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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Just a heads up, but I've opted to get the Apple Extreme base station. I got a really sweet deal on this from our Marketplace and I couldn't pass up spending only 100 bucks on this vs. buying a Linksys or the AEB brand new.

So far everything is working ver well, coverage seems to be better, but I love the simplicity. I've not fully tested out the coverage before I extend the coverage. I may use those powerline adapters I have to create a wirless network on my first floor instead of extending the existing one, that may keep the current wireless network upstairs fairly fast.
airport extreme - Google Search.png


macrumors demi-god
Dec 30, 2009
Powerline adaptors used on separate breakers will lose quite a bit of bandwidth so wireless extending could potentially be better depending on the wifi signal strength where the 2nd AEBS would be located. is a decent read.

And you may already be well aware of this but just stating it if others pass by and read. Because almost everyone I talk to personally are confused by the wording of bandwidth speeds these days.

Example: 1Gbps = 1 Gigabit per second. People tend to think this is a GigaByte. It isn't , it translates to roughly 120MBps or 120 MegaBytes.
When you see a small b it means bits and a large B means Bytes. Bits are much smaller.
I've had many employees tell me,

"I'm not getting near the transfer speed on the network that I should be getting. Don't we have Gigabit ethernet?"
"Yes, that's approx 120MegaBytes per second"
"Oh..... I thought it was supposed to be much faster than that because I have an SSD in my computer that can write at 550MegaBytes per sec"
"Correct, so now your LAN connection is the bottleneck"

A 100Mbps connection is around 12 MegaBytes per second and 10Mbps is around 1.2 MegaBytes.
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