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macrumors 65816
Dec 24, 2005
BlizzardBomb said:
Say Apple made 1,000 sales. That's $32,000 they could have saved!

yes, but if they have the core solo and people decide, that dell is a better buy with the core duo, then they have just lost x sales.

IMHO, they will make the MBP and the MB in the same line, ((called the MacBook)with differences like choosing colors on the MB, etc.) and will make a subnotebook. I have used the sony one (pictured in a previous reply) and that seems like a really nice computer for me. I would like a bigger screen though so Sony's new 13" Core Duo also seems nice (although i haven't used it) for my needs. I travel enough now that i realized i need a light, portable or ultraportable laptop. the iBooks don't cut it for me. I don't NEED a new laptop, but i would like one. If apple made a small, light, powerfull laptop, i would buy that. i am willing to wait until august. But if apple doesnt release it by september 1, i will be determined to hack os x into a sony. Apple has some pretty big competition in that range now, and they have to get into that market.

EDIT: I do wish that if they do decide to build in an isight, that it should be optional or removable. Think about it. You push a button on the bottom or side of the screen, and it pops out, and you can replace it with a metal piece that fits perfectly. That could work for the people who can't have cameras in work or dont want them.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2006
In a far country
yankeefan24 said:
yes, but if they have the core solo and people decide, that dell is a better buy with the core duo, then they have just lost x sales.

Yes the processor might be slower, but you contradict yourself with your signature. You say you like "new designs". Have you seen a "new design" from Dell for the past upteen years? How about ever? What about a machine that is not bound to Windows XP? What about letting OS's actually compete for their merits and not because of hardware?

If you like the sonys, I would say get a sony. Their designs might be better, but I guarantee their OS is not. Most of them cost the same or more than Apple's offerings by the time you customize then with a comparable graphics card, burner, and hd. And they have the added disadvantage of windows. You would probably be bound to windows because OSX uses EFI not BIOS and probably has some sort of failsafe built into the machine.

BTW: Go Red Sox! :D


macrumors 65816
Dec 24, 2005
revfife said:
Yes the processor might be slower, but you contradict yourself with your signature. You say you like "new designs". Have you seen a "new design" from Dell for the past upteen years? How about ever? What about a machine that is not bound to Windows XP? What about letting OS's actually compete for their merits and not because of hardware?

If you like the sonys, I would say get a sony. Their designs might be better, but I guarantee their OS is not. Most of them cost the same or more than Apple's offerings by the time you customize then with a comparable graphics card, burner, and hd. And they have the added disadvantage of windows. You would probably be bound to windows because OSX uses EFI not BIOS and probably has some sort of failsafe built into the machine.

BTW: Go Red Sox! :D

1) I was referring to people in general, not myself. I hate all dell's. But i know alot of people like them.

2) Believe me, if sony had os x on it, i would be typing on one of those. BUT, OS X is way to valuable for me to give it up for a newer design from sony. Price is not a very high concern for me, and graphics cards are not important to me AT ALL. Sony makes a base core solo machine, when upgraded to a core duo and similar apple specs, cost about 1700 dollars. But thats with a smaller screen. (note, i compared to the lower priced MBP).

3) I hate windows more than i hate the red sox. I would only buy a windows if necessary, (right now, its not). If i do need to buy a windows, it will be a sony. And i know that no one has been able to get mac on a windows or vise-versa.

4) I decided to edit this out because it has absolutly nothing to do with Macs or windows.

EDIT: BTW, my signature says i hate old designs, it never says i like new designs, even though i do. But i don't like all of the futuristic people trying to make their product look like it came out of the year 2050 designs. Those are almost all ugly.


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
i dont see why people like sony's designs, they are clunky and ugly, seriously whats with that am i on my own here, i'm not saying this as an apple fanboy i'm saying this as a aesthetic perfectionist.


macrumors 65816
Dec 24, 2005
Hector said:
i dont see why people like sony's designs, they are clunky and ugly, seriously whats with that am i on my own here, i'm not saying this as an apple fanboy i'm saying this as a aesthetic perfectionist.

Apple designs are nice, but i would like them to upgrade them more. Having the same design for a computer for years and years is not what is going to make me buy one. In general, i will not buy something that looks the same as something that still works that is old. This is most evident in computers, but can also be related to cars, etc. I wont go out and buy a BMW, and then in a few years, get one that looks the same. I like sony's design because of their size, weight, and ability to change the colors. I'm not saying i love every aspect of sony vaio design, but if you combined a sony vaio with a powerbook (or ibook), you would probably end up having my ultimate computer (until its obsolete).


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
for me design is timeless, if apple decided to keep the cube going i'd buy them in 4 year cycles. the alubook is the best designed laptop i have ever seen period, sure it'd be nice if it was made of titainium or carbon fiber but aluminium remains the best cost effective material for a laptop in it's class.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2005
Davis CA
the battery life has to be better b/c one of the reasons apple switched to intel is b/c intel chips use less power. i think the battery life will be around 6 hours at best. the big deal will be speed. they will prolly go dual core for the ibooks, and even if they dont a centrino or the likes is better than a G4. screen size should be roughly the same as it is now. apple has the makings to blow away the old ibooks and its going to take alot to mess that up.


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2006
we gotta get out of here!
OldCorpse said:
it's a proven and popular design, and believe it or not, many of their target audience would not appreciate having to go to 13" if that implies (as it might) that they'll lose vertical space compard to the 12" - students and those with a lot of word processing needs want vertical space, and the 12" is the minimum, with 13 cutting into that.

Apple ibook is going to be marketed to more than students soon. I think apple will try to take as much as possible from the success of the ipod. This is why they released the mac mini as well. Similarly the macbook will be more of a digital entertainment device, hence the widescreen 13" size, for watching dvds. I see two models, one that agrees with what your saying, for the academic market, and the other for the switchers.


macrumors member
Jan 20, 2006
gnasher729 said:
Now why would Apple build a computer using a Core Solo chip (1.67 MHz for $209) instead of a Core Duo (1.67 MHz for $241)? That does not make any sense at all. With the second processor costing $32 more, Apple would have to be beaten silly with a clue stick if they used the Core Duo.

I would never, ever consider buying any computer with a Core Solo chip, whether it is from Apple, or from any other company. Core Solo at that price point is an absolute waste of time.

As someone has pointed out, to make an artificial diference between the consumer (ibook equivalent) and pro (macbook) lines.

I'd place good money that even if a 1.5 ghz solo cost as much as a 1.5 ghz duo we'd get the solo in the ibook. Which is annoying.

Legacy said:
HOWEVER, I do think there will be a MacBook Pro 13.3" released for £1099/$1599 with the following specs:

MacBook Pro 13.3"

Intel Core Duo 1.66Ghz Processor w/ 667Mhz FSB
13.3" Screen with 1440 x 900 resolution
Dual-Layer Superdrive (and too will be the other MacBook Pro's)
80Gb 5400rpms Hard Drive
Airport and Bluetooth
Ati Radeon X1300 128Mb Graphics (yes this will disappoint, but its been the case with the 9700's and FX5200 on the 12incher)
Firewire 400, USB 2.0 x 2 Ports, MagSafe, Ethernet, DVI-Out, NO MODEM

(Modified from original, but credit must be given) This is my perfect laptop. I dont care about 99% of the pro features on the macbook. I don't want an aluminium case. I don't want a built-in isight camera. I dont care about front row. I dont care about keyboards that light up, or automatically adjusting screen brightness. Okay, I might like the magsafe power connector.

What I want is this:
Core Duo:
I'd much rather have a 1.4 (or lower) ghz core duo than a 1.8 core solo.
Better Screen:
should be smaller in size (hence 13" is perfect), must be brighter, must have much better resolution. the screen on current ibooks is shocking.

If an ibook had that, I wouldn't buy a macbook. Which is exactly why we won't see it. We'll get core solo (even if apple could get core duos for the same price) and we'll have a lame screen.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2002
The Great White North Eh
I'm thinking it will have a translucent apple on the back;)

Maybe two models:
12-13.x" widescreen (slightly higher res.)
949$ (slightly lower US price) (1199 Canadian no doubt)
64mb card probably the 9600 from the old powerbooks (spanning disabled)
60Gb standard hd (4200rpm); upgrade to 80 and 100 5200 rpm
512mb standard ram 1gb built-in option; still only one slot
2 USB and 1 firewire
airport and bluetooth
no modem (optional adapter)
magnetic powercord from MBP
Core duo lv1.5ghz (saving $$ on old powerbook hd and videocard so they can put in a fast chip)
8 hour "claimed" battery life - 6.5 actual usage
no isight
superdrive option

14.5" - 15" widescreen 1249$
same as above except:
128mb video card (still something like 9600 series)
core duo lv1.67ghz
80gb hd standard
card slot of some type

Anything I neglected would be the same as the present ones.

perhaps some special colours (other than white) for the anniversary: clear and black
And don't forget the engraving option like the ipods:D


macrumors 601
Mar 15, 2005
I think they'll keep the 12-inch iBook, and then have a 13 inch iBook too at the higher prices.

Of course, they'll be renamed.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2006
IMHO I think we'll see something like this:

13.3" widescreen 1280x800 (brighter hopefully)
1.6ghz Core Solo (Would love for it to be a duo at 1.5ghz)
512Mb standard (hopefully 667 like the macbook pro)
64Mb ATI X1400 or Nvidia GeForce Go6200 (Would love 128Mb)
60Gb 4200 RPM Hd standard-upgrades: 80Gb, 100Gb, and 80Gb@5200 RPM.
Superdrive 4x standard
Airport Extreme and Bluetooth+EDR
1 Firewire, 2 USB 2.0
iSight+Microphone, Frontrow+Remote, MagSafe

I think it'll be lighter and a little bit thinner but definetly have a batterylife that reaches 6 hours. I alsot think they'll come out with a 15.4" inch versions as well that'll be similar but possibly have a graphics card upgrade to 128mb and a faster core solo.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2006
Hector said:
the x1400 is just a low power x1300 thus it'll cost more.

Thats kinda why I said 1400 instead of 1300, it fits in with the "it'll be lighter and a little bit thinner but definetly have a battery life" at the bottom of my post. And with the bulk that apple will be buying cards from ATI in, it wouldnt be that much more, plus they might sell a few more because people will be wowed that they got a "x1400 instead of an x1300." People are surprisingly sucked in by bigger numbers on hardware names, even if it doesnt actually mean the hardware is really that much better.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
OK, as promised back in January, I dug up this thread once the new macbooks arrived... a thread full of predictions... I got some things wrong, some right, and some we'll know once the macbooks are in use... so how did you do?

OldCorpse said:
Here's the question:

Do you think the new intel iBooks will be a SIGNIFICANT improvement over the current 1.33Ghz 12" PPC iBooks?

Make your prediction, and we'll see how good your call was... WARNING: I'll dig up this thread come April (when I expect the new iBooks to come out)...

I vote NO. I don't believe they'll have ANYTHING that'll make me go "I wish I had this new one rather than my current 1.33 12", especially that I paid only $785 for a brand new one.

1)I don't believe the new intels will be cheaper than $999
2)I don't believe the new intel iBooks will be much lighter - if they come in at 3.9 lb, I'd say - WOW. Anything less (say lighter by 0.5 lb), and it won't be all that significant to me. Actually I believe they'll weigh just about the same.
3)I don't believe the new iBooks will have better battery life - in fact, I have a sneaking suspicion they may even have a slightly shorter battery life, or at best equal
4)I don't believe they will be "screamers" - to me, if I very rarely see a pinwheel, well that would be significant - but any other speed improvement (never mind what Steve says) that in REAL LIFE does not translate into a near elimination of the pinwheel is NOT significant. And I don't believe the new ones will come even close to abolishing the pinwheel (though word has it that's the case for the new MacBook Pros). Yeah, they'll be faster, but not "screamers"
5)I don't believe they'll have any cool new features like built-in iSight, audio-in, more usb/firewire ports, backlit keyboard, monitor spanning without hack, better sound card or much better speakers
6) I don't believe they'll have a much better build quality - especially the keyboard

OK - I think there's only one area where they might be significantly better - a better screen (brighter), and more RAM on the GPU.

So, given this, I vote the new iBooks will not make me green with envy when I look at my current PPC iBook. I think I'll look at the new iBooks, and go: meh...

Who know, maybe I'll be eating crow, once the new iBooks come out :) ! And how about you?


macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2003
Toronto, Canada
OldCorpse said:
OK, as promised back in January, I dug up this thread once the new macbooks arrived... a thread full of predictions... I got some things wrong, some right, and some we'll know once the macbooks are in use... so how did you do?

Were you right about anything? :D


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
LOL! Well, I made 6 predictions, and the first 3 I was clearly right on (will not be cheaper than iBooks, not lighter, and not longer battery life), two unknown as yet (will they be screamers to the point where they virtually eliminate the pinwheel in daily use compared to the latest iBooks, and will the build quality be better), and one clearly wrong (they DID get many goodies like iSight, audio in, monitor spanning etc.).
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