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Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
jxyama said:
ha ha. :p

i must say, i did stress that "shitake" would be wrong from the japanese stand point, but i personally think it's fine. english translations need not be exactly the same as the original... it's whatever english feels comfortable and usable - just don't expect the japanese to understand you when you mention shitake as opposed to shiitake...

the classic reverse example (an english word translated "incorrectly" into japanese) is jack nicklaus (the golfer). his last name is pronounced "nick-las" but japanese translated more literally from the spelling and made it "nick-la-u-s." from english standpoint, it's wrong, but that's how it goes in japan...

another example is "hit-and-run" (as in baseball). in english, it's pronounced (or read) as "hit'n run" so translation in japanese became "hit-end-run" even though that makes no sense in english...

kind of fun...

I'm tedious about precision. Developing healthcare and financial software made me that way, I think. I just don't see that there is a good reason to be sloppy about language, especially, if it's someone's name. Linus Torvalds is one of the most mis-spoken names in technology. Bjarne (Bjärne?) Stroustroup is another.

Yes, English cognates in Japanese tend to be as wrong as Americans trying to use Japanese words, carryokie (kara oke) anyone? :D

Now, "hit-and-run" is fine in English for American baseball, but "hit-end-run" works simply because it applies to Yakyu, not baseball. :D


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
Sun Baked said:
Is that thinking too hard, or angry?

Depends on who it is.. It if was a picture of me, it'd be angry. I'm all for protecting patient rights, but the scramble to create and implement policy for this has been... overwhelming.


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2001
State of Denial
yellow said:
Depends on who it is.. It if was a picture of me, it'd be angry. I'm all for protecting patient rights, but the scramble to create and implement policy for this has been... overwhelming.

Seconded. The regulations are in large part, IMO to placate (read: give lots of evidence to in order to screw over the actual providers while letting the insurance companies get away scott free) the lawyers, rather than protect the patients as far as I can tell. I know psychologist with a private practice, who I'm developing new billing software for, and after reading the HIPAA rules, I have to agree with her assessment: the laws are to make lawyers rich while screwing over doctors and paying only lip service to the idea of holding insurance companies accountable.

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
homerjward said:
i sure could go for some ... mushrooms...i wonder if that'll get censored?
Period, not a question mark.

By the way: I said this back on August 21, 2002:
"ass" was censored a while back, which is why you may have seen so many "Cl***ic" words back then. The PF was rather harsh.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
GeeYouEye said:
Seconded. The regulations are in large part, IMO to placate (read: give lots of evidence to in order to screw over the actual providers while letting the insurance companies get away scott free) the lawyers, rather than protect the patients as far as I can tell. I know psychologist with a private practice, who I'm developing new billing software for, and after reading the HIPAA rules, I have to agree with her assessment: the laws are to make lawyers rich while screwing over doctors and paying only lip service to the idea of holding insurance companies accountable.

Well, they moved so quickly to get it done. It couldn't actually mean anything but complication.


macrumors regular
Nov 3, 2003
Milky Way

crazytom said:
I once ***umed that speech was free and my words would p*** free from censorship. But, it seems, that there are those who canv***ed others of like minds and decided that some words are too cr***. I never thought that fishing for b***, playing b*** guitar, or de-t***elling corn would deserve some sort of censorship in any cl***ification, but alas, there must be a kav*** that wishes to ***imilate our minds into one like a young l***. To live in a state like this, I am embarr***ed.

Dude, that's the funniest thing I've read in a while! Thanks for making my day, ***! :p


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2004
I'm so glad that when I come to read about macs, I don't have to worry about seeing words that a select few people are afraid of. Had I seen these words, my head would've probably exploded from shock. Either that or I would've become a criminal. I might have even downloaded MP3s (and not payed for them! *gasp*!) I surely wouldn't have been able to just read them without being traumatized. Thanks for keeping my fragile mind safe from the evils (common language) of the real world.

You people need to listen to or watch some Bill Hicks, kick back and "****" as they say. :cool:

There are more pressing matters if you ask me...

On a side note, I want to see somebody in an emergency situation (or, during the last few seconds of their life) yell, "Oh poop....oh POOP!!!!" :p
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