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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 6, 2003
Hey I was just posting at the MacWhiz thread where people are discussing c l a s s - a c t i o n suits against the scammer and how being defrauded is e m b a r a s s i n g, and all of a sudden those perfectly innocent words are censored ("starred out").

Doesn't that go a bit too far?

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
They added *** to the bad word filter, which means it kills it in all the various forms including cl***, p***, embar***, etc.

Probably one of the reasons arn didn't add it awhile ago.

A thread pissed off the mods, but they might realized to keep the short version out and kill some of the long versions of the word.

Then police the short version of the word as it becomes a problem -- most people never realized it wasn't in the filter to begin with.

So the use wasn't too widespread, with most people attempting creative ways arount the filter -- even though it would not have been caught.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
Yes, a little over the top!

I once ***umed that speech was free and my words would p*** free from censorship. But, it seems, that there are those who canv***ed others of like minds and decided that some words are too cr***. I never thought that fishing for b***, playing b*** guitar, or de-t***elling corn would deserve some sort of censorship in any cl***ification, but alas, there must be a kav*** that wishes to ***imilate our minds into one like a young l***. To live in a state like this, I am embarr***ed.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
The filter could probably be adjusted so that it would be more specific. It was always problematic to talk about Matsusita using the Hepburn transliteration because it ends up containing a filtered word.

Is there anything we can do to help tailor the filters? I'm sure someone here is good at pattern-matching.


Administrator emeritus
Jun 28, 2002
North Central Colorado
sorry about that - it's been added back into the real of usable words, but I think the filter has done it's duty in regards to the posts already made in here.

For the record, ass is ok to post in here - just don't overdo it, ok?

and crazytom, you're a regular comedian, aren't you :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
Mudbug said:
sorry about that - it's been added back into the real of usable words, but I think the filter has done it's duty in regards to the posts already made in here.

For the record, ass is ok to post in here - just don't overdo it, ok?

and crazytom, you're a regular comedian, aren't you :)

No, not really, it's just a classic case of sassing.

Thanks for changing the filter!!!


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
Yea, **** was ****ing the ****ed around because **** the **** I ****.

Man, that's when **** can **** becau** **h ******ed just when ****.



macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
So can I say ***** or p*$$ed, or not? My post got deleted too before I saw an answer, but I didn't get a PM or banned, so I'm guessing I wasn't one of the offenders. Or was I? I don't know, I can never tell.

Edit: I guess not. Weird that ass is ok, but with a @ and $'s isn't. Why is it 5 *'s? So you don't know what it is? You'd think it would be at least the same amount of characters. Maybe I'll just not curse, like when I'm around kids.

I know the rest of the words are out, but can I say the Q-word or not?


macrumors 68030
May 11, 2004
fig tree
Hector said:
matshita optical drive manufacturer.

that annoys me
w00t! it got through! ive got aq matshita combo drive in my laptop! matshita is an asian company! matshita is not an evil word! it's just so fun to say matshita and have it go uncensored. i sure could go for some shitake mushrooms...i wonder if that'll get censored?


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
homerjward said:
w00t! it got through! ive got aq matshita combo drive in my laptop! matshita is an asian company! matshita is not an evil word! it's just so fun to say matshita and have it go uncensored. i sure could go for some shitake mushrooms...i wonder if that'll get censored?

They are Matsushita (beneath the pine tree) and Shiitake mushrooms. ;)

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
windowsblowsass said:
was my name bleeped when this was active?
I didn't check, but it definitely deserves to be bleeped with two naughty words in it.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
wordmunger said:
According to, either spelling is acceptable.

the japanese name for the mushroom is made of 4 distinct syllables.
it's shi-i-ta-ke.

"shitake" would be incorrect from the japanese standpoint because it would become shi-ta-ke, only three syllables.

btw, thanks for the original poster. i found censored "class" etc. to be a bit over the top.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
bousozoku said:

I never knew Merriam or Webster were Japanese. ;)

ha ha. :p

i must say, i did stress that "shitake" would be wrong from the japanese stand point, but i personally think it's fine. english translations need not be exactly the same as the original... it's whatever english feels comfortable and usable - just don't expect the japanese to understand you when you mention shitake as opposed to shiitake...

the classic reverse example (an english word translated "incorrectly" into japanese) is jack nicklaus (the golfer). his last name is pronounced "nick-las" but japanese translated more literally from the spelling and made it "nick-la-u-s." from english standpoint, it's wrong, but that's how it goes in japan...

another example is "hit-and-run" (as in baseball). in english, it's pronounced (or read) as "hit'n run" so translation in japanese became "hit-end-run" even though that makes no sense in english...

kind of fun...
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