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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2003
Santa Monica, CA

Does anyone know when the next update will take place ?

I've been closely following the rumors surrounding the next PB revision but, being a teacher who needs a PB in class, I really need the PB right now.

Sorry if I sound like I'm in hurry... but I really am !

BTW- Will this be the last Power PC Powerbook ever ? (given that 2006 seems to be the year for the switch to Intel on a portable level ?). Ipod Incorporated... I mean Apple Incorporated seems to update its machines only once a year now.


macrumors 68000
May 8, 2004
I Live Where I Live
The new powerbook will come out tomorrow at 12:01 PM (Pacific Time)

There will be a 17 Inch, a 20 inch, and a 23 inch all sporting 2.0GHz G5 Processors.

There will also be, for a limited time, a 15 inch, which will NOT include a G5 but instead a speed bump to the current G4.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2005
Burton michigan
way to reply to a serious question with a response like that

to the guy who had a real question

they claim the 20th during the expo there will be an update (so next tuesday)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2003
Santa Monica, CA
Hello Raidermojo,

Ok. Thank you for the tidbit of information. I'll keep my eyes on the Apple Expo Paris.

The funny thing is that, without an "official" keynote in Paris, I thought there wouldn't be any special announcement over there but I'll keep my fingers crossed.



macrumors 604
Jan 14, 2005
visiting from downstream
andy_bernstein said:
Hello Raidermojo,

Ok. Thank you for the tidbit of information. I'll keep my eyes on the Apple Expo Paris.

The funny thing is that, without an "official" keynote in Paris, I thought there wouldn't be any special announcement over there but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Considering that any update to the PowerBook will be a simple evolution of the product and not a new product, it makes sense that a keynote isn't really necessary. We don't really need (although some of us still would LIKE) Steve Jobs to stand up on stage and say "Same packaging, slightly better innards".


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2005
clayj said:
Considering that any update to the PowerBook will be a simple evolution of the product and not a new product, it makes sense that a keynote isn't really necessary. We don't really need (although some of us still would LIKE) Steve Jobs to stand up on stage and say "Same packaging, slightly better innards".

Makes complete sense to me.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2005
I agree about there not needing to be a keynote for this. Was there a keynote for the iBook update? Exactly my point.....


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Raidersmojo said:
way to reply to a serious question with a response like that

Well, if andy_bernstein has "been closely following the rumors surrounding the next PB revision," he'd know that no one here really has any idea, but that there might be one during MW Paris. Aside from Paris, who knows when. Maybe on some random Tuesday or Wednesday when we least suspect an update.

There are many threads asking the same question. All it takes is a simple search.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2003
Santa Monica, CA
drake said:
Well, if andy_bernstein has "been closely following the rumors surrounding the next PB revision," he'd know that no one here really has any idea, but that there might be one during MW Paris. Aside from Paris, who knows when. Maybe on some random Tuesday or Wednesday when we least suspect an update.

There are many threads asking the same question. All it takes is a simple search

Well Understood. I'll take a look at the other threads.

And yes, having paid attention to most recent PB rumors, it seems we won't get anything revolutionary (G4 w/ a 30Mhz Speed Bump) but I'm really curious about how fast the bus will get.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2005
The cache is rumored to be 1mb also. I personally am waiting until the 23rd and if the website says 3-4 business days I'll wait longer. If it says 24 hrs I'll buy it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2003
Santa Monica, CA
paperinacup said:
The cache is rumored to be 1mb also. I personally am waiting until the 23rd and if the website says 3-4 business days I'll wait longer. If it says 24 hrs I'll buy it.

Same here.

I'll have my CC ready for the 17" model.

If we are indeed facing the final Power PC Powerbook revision before the Switch to Intel, I sincerely hope there will be something special in there so that the RISC architecture goes out with a "bang" (dual core would have been great but something unexpected could be nice as well).


macrumors 68020
Dec 27, 2004
We are due for a speed bump that is for sure. I would imagine we will see one around the time of the Paris Expo but it may run into a silent day in October when the updates finally roll out. I was going to wait it out for the updates but instead I purchased a 12" Rev. C for much less than I would have paid for a new powerbook. I don't really NEED all the power of the latest and greatest so as long as I have a nice working powerbook I will be happy :)


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2003
It makes sense to buy one of the last PowerPC Powerbooks since they will likely give the most reliable and most powerful perfomance for existing software even after the switch to Intel. Future software may run a bit faster on Intel but will still run decently well on PowerPC.

If the next revision includes the 7448 from Freescale then we can expect a faster bus (200MHz), double the L2 Cache (1MB), and slightly higher clock speeds (1.6/1.7? GHz). The improved bus and cache should really help boost performance a bit.

If you can't wait you could pick up one of the new iBooks for a lot less money and upgrade again sometime later. I bought two of them myself to use until the next Powerbook revision.


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
yamabushi said:
If you can't wait you could pick up one of the new iBooks for a lot less money and upgrade again sometime later. I bought two of them myself to use until the next Powerbook revision.


One for your hands, one for your feet? If you're really good you could type single handedly, watch each screen with one eye, and deal with the trackpad with your big toe.

That would be pretty awesome.


macrumors member
Sep 5, 2005
paperinacup said:
The cache is rumored to be 1mb also. I personally am waiting until the 23rd and if the website says 3-4 business days I'll wait longer. If it says 24 hrs I'll buy it.
Would you mind explaining how the availability of product affects the updates? I'm assuming you're implying some sort of shortage in the current line to signify an update. Or something...thanks.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2005
Phat_Pat said:
The new powerbook will come out tomorrow at 12:01 PM (Pacific Time)

There will be a 17 Inch, a 20 inch, and a 23 inch all sporting 2.0GHz G5 Processors.

There will also be, for a limited time, a 15 inch, which will NOT include a G5 but instead a speed bump to the current G4.

Can't find it!!! :p


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2005
SteveMcQ said:
Would you mind explaining how the availability of product affects the updates? I'm assuming you're implying some sort of shortage in the current line to signify an update. Or something...thanks.

Usually when an update will be released then the estimated shipping date changes from 24 hours to 3-5 business days.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
yamabushi said:
If the next revision includes the 7448 from Freescale then we can expect a faster bus (200MHz), double the L2 Cache (1MB), and slightly higher clock speeds (1.6/1.7? GHz). The improved bus and cache should really help boost performance a bit.
A faster bus, if and only if, the Intrepid supports a 200MHz bus -- it may not.

Don't think the Intrepid System Controller was meant to last as long as it has.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Raidersmojo said:
way to reply to a serious question with a response like that

to the guy who had a real question

they claim the 20th during the expo there will be an update (so next tuesday)

clayj said:
Considering that any update to the PowerBook will be a simple evolution of the product and not a new product, it makes sense that a keynote isn't really necessary.

Good to see Clayj is on the ball. ;)

Anybody who says to wait until the Expo for a possible announcement will be disappointed. There won't be an announcement "at" the expo. It's an update......a much needed one. Nothing special at all, though. It's the last update. They're not going to add super cool features or design/logic board changes for the faster Freescale G4s because that would mean Apple spent time and money working on something that will die out by the first half of 2006.

If anything, they'll announce itan update a few days before the expo, or within several weeks after the expo.

And yes, just watch for the delivery times for the current models at the online store for "clues." ;)
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