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macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2006
jiggie2g said:
My only question to you people is in this year of 2006 why in gods name would Apple release a note book , not matter what budget with 64mb vram? al of you insist on an X1300 with 64MB vram.

As said before its a cheap student/consumer oriented notebook. Also, 64mb of DEDICATED vram is more than many PCs have at the $1000 price point, most of them are using crappy intel onboard SHARED system memory graphics chips. Ill take 64mb of DEDICATED vram over 256mb of SHARED vram any day.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2006
jiggie2g said:
Also check out the they usually have news on CPU price cuts so even more of an excuse for apple to charge less and stop acting like BMW. Apple 's future is to increase market share and at $1299 for a decent desktop or $1499 for a usuable notebook this will never happen.

Gateway and HP have PC's with shipping with Athlon X2 4200+'s for under $999

P.S. All you guys who are buying Yonah macs are suckers , that chip is just a stepping stone like The Pentium D is, by late summer Memron and Conroe will both be ready and both are 64-bit. How bout explaining that to the mac loyalist Steve'O.

#1 The ibook 12/14 inch and Powerbook 12 inch are all quite usable and are at or under $1499. They perform most task fairly well including photoshop. Of course they arent going to edit video to quick, but neither is a PC laptop.

#2 Its either pay the extra for a BMW(Apple) or drive a Daewoo(Dell, HP, etc).

#3 Athlon X2s huh? Theyre shipping in desktops for $999 not laptops, they also consume way more power than the Core Duo. Apple has a 1.83 ghz Core Duo with a 17 inch LCD, IR remote, iSight, plus a great set of software(iLife 06, Frontrow) shipping for $1299. To me thats a better deal and it doesnt come loaded with bloatware like the Compaq I'm typing this on did. Oh, and did I mention theres not much spyware out there for Mac? Saves me another $30-$100 on spyware and virus protection software.

P.S. Im pretty sure Steve Jobs knows what intel is coming out with in the next 2 years, in fact theyre prolly all ready developing a platform using merom and conroe. Have fun critisizing Mr. Jobs, last I recalled he had his own private jet, was head of a very succesful company, owned 50.1% of shares in Pixar, and had more money in stock options than any one of us will ever see in our lives.


macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2006
DevilDog said:
What's the current difference between a PowerBook/MacBook and an iBook??? Price and Performance. The only reason somebody would pick an iBook over a PowerBook/MacBook would be Price. Now... how do you get more people to buy these other than Price??? SIZE. No Disc Drive. It'll have an external one that forms a sort of base station that you can "dock" your iBook on when you want to load CD/DVD based media. The combo drive takes up about 1/6th of the space inside the current 12" PowerBook, so it would be significantly thinner. Screen will be as wide as a 12", but not as tall. Higher Resolution. Same white color, possibly with the bottom stainless steel similar to an iPod. Think about it, laptop the size of a composition book, 100 pages thick. It would be the next iPod, especially at $1000 or less. Remember how Stevo said an 8 pound iPod with a 10 inch screen or whatever??? Well, maybe he was dropping a clue. Think of this Sony as an example (even though I have sony), except slimmer, sleeker, and sexier. But without Sony's horrible styling with fans and bumps sticking out of the case all over the place.

And... Think if there was a slot similar to a ExpressCard Slot where you popped your iPod in for the HardDrive??? Save the expense of having one in your computer and one in your iPod. And it would do wonders for schools- Students sit down at their desk and stick their own ipod into the computer. All computers are virtually the same to any student. The OS, the Apps, and the Files all the students own on any computer, anywhere. Look- Apple's going to change the future with their iBook. Powerbooks will be geared more to the person who needs the high performance, mobility that a laptop provides. iBooks will be a fashion statement, a staple in the modern learning environment. Heck, it could even double as an oversized iPod!

I like! I like! To make it absolutely perfect... keep the disc drive and start it at $799


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2003
rhsgolfer33 said:
#3 Athlon X2s huh? Theyre shipping in desktops for $999 not laptops, they also consume way more power than the Core Duo. Apple has a 1.83 ghz Core Duo with a 17 inch LCD, IR remote, iSight, plus a great set of software(iLife 06, Frontrow) shipping for $1299. To me thats a better deal and it doesnt come loaded with bloatware like the Compaq I'm typing this on did. Oh, and did I mention theres not much spyware out there for Mac? Saves me another $30-$100 on spyware and virus protection software.

Keep your Pentium III ..oops i ment Core Duo(you do know this cpu is nothing more then a modified PIII). as far as power consumption that is mainly due to the 65nm process and when AMD starts shipping thier 65nm Athlon X2 in the spring the who fake argument about power consumption Jobs fed you all will go out the window. Face It Jobs was trying to low ball IBM on the G5 prices and they got sick of his crap and said "go screw yourself steve" then went with the consoles for a mountain of money.

Intel is so desperate these days that thier CEO dresses up in a Bunny suit to make a Jack Ass outta himself just to please steve'o and back stabs Dell by giving Apple 1st dibs on the Core Duo. Sorry but thats just bad business. Dell will spite Intel by shipping AMD based PC's in the 2nd half of the year and Apple will have thier tiny market share. AMD continues to take over the CPU market and keep's the boot to Intels throat. Lesson Intel you Don't screw Toyota(Dell) just to get a few sales with BMW(Apple). Toyota will always be your cash cow.

Intel is doing Better but AMD will just keep improving thier platform. the socket AMD M2/940pin will add DDR2 support and Opteron socket F/1207pin will add an on-chip PCIe controller. Sorry Intel close but no cigar.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 9, 2005
jiggie2g said:
Keep your Pentium III ..oops i ment Core Duo(you do know this cpu is nothing more then a modified PIII). as far as power consumption that is mainly due to the 65nm process and when AMD starts shipping thier 65nm Athlon X2 in the spring the who fake argument about power consumption Jobs fed you all will go out the window. Face It Jobs was trying to low ball IBM on the G5 prices and they got sick of his crap and said "go screw yourself steve" then went with the consoles for a mountain of money.

Intel is so desperate these days that thier CEO dresses up in a Bunny suit to make a Jack Ass outta himself just to please steve'o and back stabs Dell by giving Apple 1st dibs on the Core Duo. Sorry but thats just bad business. Dell will spite Intel by shipping AMD based PC's in the 2nd half of the year and Apple will have thier tiny market share. AMD continues to take over the CPU market and keep's the boot to Intels throat. Lesson Intel you Don't screw Toyota(Dell) just to get a few sales with BMW(Apple). Toyota will always be your cash cow.

Intel is doing Better but AMD will just keep improving thier platform. the socket AMD M2/940pin will add DDR2 support and Opteron socket F/1207pin will add an on-chip PCIe controller. Sorry Intel close but no cigar.
Why did I only understand half of that? And why does it matter? The new iMac works, right? It's faster than the last one, right?

It's certainally not high end, but then again, it's the freaking iMac. Settle down about the AMD/IBM/Intel thing. They're just processors.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2005
shrimpdesign said:
Why did I only understand half of that?
Because he sounds like a thirteen-year-old with ADD?

EDIT: Google returns a number of hits related to ephedrine for his user name, so that latter bit may not be far off.

P.S. All you guys who are buying Yonah macs are suckers , that chip is just a stepping stone like The Pentium D is, by late summer Memron and Conroe will both be ready and both are 64-bit. How bout explaining that to the mac loyalist Steve'O.
Uh, how are you going to fit more than four gigs of RAM into a laptop, anyway?


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
You guys are forgetting a lot of stuff. With the droppage of the 12" powerbook from the line, and the addition of a camera to the line, that leaves both a thin and light über portable porfesional grade laptop missing, as well as a pro machine w/o an isight.

There's another fact. Image: Professional CEO's aren't going to want to show up to important business meetings with the same laptop as the kids in college.

as far as iBooks go, I read elsewhere it'll be 11", 13", and 15".

I predict...
11"- "MacBook Light" thin and light, watered down thin and light powerbook.
It may or may not have an isighg. Priced around $875
13"- that's the new 12". It'll have what we've come to expect.
it'll have an isight, no modem, bla bla bla priced around $1199
15"- Already here- It's a MacBook Pro. Price drop to $1699

the macbooks will all have the old powerbook design, where as all of the new powerbooks will have a better name than "macbook pro", and come in 4 colors, like that guy in the other thread was'll be hot. They will also be the new 64bit CPU's

this is all prediction, speculation, not backed up by any facts what so ever.

and just as a side note to those who say apple is to expensive, you should get a gateway laptop! my last one, a thinest lightest 14" you could buy with a DVD/CD+RW cost close to $1800 total.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2003
Lazyhound said:
Because he sounds like a thirteen-year-old with ADD?

EDIT: Google returns a number of hits related to ephedrine for his user name, so that latter bit may not be far off.

Googled my user name , what a creep you must be. Do you also google the names and addresses of girls who don't call u back? now I have to take a shower. ewwww...sicko.

It seem you are the one who may be in need of medication ,or better yet professional counseling.

P.S. As for the Ephedrine post at , I was warning those dumb kids in High School not to kill themselve on that stuff by teaching them how to stack/use it properly. Ephedrine is serious stuff like Pro hormones were before they were banned , it takes discipline to use it correctly and not cause harm to yourself. It's not for Kids trying to make the Football Team.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2004
Not sure I like where this is going guys. This was a potentially interesting thread, but it's going to get locked or wasted if we don't stay on topic.

So, BACK ON TOPIC, 2 questions:
1. How likely is the sub-12" screen?
2. Will the new laptop range be just updated Intel versions of the iBook and the PowerBook (ie maintain the same range of 2 consumer and 3 pro models), or will Apple do a 12/13" 'iBook' and a 15 + 17" MBPro?


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
remember jiggy, this is the path you took towards being banned before hand, people will always be jerks, and i'm not saying lazyhound is, just keep the aggro turned down a notch.

and remember, you are 13 and i doubt your a master of business practice, micro electronics or etiquette, sure express your opinion, but stating your uneducated assumptions as fact and ridiculing everyone else is defined as flamebait.

oh and saying yonah is just a P3 is just as akin to saying that the athlon 64 is just a 64 bit K7 with botched on hyper-transport and an on die memory controller, which to a degree it is, just as the P-M is a P-3 with a spanking new branch predictor a quad pumped bus and slightly lengthened pipeline among a few other things

intel has been stagnating recently because all the focus is going on the P8, the successor to netburst, AMD has yet to even transition to 300mm fabs let alone 65nm, it'd gained what 400MHz in the last three years? i doubt they will fare much better at 65nm, intel has a whole new desktop architecture coming which their has been little info about other than it's a 14 pipe circa 2.8GHz chip.

so far only the likes of apple has seen it, SJ is not stupid.


macrumors 68020
Feb 13, 2005

jiggie2g said:
My only question to you people is in this year of 2006 why in gods name would Apple release a note book , not matter what budget with 64mb vram? al of you insist on an X1300 with 64MB vram.

I don't think 64MB of VRAM is sufficient for a modern operating system, but Apple has been stingy in this arena for some time, so while I really don't want less than 128 MB VRAM, 64 MB is probably realistic--though I would LUV to be surprised!!!


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2006
we gotta get out of here!
Intel MacBook, iPod, MobileMe

This may be a little too speculative, but i see apple pushing the new ibook to people who only know apple for the ipod. Also, Ive heard that the new ibook will be marketed towards women, who like ipods, but often arent that into computers. So instead of focusing on specs, I think the improvement will be in design, size and ipod wireless intergration (mobileme?). I think isight will be something apple will have across their entire line line, so I expect to see that as well. Maybe not on the mini.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
stevep said:
Not sure I like where this is going guys. This was a potentially interesting thread, but it's going to get locked or wasted if we don't stay on topic.

So, BACK ON TOPIC, 2 questions:
1. How likely is the sub-12" screen?
2. Will the new laptop range be just updated Intel versions of the iBook and the PowerBook (ie maintain the same range of 2 consumer and 3 pro models), or will Apple do a 12/13" 'iBook' and a 15 + 17" MBPro?

Re: 1 - IMHO, there's just about 0% chance for a sub 12" screen. That's a subnotebook, a market Apple has never exhibited any interest in. And rightly so, it's a tiny market - and Apple has their hands full with the current product line plus all the media center plans etc... no reason to extend themselves to develop for such a small market. Some folks hope for an Apple PDA a la Newton, but I don't see that happening either... the PDA market is dying (I'll get flamed for this, but it's true)... PDA sales have been going down for 3 years now, all PDAs and their functions are split off between laptops, cell phones and even mp3 players (calendar and notetaking on the iPod...). So, sub 12" - no chance.

Re: 2 - IMHO, there is no call for a 13" iBook (MacBook) - iBooks are pitched at students and casual users. The 12" fits the bill, there is no reason to put out another iBook at 13" - it would be a silly difference in size with all else being equal. There may be some call for a 12" and 14" but 12" and 13" is just silly - too small a difference. And they are not going to drop the 12" IMHO - it's a proven and popular design, and believe it or not, many of their target audience would not appreciate having to go to 13" if that implies (as it might) that they'll lose vertical space compard to the 12" - students and those with a lot of word processing needs want vertical space, and the 12" is the minimum, with 13 cutting into that.

Actually, I think there may be a 13" PowerBook (MacBook Pro) - that makes sense - 12" MacBook and 13" MacBook Pro is a big difference, unlike a 12" MacBook and 13" MacBook. And they'll eliminate the 14" iBook. Or they'll stay with the 12" MacBook Pro. And they'll definitely stay with the 15" MacBook Pro and the 17" MacBook Pro. So my speculation is this lineup:

1)12" MacBook (intel iBook followup)
2) NO 14" MacBook
3)12" MacBook Pro OR 13" MacBook Pro
4)15" MacBook Pro
5)17" MacBook Pro

We'll see how wrong I am :)


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
Aside from aluminum chassis and DVI output, there's nothing significant on 12-inch PowerBook G4 that separates it from iBook. It is essentially iBook in a PowerBook shell (e.g., Toyota Camry vs Lexus ES).

I think it would make more sense to kill 12-inch MacBook Pro altogether and add mini-DVI output (without dual-link DVI) to iBook (or I suppose, MacBook). It should have widescreen LCD (12.1" or 13.3", whichever makes sense) and SuperDrive. It would make sense to use Intel Core Solo CPU (most likely T1300 1.67 GHz) with 4200 RPM SATA 60 GB hard disk, ATI x1300 64 MB VRAM, and just about every features on 15-inch MacBook Pro but ExpressCard slot, backlit keyboard, and audio input.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2004
OldCorpse said:
1)12" MacBook (intel iBook followup)
2) NO 14" MacBook
3)12" MacBook Pro OR 13" MacBook Pro
4)15" MacBook Pro
5)17" MacBook Pro

We'll see how wrong I am :)
Like your thinking. I agree with the sub-12" thing, but I might be biased because I wouldn't want one.
And I think that if they do a 13" MacBook Pro, the iBook replacement would go with the same screen size as well.


macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Let me get this straight: The MacBook Pro lost the FW800 port, but was otherwise better than the G4 PowerBook. So, you guys think that the MacBook will be a crippled version of the iBook, losing anything from the optical drive to the FW400 port?

Apple's moving to compete more directly with the PC manufacturers. I sure hope they don't cripple their hardware anymore, because that'd be asking to be bitchslapped into insolvency.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Hector said:
1.67GHz yonah solo
x1300 64MB
same ram config as before but ddr667
isight, IR no backlit keyboard
DVI out, same as the imac, allows spanning
same port config but with gige and no modem, maybe 5.1 out.

I think this is right. Well, maybe I just HOPE it's right. Those specs, at $999, would ROCK, and I'd be trading in this ibook (see sig) in a second.

The biggest for me is DVI out. I know Apple wants to distinguish consumer vs. pro lines, but I need DVI out. I have a 20" ACD that is just sitting in its box right now because my ibook doesn't have DVI.

isight, 5.1 sound, and gige i don't really care about; backlit keyboard would be very nice, but it's never going to happen, and it's no big deal. Give me the faster processor and graphics, the IR/front row, and DVI, and I'll be placing my order within seconds of seeing it. Come on apple! My credit card is waiting! :D


Nov 25, 2005
BlizzardBomb said:
Well I'm just looking at Intel's roadmap...

Core Duo (667Mhz FSB)
2.16Ghz - $637
2Ghz - $423
1.83Ghz - $294
1.66Ghz - $241
LV 1.66Ghz - $316
LV 1.5Ghz - $284

Core Solo (667Mhz FSB)
1.67Ghz - $209

Now why would Apple build a computer using a Core Solo chip (1.67 MHz for $209) instead of a Core Duo (1.67 MHz for $241)? That does not make any sense at all. With the second processor costing $32 more, Apple would have to be beaten silly with a clue stick if they used the Core Duo.

I would never, ever consider buying any computer with a Core Solo chip, whether it is from Apple, or from any other company. Core Solo at that price point is an absolute waste of time.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2006
In a far country
gnasher729 said:
I would never, ever consider buying any computer with a Core Solo chip, whether it is from Apple, or from any other company. Core Solo at that price point is an absolute waste of time.

Well you wouldnt but others would. Seriously, why would apple put a 1.6 core duo chip in their "consumer" portable when their "pro" model has the same 1.6 core duo chip in it. They wouldn't sell any pro models.

I agree with the others mostly, we will see 1 model of the "intel ibook" in April.
13" 1.6 Core Solo
60 HD
512 MB
Available in Black or White


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Oh, there's something else the new 'books *need* to have. A brighter screen. Much, much brighter!! It's my major complaint with my ibook.


macrumors member
Jan 16, 2006
I can understand if the new ibook has a core solo, while the macbook pro is a core duo. IMO, I think thats what will seperate the both laptops the most. But I don't understand why some people agree that the new ibook won't have an iSight.
"Oh, only advanced professional people can look at eachother using a webcam on their laptop." :p Heck, the iMac has one too.
It will be fair if the ibook has an iSight, and ... it will attract more people.


macrumors 65816
Aug 24, 2005
mdavey said:
Same price marks as current iBooks
Give or take a few £ yeah

Between 5.5lb and 5.9lb for the 14" or 15" model

Equal or better. The official figure will be between 6hrs and the official figure for the MacBook Pro 15".

Spec benchmarks will show these to be 3x faster than the iBook
Actually I rather expect the Core Solo chips in that are due for release soonish. That's the only reason I can see that Apple would've held off on the iBook release so far. So probably a 2xish clock speed?

I think they'll have iSight and IR remote, backlit keyboard, MagSafe, X1600 (but less VRAM than the MacBook Pro). No monitor spanning. The screen will be higher resolution than the iBook and brighter. The other thechnical features will be very similar to the existing iBook.
I'm not sure on the iSights, probably will be but who knows. Backlit keyboard? Nah. IR Remote, very likely, can't see any reason not to. Magsafe is possible, I can't imagine that costing much to put in and it just downright makes sense.

Hopefully higher resolution

I'm hoping that they'll have swappable cases (like the way you can swap mobile 'phone covers), but probably not for issue A. Probably available in black or white.


macrumors 68030
Jun 15, 2005
gnasher729 said:
Now why would Apple build a computer using a Core Solo chip (1.67 MHz for $209) instead of a Core Duo (1.67 MHz for $241)? That does not make any sense at all. With the second processor costing $32 more, Apple would have to be beaten silly with a clue stick if they used the Core Duo.

I would never, ever consider buying any computer with a Core Solo chip, whether it is from Apple, or from any other company. Core Solo at that price point is an absolute waste of time.

Say Apple made 1,000 sales. That's $32,000 they could have saved! And why do you dislike Core Solo so much? They are a giant leap from G4s! The G4's FSB has been wallowing around in the 100s and the L2 cache is minute.

Legacy said:
The MacBook, I think will indeed be available in 'two' flavours. With the switch to widescreen format in the LCD's it would seem logical for 13.3"/15.2" to be used (15.4" reserved for 'pro', just to be different, you know Apple guys!)

I think it would be easier for Apple to just stick with the one screen. That and a 15.2" would have more pixels per inch than a 15.4".


macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2003
Toronto, Canada
MacTT said:
I can understand if the new ibook has a core solo, while the macbook pro is a core duo. IMO, I think thats what will seperate the both laptops the most. But I don't understand why some people agree that the new ibook won't have an iSight.
"Oh, only advanced professional people can look at eachother using a webcam on their laptop." :p Heck, the iMac has one too.
It will be fair if the ibook has an iSight, and ... it will attract more people.

I totally agree with what you say. But one thing I'd like to add is that, before, with iBooks and PowerBooks, marketing-wise it came across like they were very different lines. With MacBook and MacBook Pro, there doesn't sound like such a need to differentiate the lines. Pro need only add a bit to set itself about from the regular. Things like having a better hard drive or a better cpu might be enough, without having to have totally different enclosures. Hopefully hardware crippling (no spanning on iBook, even though GPU supports it) will now be defunct.
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