good, Defoe was a terrific Green Goblin - his costume not so much - Tobey was good, how he embraced and enjoyed his powers was perfect, a little angsty, but mostly right. The Raimi Spiderman is fantastic, great execution on the villian (Alfred Molina was perfect and tragic, the design/visualization was awesome). The 3rd, yikes, no comment.

The reboot with Garfield got a bunch of things right too, MWS, his quips/humor, enjoyment of his powers, the FX were much better (there was better sense of mass), but they made him too angsty, too cool, the lizard was handled OK, the whole new backstory (assuming that was original to the movie and not a comic thing I haven't read) was WTF. The Garfield sequel was mostly terrible, just a big chaotic mess of FX, villains, confusing motivations.

This seems to be taking the best of both series and injecting it into the cohesiveness of the MCU with fun supporting characters. *boom*
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macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
I love what we've already seen of Spiderman, and what this trailer shows. The casting is right on, it's tonally about perfect, it appears that they're just moving on with the character, post origin (though I'd assume a flashback or two just to fill in the 3 or 4 people who don't know his origin :D).

Also ... mechanical web shooters. I know, I know, they were organic at some point, in some universe and/or retconned but MY Spiderman has MWS :D

The first Raimi Spiderman was good, Defoe was a terrific Green Goblin - his costume not so much - Tobey was good, how he embraced and enjoyed his powers was perfect, a little angsty, but mostly right. The Raimi Spiderman is fantastic, great execution on the villian (Alfred Molina was perfect and tragic, the design/visualization was awesome). The 3rd, yikes, no comment.

The reboot with Garfield got a bunch of things right too, MWS, his quips/humor, enjoyment of his powers, the FX were much better (there was better sense of mass), but they made him too angsty, too cool, the lizard was handled OK, the whole new backstory (assuming that was original to the movie and not a comic thing I haven't read) was WTF. The Garfield sequel was mostly terrible, just a big chaotic mess of FX, villains, confusing motivations.

This seems to be taking the best of both series and injecting it into the cohesiveness of the MCU with fun supporting characters. *boom*
I'm fairly certain Spider-man 2 is the best Super Hero film of all time (maybe with the original Superman), but this specific iteration of Spider-man features what appears to be the best all around Peter Parker and Spider-man


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm fairly certain Spider-man 2 is the best Super Hero film of all time (maybe with the original Superman), but this specific iteration of Spider-man features what appears to be the best all around Peter Parker and Spider-man

I'd say Spiderman 1 and 2 are very close to one another in excellence. :)


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It's just too bad the third one was atrocious. Looking forward to the new generation, though.

I thought for 3 they went to far trying to craft a sympathetic villain (Sandman) and then Peter Parker went off the rails (cause of Venom). Come on, not all villains are good at heart. ;)


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
I'm fairly certain Spider-man 2 is the best Super Hero film of all time (maybe with the original Superman), but this specific iteration of Spider-man features what appears to be the best all around Peter Parker and Spider-man

So true, and BTW, thanks for parsing what I meant to say (i.e., that should've read "The second Raimi Spiderman ...")

Yes, if the third was as good we would've had a fourth. :cool:

Apparently Raimi wanted to do the Venom storyline as two movies (Spiderman 3 and 4), basically introduce the character towards the end of 3, but the studio wanted it in one movie, there were a number of re-writes, 3 was pretty much doomed ... and that doesn't even factor in the _dancing_.


macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Apparently Raimi wanted to do the Venom storyline as two movies (Spiderman 3 and 4), basically introduce the character towards the end of 3, but the studio wanted it in one movie, there were a number of re-writes, 3 was pretty much doomed ... and that doesn't even factor in the _dancing_.
I was not aware of that. That makes a lot of sense. Venom could have been a whole film if written correctly. Sandman just kind of sucked. Also Emo-Spidey was terrible.


macrumors regular
Apr 9, 2016
So, we have an "Everything X-Men" thread and we're all clearly complete nerds, so here's a thread for discussing the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We are well into the universe already, but arguably the biggest Marvel character has yet to have a full film.

The MCU films upcoming are as follows

Thor: Ragnarok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Captain Marvel

Untitled Avengers sequel
(Formerly Infinity War: Part 2)
Spider-Man: Homecoming 2

We're at an interesting point in the universe where some of the original characters are becoming a bit worn out. Iron Man, Captain America seem to be taking a step back and Marvel is bringing out a fresh and diverse cast of characters.
You're missing GOTG Vol 2. Next May I believe.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2015
land of confusion
Am I the only one who thought the Spiderman movies were horrible. I have not been able to get through the first one without falling asleep.

I feel the strongest three movies put out so far have been Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain America 2.


macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Am I the only one who thought the Spiderman movies were horrible. I have not been able to get through the first one without falling asleep.

I feel the strongest three movies put out so far have been Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain America 2.
Most likely. Doctor Strange was good but ridiculously formulaic for my taste. The "Amazing Spider-Man" movies were not very good and Spider-man 3 wasn't good, but 1 & 2 were masterpieces. Despite not being a part of the MCU, there likely wouldn't be an MCU without them.


macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2014
I saw Dr. Strange and I will say Marvel needs to lay off the straight origin stories. I would prefer a movie where we just assume the hero has their powers. We all know the story for almost all of them.

We don't all know actually which is why I like Netflix I can lean how they got them. I really like how they blended the Daredevil history into the current action so I can see how it all came about.
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macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
We don't all know actually which is why I like Netflix I can lean how they got them. I really like how they blended the Daredevil history into the current action so I can see how it all came about.
And that's how they should approach the film to some extent. It would have been okay to not know some of Doctor Strange's motives. We didn't have to see magical Tony Stark.
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