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macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2004
Am I the only one who doesn't even like the form or style of the phone? That bumper on the bottom looks rediculous, and I personally don't WANT it to be that thin. It is like talking to a credit card, it is just not comfortable nor easy to hold. I just got a Siemens S66 from Cingular, it is a great phone, albeit a bit buggy. Future firmware updates should fix that, and the camera is great (daytime anyways, wonderful outside, decent inside). All for $249 ($199 after mail in rebate) from Cingular.


Here is an outdoor picture from the S66, taken on High quality, which is sort of midrange, you can get to 1.3 Megapixel:


Here is an indoor picture:


These are both on the better end of pictures I've taken...

Post some pictures taken with the V3 RAZR for comparison. I'm interested to see how my phone stacks up!


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Wow, Kev, I'm impressed by the focal quality of the outdoor shot you did, although the indoor still looks about the same to me as most phone camera photos.... Would you mind putting that outdoor up on your image server at full res with a link? That's really not too bad.... Good choice of subjects too, natch. :p


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2004
mkrishnan said:
Wow, Kev, I'm impressed by the focal quality of the outdoor shot you did, although the indoor still looks about the same to me as most phone camera photos.... Would you mind putting that outdoor up on your image server at full res with a link? That's really not too bad.... Good choice of subjects too, natch. :p

I'm not 100% sure if this is what you want, but:


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2004
mkrishnan said:
Oh, it wasn't a 1.3 MP picture to begin with? Sorry, my mistake. I was assuming you scaled it down...

Nope, sorry. Like I said, it CAN be 1.3 MP, if set on "Premium". I had it set on "High", which is not as big. "High" seems to be a happy medium between picture quality, size, and file size. I can take some 1.3 MP's outdoors if you like. Let me know!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 27, 2004
Springfield, Missouri
skippyTBK said:
first off, the v3 works (well it did for me rather) flawwlessly with isync, my computer doesnt have bluetooth :( but i did have a mini USB cable and plugged it in, booted up isync and it found the v3 and synced it all up. i couldnt be happier, especially when my "friend" told me it wouldnt work. i love the design and the features of the phone, also i bought it for $399 with a 50 dollar rebate to make the phone $349 from :) but i am sure the phone will continue to come down in price.

You would be sorely disappointed if you had bluetooth with your computer and expected to use your phone with iSync via Bluetooth. Motorola's implemtation of Bluetooth is kind of messed up, and unfortunately, iSync doesn't work with it, so you're forced to use a USB cable.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2003
Canberra AUST
So the Motorola v3 RAZR does or doesn't sync via bluetooth.

I know its not on the iSync list... but I've read in a number of forums that some people can get bluetooth to work... whilst other can't?
This is all getting confusing.

Myabe the v3RAZR isn't the dream phone I was hoping for?
Can't say I'm fussed by the camera ( I have a good digi camera)

but I do want seamless sync via bluetooth of Address Book and iCal.
Would love the contacts in the v3 to have an address field as well - but I'm not holding my breath.

Mmm anyone else got "best" phone recommendations?

Electric Monk

macrumors member
Jan 9, 2005
You can't use iSync via bluetooth (Can with USB) but you can pair it with the computer and transfer files normally.

Or you can buy OnSync ($10) and use bluetooth.

Sony Ericsson phones work well with Macs.

What are you looking for?


macrumors 68030
Dec 17, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
So do all Moto phones have problems using iSync through Bluetooth? That's really too bad as I wanted a V551 or something like that...I currently have a Siemens S56 and it syncs great via BT.


macrumors 65816
Apr 14, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Sony ericsson have the best menu design IMHO. I was looking at a SE s700i but they're just too fat and ugly so I looked at the V3 and it really is a good looker. It's just the interface that lets it down. Sony ericsson just announced a k600i and z800i - both 3G phones with 1.3megapixel cameras, upto 1gig of memory for the latter, and other random features.. i'll probably go the Z800i... It looks kinda similar to the V3.. though definitely fatter depth-wise.

Electric Monk

macrumors member
Jan 9, 2005
From what I know the problem is that Motorola phones use SyncML (although their OBEX, a major component of SyncML, is supposed to be bad) which iSync does not currently support. Since Motorola phones do not support the older sync standards no dice.


macrumors 68030
Dec 17, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
Thanks for the scoop. I also just read on Apple's iSync page that Bluetooth for Motorola phones is not supported, only USB.

Well, I guess (or hope) that I'll still be able to send stuff like ringtones when I get that Motorola V551 (it supports mp3 ringtones.)


macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2003
Canberra AUST
mmmdreg said:
Sony ericsson have the best menu design IMHO. I was looking at a SE s700i but they're just too fat and ugly so I looked at the V3 and it really is a good looker. It's just the interface that lets it down. Sony ericsson just announced a k600i and z800i - both 3G phones with 1.3megapixel cameras, upto 1gig of memory for the latter, and other random features.. i'll probably go the Z800i... It looks kinda similar to the V3.. though definitely fatter depth-wise.

Yes I also noticed these two!!!
I currently have a SE T610 (or it might be a T616 in other countries) and love it... have had it a couple of years and was going to update to a new plan. so Electric Monk I'm looking for a great looking phone... that syncs well with Address Book and iCal - with good intuitive UI and that works like a good quality phone.

Electric Monk

macrumors member
Jan 9, 2005
Let us see…

The T637 is the direct upgrade, but doesn't offer much more (nicer screen, a few other things).

The SLVR V8 might be able to use bluetooth iSync and it's out in Q3. Think candybar RAZR V3. However it might not, and it will probably be fairly expensive. Pics: SLVR V8 compared to RAZR V3

Also the PEBL V6, but that looks like an end of the year phone. And again, it might not be able to bluetooth iSync.

There is the Sony Ericsson K700. Review here

The K750 is an improved model nicknamed "Clara" that should come out some time later this year.

There's the K600 first look here however it is a 3G phone and as such many of its features are useless in North America for some time.

As mentioned there is also the Z800 (i.e. a rebranded V800) but I don't believe it supports the 850 band (needed for Cingular/Rogers)

Finally there's SE's S710a which is the only phone I've listed that will be out in the next few weeks (with Cingular) but it is rather big, check out a review here, and it is a swivel which some people don't like.

I've concentrated on SE phones simply because SE phones work great with Macs (see Sailing Clicker) and have arguably the best menus. I'm not a huge fan of Nokia anymore so I don't really follow their phones.

I've included the Motorola's because I really like their current industrial design efforts on the high end, re: RAZR V3, PEBL V6, and the SLVR V8. However I don't know whether or not they have changed the UI and added bluetooth iSync support in the V6 and V8.

Frankly the T610/616 held up fairly well with one upgrade (T637) and a kind of successor in the K700.

Release dates are generally international as US Cellphone carriers take quite some time to get phones.

I've used Engadget because they're decent, and have a search function - I didn't feel like googling.

Additionally all of these are GSM/GPRS/EDGE or 3G UTMS (i.e. video phones, fast web browsing and the like) phones and as such are offered by a limited selection of carriers in the US. Especially since 3G will not be fully rolled out for some time in North America.

To note, a number of these phones are triband 900/1800/1900 and as such are less usable with Cingular/Rogers in NA. Some of them will probably be released in Triband 850/1800/1900 models like the S710a (originally the S700i).

Hope some of that helps. I can go more in depth if a couple catch your interest.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2003
USA, New York
FelixDerKater said:
I wish Motorola would take a cue from SonyEricsson when it comes to menu design.
or LG's menu set up. The biggest thing with me is Multiply Numbers under one Name. Motorola sucks when it comes to the menus.



macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2003
USA, New York
DJY said:
Mmm anyone else got "best" phone recommendations?

I don't know about best BUT I love my LG6100. Although it doesn't have bluetooth or video option, it's still a real solid phone and the display is really nice.



macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2003
Canberra AUST
WOW thanks for the detailed post mate! The think for me is whilst I love my T610 - alot of the current SE phones have gone back to plastic ans very close together keys! YUCK! That was why I was looking around...

Electric Monk said:
The SLVR V8 might be able to use bluetooth iSync and it's out in Q3. Think candybar RAZR V3. However it might not, and it will probably be fairly expensive. Pics: SLVR V8 compared to RAZR V3
Yes I agree this phone is one to keep looking for - if they significantly improve the UI this will have to be one I check out!!!

Electric Monk said:
There is the Sony Ericsson K700. Review here

Mmm can't say I like this one...
Electric Monk said:
The K750 is an improved model nicknamed "Clara" that should come out some time later this year.

Now this one looks interesting. Finally seem to be returning to better keys?

Electric Monk said:
There's the K600 first look here
As mentioned there is also the Z800 (i.e. a rebranded V800)
Finally there's SE's S710a

I don't need to worry about North American providers or services - as I'm in Aust. Good GSM coverage... no problems with moving between states and providers... and we even have a 3G network up and runnning as well.

Thanks alot for the links though - am bookmarking a couple of those sites as I type.

Electric Monk

macrumors member
Jan 9, 2005
You can probably get your hands on a S700i right away then, but no 3G. The Z800 will be wildly expensive but nice.

No problem, always like to help people out. Just ask if you need more info.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2003
Canberra AUST
A couple of people seem to be having troubles...
but from my research it seems this (and most other Motorola phones)

allow bluetooth to send files and pics (to and from Mac OS X)...
but to sync with Address Book and iCal - you have to connect via the USB cable.

Hopefully the iTunes phone will mean an upgrade to the UI before the SLVR comes out - which is one I now have my eye on...
as the RAZR UI is simply not good enough!


macrumors 603
Oct 8, 2003
Canberra OZ
DJY said:
A couple of people seem to be having troubles...
but from my research it seems this (and most other Motorola phones)

allow bluetooth to send files and pics (to and from Mac OS X)...
but to sync with Address Book and iCal - you have to connect via the USB cable.

Hopefully the iTunes phone will mean an upgrade to the UI before the SLVR comes out - which is one I now have my eye on...
as the RAZR UI is simply not good enough!

Yeah the SLVR looks nice, and small as well when compared to the RZAR open.

But now Moto have indicated that their iPod phone may be artficially limited in the number of songs it holds to avoid competing with the iPod, I have shaken my head and gone out and bought and iPod...I figure its going to take a bit longer for Apple to get with the program and make intergrated devices with decent memory. A real shame.


macrumors newbie
Mar 1, 2005
asif786 said:
Well, sorta..

You can upload/download images and ringtones from the phone using bluetooth, ....
Hi, hoiw do i uplaod and download pictures and Mp3 from to my V3 ?? Which programm do I need? My G5 dont recognice teh phone as drive?
Cheers Fox


Jan 18, 2005
to be honest i dont understand why America has some huge love affair with the V3, i was unimpressed by everything other than the form factor. it is beautiful but that size comes at a price.
a girl on my course got one on contract, she thought it looked cool. 4 days later it broke, the case had severe dents. so under the insurance she got another. any guesses to how long it took to break? 7 days.
now shes living with some Sony Ericsson phone.

Ansolas if its anything like her phone; just use the bluetooth setup wizard and its done :)

KevRC4130; i love Siemens phones. first phone I ever had was an M35i, now im using my M55. desperate for one of those SL65 (56?) models. v.nice :cool:
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