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macrumors 6502
Dec 15, 2010
What I find most disingenuous is the fact that Apple always gets these types of headlines... despite the fact that the other manufacturers are also as culpable (or not culpable) as Apple.

In this age low-information, some will read the headline, blame Apple and not bother reading even the first paragraph of the article.

It must say something that you're apparently more concerned with Apple's image than you know, the child labor part of the report.

Duane Martin

macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
The MacRumors slide continues...
Let us know how many days you got banned for making this comment. I will post how long my ban was for asking.

Apple should make every effort to eliminate child labor from their supply chain but that won't make it go away. That will take political will from everyone who benefits, which is you and I. Write to your representatives, make this an issue, don't let it disappear in a single news-cycle. Change can be made to happen but it is not Apple's sole responsibility.

I will look at everyone's responses in a week or so when my ban has been lifted.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Where do you think isn't civilised?

The moon? Mars? But to judge an entire country based on what you read in the Daily Mail, Facebook or some petite media outlet, is (in my opinion), a little obtuse.

Going by what you said, you could say the US is completely uncivilised based on their warped constitutional view of firearms.

Just saying...


Feb 17, 2009
I can't blame Apple for stuff like this. They can't control other companies/countries. Problem is that most parts of the world are not civilized, as we understand that term to be. If we really knew the extent of this type of thing around the world, I'm sure we wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
There are not enough people in the world who due to busy lives care about anything.
Especially something they cannot change (Okay maybe join an e-mail chain or write)

When the discussion about nuclear energy was intense, my favorite comment to read was:

What is the problem, my outlet has electricity.

Same here:
What is the problem, my iPhone and extra battery packs all work.
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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
Not to be flip about the topic but did Amnesty contact the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a comment? Bill Gates is still MS's 2nd largest individual shareholder and a member of the Board of Directors. It would seem profiting from child labor is counter to his foundation's mission.


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2010
What I find most disingenuous is the fact that Apple always gets these types of headlines... despite the fact that the other manufacturers are also as culpable (or not culpable) as Apple.

In this age low-information, some will read the headline, blame Apple and not bother reading even the first paragraph of the article.

*Goes to a website dedicated to news about Apple and its products*

*Gets upset that all headlines involve Apple and/or its products*


Feb 17, 2009
Why isn't this on the front page of MacRumors?
My thought too, but they are busy with a diversity discussion,
which BTW doesn't change the behavior and thinking of people.
*Goes to a website dedicated to news about Apple and its products*

*Gets upset that all headlines involve Apple and/or its products*

Doesn't get what is being discussed.
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macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
The moon? Mars? But to judge an entire country based on what you read in the Daily Mail, Facebook or some petite media outlet, is (in my opinion), a little obtuse.

Going by what you said, you could say the US is completely uncivilised based on their warped constitutional view of firearms.

Just saying...

So you don't like it that I've called the Congo a failed state? What's wrong with calling a spade a spade?

The reality is though that almost all countries are pretty stable these days. Our progress has been amazing.


macrumors 68000
Apr 3, 2007
1 Finite Place
This is a bigger issue than just Apple. The principle of the matter is at the source of it all, the child labor. regardless if its Apple, Abc, Xyz, etc.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
If this is true, then who's to blame? Apple or the DRC government?
Why target Apple in the first place, when most if not all other companies get their batteries from the same sources?

Even if it was child labor, those poor children may prefer to mine than starve to death.
It's unfair, but who could say this world is fair?
Greedy and shameless people made it this way. All that's left to do is survive in it.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
If this is true, then who's to blame? Apple or the DRC government?
Why target Apple in the first place, when most if not all other companies get their batteries from the same sources?

Even if it was child labor, those poor children may prefer to mine than starve to death.
It's unfair, but who could say this world is fair?
Greedy and shameless people made it this way. All that's left to do is survive in it.

Left wing western protests have led to there not being child labour in the supply chains in Asia.


macrumors 65816
Jul 17, 2011
Betting this was the "angle" heard on Fox News no doubt.

Cobalt mining equates to "self righteous boasting on equality, fairness, the environment, etc".

Omg. O K. If you say so.

It's all "Cooks" fault. He's brought this evil upon Apple!

Funny tho.. maybe your too young to remember but people were jumping out the windows at Foxconn during Steve Jobs era... Was that Cooks fault too? Payback for his "self righteousness"??


Deep breath, gather your thoughts, and try again.
Not to be flip about the topic but did Amnesty contact the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a comment? Bill Gates is still MS's 2nd largest individual shareholder and a member of the Board of Directors. It would seem profiting from child labor is counter to his foundation's mission.

The common quandary of the tech tycoon. But they'll tell you how compassionate they are all day.


macrumors 68040
Oct 3, 2009
This is the price other misfortunate people pay for us wanting newer, faster, slimmer, and cheaper devices every year. For us it's working an extra day or two to get a slightly slimmer phone, for them, it's risking their lives or starving to death.

One way or the other, people are going to suffer to make all this stuff at a low price, it just isn't possible if the worker's rights are respected. In the end, we're the clients, they're the workers, and we're the ones responsible for the consequences.

Even when rights are respected, the working conditions that such a supply chain demands would be intolerable for us. We just want more and more comfort. It means we have to take it away from someone on the other side of the globe.

If everything we use had to be made by us, we would really think twice about what we need and want.


Nov 25, 2005
Not sure what I think of this. A supplier is found exploiting children, and they get to buy their way out of it? Plus when they're older the kids might end up working at the very company that exploited them?

I'm not saying I know what the right solution is, but this doesn't seem like it.

I can't quite see what you are complaining about. What Apple does is handling the situation where 16 year olds can and do get hired absolutely legally, but 15 year olds can't. So the 15 year old left school, worked in a factory for a few weeks doing a job that hundreds of 16 year olds do all the time, and gets sent back to school at the expense of the company. And this isn't something that most companies in China would do, because they don't actually gain anything. Hiring a 15 year old is illegal, so most likely someone forged papers, and the kid is paid the same money as the legally employed 16 year olds. And without Apple intervening, the kids would get _nothing_. Apple makes it _expensive_ for a company to hire someone under 16, and that stops it.

The situation in the Congo is different. People have a lot less money than in China. Children have to work hard to get some money to feed themselves. Consider what happens if you stop this: These children now have lots of free time that they can spend being very, very hungry. It's a ****** situation. I'm glad I wasn't born there. But not buying the cobalt that these children collect means their situation just gets a lot ********.

This is the price other misfortunate people pay for us wanting newer, faster, slimmer, and cheaper devices every year. For us it's working an extra day or two to get a slightly slimmer phone, for them, it's risking their lives or starving to death.
If you don't buy that phone then they don't have the choice between risking their lives or starving to death. The first choice is gone.


Jul 17, 2012
No doubt using forced labour from the concentration camps that he plans to set up full of Mexicans and Muslims.

The man sounds like a modern day Hitler. I hope for the sake of the US, he never gets near the White House.

How pathetic. You must really despise jews to compare a person who killed millions of them to someone that has killed none. I bet you even refer to yourself as a liberal. Funny that the left in the us is more hateful than the right. Mark my word, this minority predicts a landslide for the right. If I were in the us I would not support the fake "progressives". You mention mexicans, do not pretend to support me spewing hate, you are just as bad as those behind sheets. Fighting hate with hate is just as bad, or worse from someone supposedly liberal.

You are probably in the uk, but many are no different in the us. I am offended to be mentioned along with your hate spewing. At least have the decency to own your hate without dragging us into it.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
How pathetic. You must really despise jews to compare a person who killed millions of them to someone that has killed none. I bet you even refer to yourself as a liberal. Funny that the left in the us is more hateful than the right. Mark my word, this minority predicts a landslide for the right. If I were in the us I would not support the fake "progressives". You mention mexicans, do not pretend to support me spewing hate, you are just as bad as those behind sheets. Fighting hate with hate is just as bad, or worse from someone supposedly liberal.

You are probably in the uk, but many are no different in the us. I am offended to be mentioned along with your hate spewing. At least have the decency to own your hate without dragging us into it.

I know this is completely off-topic, but lets make one thing clear. When did I say I hated Jews? With all due respect, don't put words in my mouth so get off your high-horse.

Next point. Learn some history. Hitler didn't start by killing anyone and his spread of hate against ethnic and religious groups is akin to Trumps statement accusing Mexicans of being rapists and murderers, and pretty much accusing Muslims of the same thing is very black and white.

Trump is a danger to the world and if you re-read what I said, you'll find I'm on your side and not his.

Use some common sense man.

Y saludos de España.

If you want to discuss this, take it offline and send me a PM.
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Jul 17, 2012
Comparing a mass muder to deportation belittles what happened to jews, period. Flinging around hitler carelessly shows your thought of jews.

You put your own words in your mouth so get off your own high horse. Don't use us to spew hate, I do not want hate mongers on my side as that makes you just as bad. You, the kkk, the new black pantgers, la Raza, do not need on my side.

I know history and inn fact Hitler would be a better comparison to spain who butchered millions here in mexico, but I digress to your level. So get off YOUR high horse and stop with the poor, ignorant mexican insinuations. We attend school, become educated, etc. We are not a nation of bathroom cleaners and grass cutters. Hitler was a paper hanger and a corporal, are paperhangers and corporals future hitlers?

People that spew compassion but spout hate, war protesters that only protest certain political groups, those that claim to care but use us for political pawns. Don't need any of them or you. Your hate is just as bad as any other, we are not all uneducated morons that will grovel at your feet.

Don't want me posting what I think? Don't use me to spew nonsense. In fact its better if I just block your posts. Adios, try to get past the hate. Adios, Please block me also.

Funny how europeans will call someone lke this hitler but they are cowards and will not even defend their women because of political correctness.

I know this is completely off-topic, but lets make one thing clear. When did I say I hated Jews? With all due respect, don't put words in my mouth so get off your high-horse.

Next point. Learn some history. Hitler didn't start by killing anyone and his spread of hate against ethnic and religious groups is akin to Trumps statement accusing Mexicans of being rapists and murderers, and pretty much accusing Muslims of the same thing is very black and white.

Trump is a danger to the world and if you re-read what I said, you'll find I'm on your side and not his.

Use some common sense man.

Y saludos de España.

If you want to discuss this, take it offline and send me a PM.
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