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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 17, 2003
Well, I saw the V3 the other day, and I had to have it. So I figured when better to buy it then on black friday, the busiest day of the year. The Cingular Store I got it from wasn't busy at all, so I was happy.

I just got off of work, and havn't had time to really play with it yet. But these are my initial thoughts on it. Ill post more indepth once I get a chance.

First off, I love the form factor. Its a bit wider than you might expect, but very thin and light. The screen on it is awesome, and very large. ( the 30 cinema display of cellphones if you will. ok maybe not but its darn close.) It seems like navigation is much easier on the large screen.

The external screen seems pretty pointless. I Guess pictures pop up of people if you have apictured assigned to their number. Kinda cool I guess.
The keybad is really neat with a blue backlight. THe bottons are similar to the click wheel on the ipod, they move, but not much. It also uses this mini mini usb type port to charge. Not compatible with all the other Motorola phone charges. The guy at the store told me it was. :(

It is thicker at the bottom as you can see in the ads for it, similar to the iMac G5. It seems to be made out of Aluminium like the V600 is.

Sound and voice quality is good, as with other Motorola Phones on the GSM networks. GSM provides the best quality service IMO, but it can be taken as fact too, its that darn good.

So far the phone doesnt have any new features over my V600, other AIM mobile built in. You definitly are paying a premium for the style factor.

If anyone else has got, I would love to hear what you think as well. If you got questions feel free to post'em and ill do my best to answer them. I can take pics too if ya want too.

Anyways, hopes this helps someone out there.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2004
South Bucks, UK
I got my V3 just over a month and a half ago now, I find it on a par with my SonyEricsson T610 in terms of sound quality - although if you ever need to turn the volume up when someone is chatting to you, on the highest level it sounds like its almost breaking up, although this isn't really a problem as that volume level is much louder than I'd normally use!

The only other negatives I would say are, the buzzing sound that the keypad makes when the light comes on (or is this just my one that does this?!) and there are buttons on the flip section (the screen part) but when you are talking on the phone these are fairly awkward to press and if you pushed too hard it seems like you could damage the flip mechanism etc.

And as the phone is so thin, it's really noticable that the upper flip section doesn't sit perfectly flush when it's closed, theres more of a gap on the left hand side on mine - which while very minimal is still frustrating!

Other than thats it's pretty good, fairly standard, quite cheap on contract in the UK - mine was £49.99 with O2.


macrumors regular
Mar 26, 2004
Little Rock, AR
So does this phone not have the itunes built in to it. And I was also hoping with the larger screen that maybe they had built in support to surf the web, but I guess that would be kinda hard on a cell phone. I went to cingular and looked at this phone, but it appeared alot wider than I thought it should be. I was really hyped about this phone, but after seeing it I decided to stick with my v400.


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2004
London, UK.
Fender said:
If only it worked with the Salling Clicker...

Exactly. That is the one thing stopping me from buying this phone. Hopefully within 12-18 months (my normal upgrade cycle) the iTunes phone will be out, and hopefully it will have the same cool aesthetics as this one :D


Jun 18, 2004
I was really interested in this phone when it was first released but when I saw the final spec. and saw the phone the first time in the flesh I kinda went off it.

Feature-wise it doesn't seem to be anything special. That wouldn't matter because of the styling except the one I saw had been on display for maybe 3days and the alloy body was badly warped. I know the display units get a hammering buy the public but 2days in a pretty quiet store had left it badly scared. Also I thought the keypad would be a weak point. It seemed to be good in use but I felt the cut metal design relied on the flexing of the metal which I assume would diminish over time?

I'll be sticking with my SE T630 until I can get a XDAIIi (or Apple Phone)


macrumors 68000
Jan 3, 2002
So the big question: Is it compatible with my Mac? I.e. does it sync with addressbook/calendar via bluetooth? And can I download and upload images and sounds?


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2004
London, UK.
dongmin said:
So the big question: Is it compatible with my Mac? I.e. does it sync with addressbook/calendar via bluetooth? And can I download and upload images and sounds?

Well, sorta..

You can upload/download images and ringtones from the phone using bluetooth, but if you want to use iSync then you need to use the provided USB cable.

a bit of a bummer I know.. :( - sorta goes against my no-wires-to-be-seen-anywhere theme for my iMac.



Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
asif786 said:
Well, sorta..

You can upload/download images and ringtones from the phone using bluetooth, but if you want to use iSync then you need to use the provided USB cable.

a bit of a bummer I know.. :( - sorta goes against my no-wires-to-be-seen-anywhere theme for my iMac.


Wonder if this is a software disable.... Is this true of all Moto bluetooth phones? I'm kinda thinking vaguely about an A630... I'd like this one, but I don't think I'm ready to justify the price, and I really want QWERTY. The review at C|Net says something about buying a Motorolla app to allow for syncing with outlook.

This whole business of crippleware Bluetooth is really getting on my nerves. Suddenly every phone I want is a downgrade from my Nokia from almost two years ago in terms of functionality (albeit not size, and not necessarily style :eek: )


macrumors 68030
Mar 31, 2004
A geographical oddity
i think so

mkrishnan said:
Wonder if this is a software disable.... Is this true of all Moto bluetooth phones?

I think it might be the case. I was considering getting the v710 with verizon, but am probably going switch to cingular and get the SE t637. i figure i'll get a better phone and better service by switching. as an aside, does anybody from the dc/baltimore area have experience with both carriers, with a preference for one or the other?


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2004
V3 not working with my PwrBk

asif786 said:
Well, sorta..

You can upload/download images and ringtones from the phone using bluetooth, but if you want to use iSync then you need to use the provided USB cable.

a bit of a bummer I know.. :( - sorta goes against my no-wires-to-be-seen-anywhere theme for my iMac.


so tell me... how does it work with the USB? I received this phone on the weekend as a free upgrade and had been quite excited about getting it. It was larger than I expected and not the best in size for me being as I am used to my Samsung E700. I wanted bluetooth to sync with my Mac.

However every time I tried to send images or tones it didn;t work and when i attempted with my USB it just started charging the phone.... Hmmm... I know I have a lot to learn with my Mac being as i am still less than a year on it - but I have not had any problems working stuff out so far... where am I going wrong?

I'm about to send it back and ask for the Samsung D500 or Panasonic X700 due out in Jan over here (UK). I have mailed both companies for info but heard nothing yet. I searched the Apple site and found a list of phones compatible with bluetooth. No panasonics on the list despite the fact I know my friend is able to use hers and sync...

help anyone? :( :confused:


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 17, 2003
MacShep said:
so tell me... how does it work with the USB? I received this phone on the weekend as a free upgrade and had been quite excited about getting it. It was larger than I expected and not the best in size for me being as I am used to my Samsung E700. I wanted bluetooth to sync with my Mac.

However every time I tried to send images or tones it didn;t work and when i attempted with my USB it just started charging the phone.... Hmmm... I know I have a lot to learn with my Mac being as i am still less than a year on it - but I have not had any problems working stuff out so far... where am I going wrong?

I'm about to send it back and ask for the Samsung D500 or Panasonic X700 due out in Jan over here (UK). I have mailed both companies for info but heard nothing yet. I searched the Apple site and found a list of phones compatible with bluetooth. No panasonics on the list despite the fact I know my friend is able to use hers and sync...

help anyone? :( :confused:

what kind of mac do you have? I have a PB and I use the Bluetooth to send the files. It works just fine. I dont have the USB cable for it, so I can't help you there.

Powerbook G5

macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
St Augustine, FL
I played around with the phone in the Cingular store here and the guy there let me play with a real working model but I wasn't impressed at all. The sound quality was pretty bad compared to my Nokia and it has less features. It also isn't fully compatible with Apple computers and the slim form factor means you have to be extra careful...the guy had a minor heart attack when I was playing with it and twisted the screen just a bit and nearly broke the phone. For such an expensive phone, I'd want something that feels more well built and up to the task of being used on a daily basis, but it's more like that one good watch you have that is too good to wear every day in fear of putting a nasty scratch in it because it's too expensive to risk.


macrumors newbie
Sep 5, 2004
my take on the v3


I bought a v3 in the UK. The phone's looks are flawless, but I don't really rate the phone, and heres why.

1) Looks are nice, but the inside and outside screens quickly get covered
in greasy prints from the skin - looks lovely for a few days, then not any more. I spent a lot of time cleaning it off compulsively. Or maybe I'm a grubby little tyke - you decide :)

2) Software little better than v600 - I moved from a v500, and frankly the only difference was the video compatiblity

3) not enough memory onboard, no media card.

I'm not trying to convince anyone not to buy it - its gorgeous, but don't expect too much from it.


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2004
Koodauw said:
what kind of mac do you have? I have a PB and I use the Bluetooth to send the files. It works just fine. I dont have the USB cable for it, so I can't help you there.

I have a G4 PB. And I was trying to run it through the bluetooth but kept gettin a message abouyt some sort of interruptio and couldn't sync it with my address book...?

I think maybe I am just hopeless and missing something very basic here... any clues? :confused:


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 17, 2003
MacShep said:
I have a G4 PB. And I was trying to run it through the bluetooth but kept gettin a message abouyt some sort of interruptio and couldn't sync it with my address book...?

I think maybe I am just hopeless and missing something very basic here... any clues? :confused:

Well I dont know if your able to sync your address book, but you can send pictures/ ringtones by going to the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar, and selecting "send file." That way you can get ringtones at least.


macrumors 65816
Nov 7, 2004
Houston, USA
cheekyspanky said:
Other than thats it's pretty good, fairly standard, quite cheap on contract in the UK - mine was £49.99 with O2.

Damn... Over here in the USA, Cingular has it on a 2 year contract for US$499!!!!! Without the contract it is $599! Do they really expect to sell many of them at that price even with all the advertising they are pumping into it?

I quite liked the phone based upon the promotional material but seeing it up close & personal it ended up being way too wide, like what are you actually supposed to do with it to carry it around? I wouldn't be wanting to put something so wide and thin in my pants pocket that would just be asking for it to be broken.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 17, 2003
jaseone said:
Damn... Over here in the USA, Cingular has it on a 2 year contract for US$499!!!!! Without the contract it is $599! Do they really expect to sell many of them at that price even with all the advertising they are pumping into it?

I quite liked the phone based upon the promotional material but seeing it up close & personal it ended up being way too wide, like what are you actually supposed to do with it to carry it around? I wouldn't be wanting to put something so wide and thin in my pants pocket that would just be asking for it to be broken.

One, its a high end phone. with emphisis on style. No they dont expect for it to be a best seller.

two, yes you are supposed to carry it your pocket. Where else do you carry a cellphone?

three, how is putting it in your pocket asking to be broken? Do you bang you leg up against brick walls all the time? Regularly slap you hand against you thigh? its simple, just be careful.

Powerbook G5

macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
St Augustine, FL
It's pretty easy to bang your phone into something while it's in your pocket. Just stick your $450 phone in there for a day and see how much you end up bumping into things that you normally don't notice when you don't have something valuable in there.


macrumors 65816
Nov 7, 2004
Houston, USA
Koodauw said:
One, its a high end phone. with emphisis on style. No they dont expect for it to be a best seller.

Well why pump advertising $$$ into it then? What exactly is high end about it except that it looks quite stylish? The specs seem pretty standard to me.

Koodauw said:
two, yes you are supposed to carry it your pocket. Where else do you carry a cellphone?

three, how is putting it in your pocket asking to be broken? Do you bang you leg up against brick walls all the time? Regularly slap you hand against you thigh? its simple, just be careful.

Okay well place it in your back pocket then sit down... Although I keep my phone in one of my front pockets and whether I'm wearing business pants or jeans or whatever when I sit down especially when at a desk then something the form factor of the RAZR is going to get flexed and quite quickly break given the way such things tend to sit in pockets.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2004
South Bucks, UK
Good news for those of you concerned about the V3's I rather carelessly dropped mine down about 10 steps..and the phone hasn't even got a scratch on it. I try and keep my phones in good condition, but as I'm only going to be using it for a year it's not too bad if it gets a bit broken over time - as long as I can still make calls!

It's always worth haggling for the price with mobiles I find, after going around The Link, Phones4U, Orange, Vodafone and Orange and comparing deals and prices. I went in O2 and told the guy serving me this, and if they wanted my custom they needed to drop the price - after asking the manager I got the price knocked down from £100 to £50. Not too bad eh! I think over here it's fallen in price a little since I bought mine - it's now something like £445 sim free here.


macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2004
V# rawks

first off, the v3 works (well it did for me rather) flawwlessly with isync, my computer doesnt have bluetooth :( but i did have a mini USB cable and plugged it in, booted up isync and it found the v3 and synced it all up. i couldnt be happier, especially when my "friend" told me it wouldnt work. i love the design and the features of the phone, also i bought it for $399 with a 50 dollar rebate to make the phone $349 from :) but i am sure the phone will continue to come down in price.
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