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macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Comparing a mass muder to deportation belittles what happened to jews, period. Flinging around hitler carelessly shows your thought o jews.

You put your own words in your mouth so get off your own high horse. Don't use us to spew hate, I do not want hate mongers on my side as that makes you just as bad. You, the kkk, the new black pantgers, la Raza,, do not need on my side.

In fact Hitler would be a better comparison to spain who butchered millions here in mexico, but I digress to your level. So get off YOUR high horse.

People that spew compassion but spout hate, war protesters that only protest certain political groups, those that claim to care but use us for political pawns. Don't need any of them or you. Your hate is just as bad as any other, we are not all uneducated morons that will grovel at your feet.

Don't want me posting what I think? Don't use me to spew nonsense.

The only reason I suggested you PM me was because I don't believe this conversation belongs here, however since you choose to continue demonstrating to the world how ridiculous you sound comparing my view to that of an extremist group which is clearly a load of bollocks, crack on.

P.S. Who said I was Spanish? I live here, but I never inferred my nationality. Moreover, your statement shows you hold a lot of hate against other people. I hope the mods nip this one in the bud now. You're an angry person and if you want to spread angry views, I'm happy to discuss offline or in a dedicated forum / thread.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Comparing a mass muder to deportation belittles what happened to jews, period. Flinging around hitler carelessly shows your thought of jews.

You put your own words in your mouth so get off your own high horse. Don't use us to spew hate, I do not want hate mongers on my side as that makes you just as bad. You, the kkk, the new black pantgers, la Raza, do not need on my side.

I know history and inn fact Hitler would be a better comparison to spain who butchered millions here in mexico, but I digress to your level. So get off YOUR high horse and stop with the poor, ignorant mexican insinuations. We attend school, become educated, etc. We are not a nation of bathroom cleaners and grass cutters. Hitler was a paper hanger and a corporal, are paperhangers and corporals future hitlers?

People that spew compassion but spout hate, war protesters that only protest certain political groups, those that claim to care but use us for political pawns. Don't need any of them or you. Your hate is just as bad as any other, we are not all uneducated morons that will grovel at your feet.

Don't want me posting what I think? Don't use me to spew nonsense. In fact its better if I just block your posts. Adios, try to get past the hate. Adios, Please block me also.

Funny how europeans will call someone lke this hitler but they are cowards and will not even defend their women because of political correctness.

Source that Europeans won't defend "their women".
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macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Source that Europeans won't defend "their women".

The guy is a class A muppet and clearly has too many issues to understand anything he's spouted, but it does give a good indication as to how the rest of world "Daily Mail" class see us "Europeans".

I guess if we had that same views, we'd think that Mexicans go around killing everyone as it statistically has one of the highest murder rates in the world. Luckily, a large number of us are smart so we use common sense to ignore the gobshite that comes out of trash media.

Anyway. Good riddance to our Mexican friend. He's blocked me so that should be the end of that.
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