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mr evil brkfast

macrumors member
Jun 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
My Predictions for the next couple months (and yours too)

I unfortunately Agree...even though Apple will be probably 2 GHZ behind Intel by then.

I figure for the PM line in March maybe we'll see the 7470 chip out for a line of

1 GHZ; 1.25 GHZ; 1.5 GHZ


macrumors newbie
May 30, 2002
about the ibook.....

isn't osx optimized for a g4 with altivec?
(i know i read that somewhere)

and isn't steve pushing so very hard for a complete switch to x?

that's why i see the ebook as an appealing idea.
leave it with the aging g3 (which performs better than it's mHz rating suggests), and pop some g4s in the newley redesigned ibooks. replete with a 13 or 14 inch screen.

the ebook will kind of pick up where the ibook will leave off, just as the emac picked up where the new imac left off.

a sub $1000 notebook for the education market and some new consumer level ibooks in the mid $1000's.

just my thoughts, feel free to correct me.


Jul 9, 2000
Originally posted by mr evil brkfast
a notebook/subnotebook for under $1000 dollars wouldbe a great addition to the line up. So would an $899 emac entry level.

ibook $999 at 700 mhz or 800 mhz and 128 mb ram and cd-rom

emac, though, i see at 700 or 800 mhz, and at $999, but maybe $949 usd???

$899 usd would be super cool and i might get that instead of ibook to replace my revision a 300 mhz ibook i got way back in late 1999

go ibook
go emac



macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by jefhatfield

ibook $999 at 700 mhz or 800 mhz and 128 mb ram and cd-rom


There is no way that they will give a speed bump to the iBook and then lower the price substancially. I can see $999 with CD-ROM, 128MB Ram, and a 600Mhz G3 maybe...but nothing else for that kind of loot.


Jul 9, 2000
Originally posted by JSRockit

There is no way that they will give a speed bump to the iBook and then lower the price substancially. I can see $999 with CD-ROM, 128MB Ram, and a 600Mhz G3 maybe...but nothing else for that kind of loot.

actually, that would still be very cool and beat "dull's" $999 celeron running laptop running windows xp;)
I personally have little idea what to expect in the coming months. I love all the rumors and BS bouncing back & forth about modified 2GHz Power4s, 1.6GHz G5s, etc., but I really expect nothing more than the modest improvements we see in the Mac line every 6 months.

What I am hoping for in the next series of upgrades (hopefully within the next 6 months) are

> full support for DDR-RAM,

> firewire b (looooong overdue), and

> more than a 200MHz increase for the CPU in the next round of powerbooks.

And from Mac developers,

> >500MHz G4 upgrades for B&Ws (this is getting really tiring).

This is all I can think of at the moment.


macrumors regular
Aug 20, 2002

Moto was killing themselves to get to 1.25 GHz so 2.0 is out for January. You'll be lucky to see 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5. The "only boot in X" thing is marketing hype. The GPUL is real, but not ready until MWNY (Boston?) along with Apps & OS 10.3 optimized for 64 bit and some amazing high-end graphics demos.


macrumors regular
Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by MacBandit
It will not have DDR because of heat issues. The DDR ram being one of many reasons Apple added extra cooling to the new tower.

That's utter nonsense, DDR ram runs COOLER that SDR. (same clockspeed, 2.5v verses 3.3v = SDR is hotter)

In addition, the extra cooling in the new powermacs is on the PROCESSORS, it's nowhere near the memory slots.


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2002
Yeah I want true DDR, cheaper, better displays and a Power4 chip that kicks heavy arse, but I'd love to see a total rethink about Tower design, the same way the new iMac revolutionized PC design. Is a big clumsy tower the best solution we can thik of? No! Come on Apple! Challenge yourselves and come up with another great original idea. And cut down on the amount of wires! It's 2002 and we at least shouldn't have to plug in a mouse and keyboard anymore! Make something sleek and cool! Give us a 1984, Brave New World desktop!


macrumors 604
Originally posted by Chryx

That's utter nonsense, DDR ram runs COOLER that SDR. (same clockspeed, 2.5v verses 3.3v = SDR is hotter)

In addition, the extra cooling in the new powermacs is on the PROCESSORS, it's nowhere near the memory slots.

So that is why on my DDR machine the ram slots are now right above the heat sink rather then clear across the motherboard from the cpu on my old B/W G3. So they did this so the air being pushed through the heatsink wouldn't also get pushed up and over ram cards? I personally haven't checked to see if the DDR ram is hotter I just know what I've read about PC's that went from SDR to DDR and yes they got hotter.

Just because the voltage is lower does not always mean that it produces less heat. Also on my machine the clockspeed is not the same it is now 167Mhz. The people pushing for DDR in the Powerbooks also want the 167Mhz Bus because the current machines already have 133Mhz bus' in them. Between the Bus and the DDR Ram there is a heat increase.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
the new macs run hotter most definitely, I mean the ****ing back is all vents and it has air intakes on the front.

My theory is that very little of that heat is actually contributed by the DDR ram. I think most of it is from the overclocked G4's they have in there.

I know, I know, you probably think that "no motorola has them running normally at 1.25Ghz" but i'm 90% sure those chips are overclocked, or else why would they run so hot? I mean a dual 1.25Ghz pentium machine produces MUCH less heat than those babies and we all know pentiums run a hell of a lot hotter than your average G4.

The memory has next to nothing to do with it.


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Originally posted by Sherman
the new macs run hotter most definitely, I mean the ****ing back is all vents and it has air intakes on the front.

My theory is that very little of that heat is actually contributed by the DDR ram. I think most of it is from the overclocked G4's they have in there.

I know, I know, you probably think that "no motorola has them running normally at 1.25Ghz" but i'm 90% sure those chips are overclocked, or else why would they run so hot? I mean a dual 1.25Ghz pentium machine produces MUCH less heat than those babies and we all know pentiums run a hell of a lot hotter than your average G4.

The memory has next to nothing to do with it.

They aren't OC'ed. Get over it people. Apple couldn't do this legally unless they TOLD people they were OC'ed. The 1.25 GHz are the same type of chips as the 1 GHz, but they are specced to run at 1.25 on a 167 MHz FSB. The definition of overclocking is to run the processor at a higher speed than it is rated to run. The 1.25 GHz G4s are OC'ed 1 GHz G4s as much a 2.53 P4 is an OC'ed 1.9 P4.

Wait... bad example.


macrumors 604
Originally posted by Sherman
the new macs run hotter most definitely, I mean the ****ing back is all vents and it has air intakes on the front.

My theory is that very little of that heat is actually contributed by the DDR ram. I think most of it is from the overclocked G4's they have in there.

I know, I know, you probably think that "no motorola has them running normally at 1.25Ghz" but i'm 90% sure those chips are overclocked, or else why would they run so hot? I mean a dual 1.25Ghz pentium machine produces MUCH less heat than those babies and we all know pentiums run a hell of a lot hotter than your average G4.

The memory has next to nothing to do with it.
Originally posted by solvs

They aren't OC'ed. Get over it people. Apple couldn't do this legally unless they TOLD people they were OC'ed. The 1.25 GHz are the same type of chips as the 1 GHz, but they are specced to run at 1.25 on a 167 MHz FSB. The definition of overclocking is to run the processor at a higher speed than it is rated to run. The 1.25 GHz G4s are OC'ed 1 GHz G4s as much a 2.53 P4 is an OC'ed 1.9 P4.

Wait... bad example.

I wanted to add something to solvs message. Yes, overclocking a chip does raise the heat output of the chip. You're error is in the assumption that the heat from an overclocked chip is any higher then a chip meant to run at that speed. It doesn't matter how a chip speed is raised. It doesn't matter if it is because the manufacturing processes are more precise or the chip frequency is artificially boosted (overclocked). Either way the chip will increase in power consumption the exact same amount. This is unless the manufacturer changes the process it uses to make the chip i.e. shrinks the chip size.

Last but not least plain and simply if Apple has been approoved by Apple to sell a chip at 1.25Ghz it's simply because the chip tested at that frequency and if okay to run. Also overclocking describes an action taken by an end user it can not describe what a manufacturor does.

mr evil brkfast

macrumors member
Jun 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
IT would be suicide for Apple to overclock the 1 ghz chip as a 1.25 Ghz chip as the only speed upgrade for line. I know moto is hurting getting any sort of viable upgrade out but that would be pathetic.

Does the whole line run much hotter or just the 1.25?
What about all the talk around the case's cooling properties being for the "new chip" or much faster G4 models yet to come?

If the duals are running that how- I don't expect to ever see them in the powerbook


macrumors 604
Originally posted by mr evil brkfast
IT would be suicide for Apple to overclock the 1 ghz chip as a 1.25 Ghz chip as the only speed upgrade for line. I know moto is hurting getting any sort of viable upgrade out but that would be pathetic.

Does the whole line run much hotter or just the 1.25?
What about all the talk around the case's cooling properties being for the "new chip" or much faster G4 models yet to come?

If the duals are running that how- I don't expect to ever see them in the powerbook

I own a new Dual/Ghz/DDR and the cpus do not run any hotter then the old cpus in fact the overall card runs cooler. Same chip same speed half the cache. Because there is less cache the overall card produces less heat.

I think part of the cooling is to aid in cooling the Bus and DDR Ram. Maybe the 7470s if they ever materialize run hotter or maybe the cpu that Motorola is keeping up there sleeve that no one talks about.


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
Originally posted by Over Achiever
Here's what I'm expecting in has let me down lately, so I'll set my goals low.

- 800 MHz and 933 GHz G4s
- PC 133 memory
- 30, 40 and 60 GB hard disks
- 32 MB Mobility Radeon 9000
- No superdrive
- bluetooth in airport card
- similar pricing

Then I can be pleasantly surprised when I get the specs I want! :D

I wouldn't call 933 GHz a 'low' goal.... :D:D:D... Im sure you meant 933 MHz


macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
so everyone's confident of new TiBooks in October? that's good to see, just hope it's true. i'd also like to see 933MHz TiBooks, and 64MB video card would be awesome, there's nothing else i really want in the TiBooks now.:D


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2002
1 Infinite Loop
Re: My Predictions for the next couple months (and yours too)

all that makes me jealous! no... i just got my imac 800 a few months ago... and now they are coming up with two gig stuff.. do they have upgrades? pretty please apple!:eek:


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2002
1 Infinite Loop
Originally posted by lemmon
about the ibook.....

isn't osx optimized for a g4 with altivec?
(i know i read that somewhere)

and isn't steve pushing so very hard for a complete switch to x?

that's why i see the ebook as an appealing idea.
leave it with the aging g3 (which performs better than it's mHz rating suggests), and pop some g4s in the newley redesigned ibooks. replete with a 13 or 14 inch screen.

the ebook will kind of pick up where the ibook will leave off, just as the emac picked up where the new imac left off.

a sub $1000 notebook for the education market and some new consumer level ibooks in the mid $1000's.

just my thoughts, feel free to correct me.

good point.. .but i dont' think that ebook will be coming out on the public market right awy. they'll do wht they did w/ the emac... put it on education market, and three months later release to public.
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