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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2003
I am a High School Senior and I am wondering for College I am getting a new laptop. I am going to get a new G4 Laptop, and my question is are the G4 Laptops going to change or be upgraded between now and August???
Thanks for the replys


macrumors 68030
Aug 4, 2002
Madison, Wi
You'll have to wait at least until January 7th, the date of the MacworldExpo, to find out if there is an update soon, there will definitely be an upgrade soon nobody can really say for what though.


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2001
I would say that there is a 99.9999999% chance of a Tibook upgrade between now and August.


macrumors G3
Jul 23, 2002
Sol III - Terra
The answer to your question is probably. And the probably timeframe for the update is April/May. This is based on a 6 month update cycle for the PowerBook.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 15, 2001
Originally posted by scifi451
Ok when the upgrade comes what do you think it will be??? :)

We can guess all we want, but we're never going to be 100% sure. The general rule is, if you need the machine now, then go buy it and enjoy it. It won't get any slower than it originally was just because something newer came out.
If you don't need the machine right now, then go ahead and wait a few months. Either way, the current Power Book G4s should last you for quite a while.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2003
I can wait for it...
But I DONT want to wait....:p
I am just curious what the upgrade will be.


macrumors 68040
Nov 5, 2002

you need to stop asking these questions, obviously by the fact that were all speculating on a convetion that happens in 3 days we don't know whats gonna happen there. Not to be extremely mean but what makes you think that they know exactly what will be upgraded in 5 or 6 months? Its completely illogical and I think your thread is in the wrong forum, asking for specific information about vague topics that may or may not be backed will not get you anything but frustration. Look at the facts, a few days b4 the 1ghz tibooks were announced we had stories about how a superdrive was impossible in the current casing so how do u expect anyone to speculate that far into the future? These are all questions you should ask before nagging the forum in the nailbiting days b4 MWSF. Of course this is all my opinion but imo the thread is misplaced and you need to calm down, were all excited about future macs but responding to every post is not needed. Next time goto the GENERAL MAC DISCUSSIONS thread. Thanks Kwyjibo


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2003
Re: ok

Originally posted by Kwyjibo
you need to stop asking these questions, obviously by the fact that were all speculating on a convetion that happens in 3 days we don't know whats gonna happen there. Not to be extremely mean but what makes you think that they know exactly what will be upgraded in 5 or 6 months? Its completely illogical and I think your thread is in the wrong forum, asking for specific information about vague topics that may or may not be backed will not get you anything but frustration.

Well this is a warm and fuzzy place to post at....


macrumors 68040
Nov 5, 2002
OK I really didn't want to make you feel left out or out of place that wasn't the purpose of the post at all. There were jsut a few things that had to be emphasized sorry to be the one to tell you. When you post a thread titled "NEW POWERBOOK G4" in the hardware rumors section imo your asking for a move or big flame. Perhaps I'm wrong, I hope if your switching that you follow through but to be honest its a very valid question that should be discussed just not in this thread. And after you quoted the whole thread it makes me wonder if you read it because only part of it was ragging on you the other majority was telling you about Mac cycles and why your question is not anything more than demanding speculation from people (myself included) about things unknown. I mean common what do u expect we don't know whats happening in 3 days let alone 5 months. What do you expect?

Look at your posts
Ok when the upgrade comes what do you think it will be???

I can wait for it...
But I DONT want to wait....
I am just curious what the upgrade will be.

seems like nagging to me? I mean I love new ppl here but if you expect a crystal ball your guess with a little bit of reading back posts is as good as most around here. Thats my 2 cents.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2003
Fine I re-ed my last post to only quote part of your rant. Yes I did read all of your post. I was just wondering what people thought would be upgraded when it did get upgraded. I did not expect a blow by blow guess of what would be upgraded. I just came here for advice, I got that from some people. I came here because I was not sure if it would be upgraded how soon. I love Macs, but I dont know everything about them.... Especially when it comes to how often Apple updates their products....... :confused:


macrumors newbie
Nov 26, 2002
Bellingham, WA

i think the question is valid. i wondered the same thing the day i ordered a 1ghz superdrive (for me it came down to liking round numbers.)

it has run flawlessly and has exceeded my expectations. buy one. it'll blow your mind.


wait for x.

either way you win.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2002
I also think that this is a totally valid question, although it is in the wrong forum.

Kwyjibo - your comments about expecting people to have crystal balls are very strange. This is a rumors site, and someone asking "when do you think the TiBooks will be updated next, and what upgrades to you expect" should not be given a mouthfull.


I think we will see an update before August, based on Apple's current TiBook upgrade cycle as pointed out above. As for what to expect, we may have a better indication in a few days. For example, if we see some new hardware with USB2 and FireWire 2 (not that I'm expecting that) then you can safely expect to see those technologies in the next TiBook update. You can also expect larger HDDs and faster processor speeds, because they are a natural part of hardware updates.

But I think you should go for it now. The current TiBooks are amazing machines, and if you have a use for it now, buy it and love it.


macrumors 68040
Nov 5, 2002
I apologize

they way i talked to scifi was coarse and unneccesary. I do not believe I was wrong but I did present the information in a poor manner. My comments about a Crystal Ball referred to the art of looking into the future, which is an art not a science hence I was trying to say that its all guesswork and he should not be nagging or posting in the wrong category. i still think I am correct on those points. I'm also always curious about upgrades but it gets annyoing when I'm sure most ppl who clicked on this thread expected some sort of rumor on new powerbooks and got a question not a rumor? This all seems logical to me, i'm sorry for offending you scifi, but I still think everything i said was valid.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2003
Thank You

Thank you Kwyjibo, while some of your questions may be valid, What I took most offense at was the tone and the way your questions and comments where presented to me. They came across hostile to me towards my question. I could have probably phrased the title to my topic better, to make it seem more of a question.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by scifi451
Ok when the upgrade comes what do you think it will be??? :)

I don't think it'll be a Titanium G4 anymore. The next revision will most likely be a redesign.


macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
Re: New Titanium G4 Laptops

Originally posted by scifi451
I am a High School Senior and I am wondering for College I am getting a new laptop. I am going to get a new G4 Laptop, and my question is are the G4 Laptops going to change or be upgraded between now and August???
Thanks for the replys

I think this thread is in the wrong place, right?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2002
Re: Re: New Titanium G4 Laptops

Originally posted by redAPPLE

I think this thread is in the wrong place, right?

Why? He's fishing for a "Hardware Rumor" right?


macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2002
The thread in the wrong place...oh no, my day is ruined. We're all going to forum hell for this!

Since they recently updated the TiBook, and if they update at MacWorld (slightly possible feature update), buy one after the 7th. I wouldn't wait beyond that. Go for it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2003
Originally posted by nanosound
The thread in the wrong place...oh no, my day is ruined. We're all going to forum hell for this!

Since they recently updated the TiBook, and if they update at MacWorld (slightly possible feature update), buy one after the 7th. I wouldn't wait beyond that. Go for it.

It is so hard to wait to buy it.. :eek:
Especially since I have G3 powerbook 333MHz so it is a couple of years old and I definatly could use a new one.... I will just have to wait and see what shows up at the city by the bay on the 7th...


macrumors newbie
Dec 17, 2002
Easy :
New design with color changing
Bi-Power 970
2480*900 3D screen
FireWire 2 USB 2
802.11a 802.11b 802.11g with bluetooth
Lithium-Polymere baterry
For just 2000$
Just a guess

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
As with all Apple products, something happens every 6 months. Wether just a speed bump or not, every 6 months bring an update. So the next update should be around March.


macrumors 68000
Feb 3, 2002
Re: ok

Originally posted by Kwyjibo
you need to stop asking these questions, obviously by the fact that were all speculating on a convetion that happens in 3 days we don't know whats gonna happen there. Not to be extremely mean but what makes you think that they know exactly what will be upgraded in 5 or 6 months? Its completely illogical and I think your thread is in the wrong forum, asking for specific information about vague topics that may or may not be backed will not get you anything but frustration. Look at the facts, a few days b4 the 1ghz tibooks were announced we had stories about how a superdrive was impossible in the current casing so how do u expect anyone to speculate that far into the future? These are all questions you should ask before nagging the forum in the nailbiting days b4 MWSF. Of course this is all my opinion but imo the thread is misplaced and you need to calm down, were all excited about future macs but responding to every post is not needed. Next time goto the GENERAL MAC DISCUSSIONS thread. Thanks Kwyjibo

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