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Raster Eyes

macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2013
who uses a pen-based tablet nowadays anymore !

People who use tablets for graphic design and illustrating. Although I would personally prefer something that just acted as a second display of my laptop that I could draw on with a precise pen, like the Wacom Cintiqs. My problem with the Cintiqs though is that they require being plugged into 3 different things: a power supply, some kind of video input like HDMI, and USB. That is way too much cable. The day they make a Cintiq-like product that only needs to be plugged into one source, or better yet wireless, is when I'll drop 2-4 grand on a pen tablet.


macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2007
How is it possible that this thing offers 32 GB of RAM when one can't order that amount of memory to the MacBook Pro itself?

I would also like to know this. The ram is soldered to the board so its not like its really changeable.


macrumors 6502
Mar 15, 2011
I think this is pretty awesome! Doesn't make the keyboard travel friendly, at least not from what I can see. I'd buy it if I was rich!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
Is this the same company as ModBook? If so, why is this on Kickstarter? They've been around for years. Anyway, I doubt anyone would need this.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!

And we will have all the people moaning OSX doesn't work as a touch screen based OS.

And for all the other complainers on here, I assume this is the very same modbook company that has been turning MacBooks into tablets for a few years now:

And Apple hasn't made any attempt to stop them. Personally I think it's a very cool product that Apple is missing a trick with.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
WTF is this ! 2,000 USD for conversion or 4,000 USD for a new one !!! this is hilarious :confused: Apple should ban this ! and who uses a pen-based tablet nowadays anymore ! it's just a rip-off.:mad::mad:

It's so overpriced that it should be banned? That doesn't make sense.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
How is it possible that this thing offers 32 GB of RAM when one can't order that amount of memory to the MacBook Pro itself?

I'm guessing that they advertise 32GB because they assume the next MBP will offer that as an option, and their product wouldn't actually be shipping until the new MBP comes out.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2009
The main advantage seems to be for art and design use. So get a Wacom Cintiq and leave the MacBook alone.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2008
I bought a Vaio 15 Flip with the Ntrig pen before SONY left the States - and I cant imagine going back to a MacBook at this point. Thank god Adobe lets us install whatever version OS of CC we like.

Working on Photoshop and ArtRage is just amazing with the pen on 15 inches. If you know how to draw, but still need to do design work and be mobile - the windows 8.1 convertibles with active pens are the best solution right now. Apple should jump in this segment.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
I think they're doing themselves a disservice having this on Kick Starter. Instantly a lot of people who aren't familiar with the fact ModBook has been doing this for years and aren't ametaures or hobbyists at this will assume that they are.


macrumors 65816
Feb 3, 2011
Looks like the future of the Mac. Docked it makes an ideal desktop and undocked it makes a great laptop/tablet hybrid. 3 devices in one. Perfect. See what you can with a little imagintion, something Apple sadly seems to be lacking these days.

so a surface 3 basically?:eek:


macrumors member
Jun 13, 2014
How do you just grab an apple product and deface it with uglyass logos on the front?
"A bigass logo does not a good job promoting a company make." ~ Yoda

That was my first thought as well. Like, my very first thought. It would be a beautiful machine if it weren't for that godawful logo beneath the screen. WTF.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2007
New York, NY
Because it's okay if people are paying to have their own machines modded but the minute this company starts reselling Apple's products but modded...they're not gonna be happy about it.

And Apple hasn't made any attempt to stop them. Personally I think it's a very cool product that Apple is missing a trick with.

I doubt Apple will lose too much sleep over stuff like this. But at the very least I hope it puts a tad of pressure on them to pursue the rumored iPad Pro or "Maxi". I would love a larger iPad.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011

And we will have all the people moaning OSX doesn't work as a touch screen based OS.

And for all the other complainers on here, I assume this is the very same modbook company that has been turning MacBooks into tablets for a few years now:

And Apple hasn't made any attempt to stop them. Personally I think it's a very cool product that Apple is missing a trick with.
Yeah because Tim Cook is all about leaving money on the table. :rolleyes:


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
don't be confused

Wow there is a lot of misunderstanding here as to what the Modbook is. It's a creative "pro" work machine. It's not a touch tablet, and it's NOT meant for the "consumer". To be clear, it's this

plus this


If you don't know what the second device is, it's a Cintiq. It's a pen-abled screen meant for professional digital artists. It is widely used and indispensable to most digital artists' workflow. It's meant to be used in conjunction with desktop computers and creative desktop applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Storyboard Pro, etc.--again, it is not intended (nor able) to be used with mobile OSes and apps.
As indispensable as they are to digital artists, the downside to relying on Cintiqs is that they pose a problem for artists whose job requires a lot of moving around. They have a 13" version that is technically portable, but having to carry and set up an external monitor in addition to your laptop greatly diminishes portability value.
PC-based artists have for a long time had a vast number of options for an ALL-IN-ONE pen-abled laptop solution (Surface Pro, Wacom Companion, many various tablet-PCs and hybrids), while Mac-based artists have had absolutely zero options (until the Modbook came along), since Apple is the only company to make Mac and OS X, and they have never shown interest in digital pens.

So just to reiterate--if you are not a person who makes a living from drawing on a Mac (or a rich hobbyist), then this product is completely irrelevant to you. So don't be confused as to why you don't see its utility. But for Mac-based professional artists (myself included), this is an unquestionable dream machine. Albeit, a very expensive dream. But since for me it would be an investment that would definitely see return, I will be buying one as soon my pocketbook allows. :)

And I'm pretty sure Apple does not have a problem with the Modbook, because all it can do is promote more Mac sales, since you need a Macbook in order to make a Modbook. What I wonder is how Axiotron is able to use Wacom pen technology, since the Modbook seems to compete directly with the Wacom Companion. Maybe because it's a different OS Wacom allows it.
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