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Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Yea the US is fully under control of the corporatist.

Well, it's more the other way although no one scratches the others back for free. That includes Steve Jobs and Tom Cook, they will have ensured they have the 'right' friends in government, and the capitalist world simply wouldn't work without corporations.

Lets not forget, the current world wide recession was pretty much entirely the fault of the USA and UK governments plus the banks of New York and London.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2010
Lets not forget, the current world wide recession was pretty much entirely the fault of the USA and UK governments plus the banks of New York and London.

Nope, it was the the fault of US corporations, US investment houses and banks (corporations), the Clinton and Bush administrations, US citizens, and UK and EU banks (corporations), roughly in that order .

No proper governments involved directly, just corporations and millions of silly people in the US .

As for the topic, when will governments ever learn ?

Never mind the hardware - a computing device manufacturer who also has any control over software, software distribution, internet access and content, that's the kind of monopoly a Stalin couldn't have dreamed of .
Only Stalin would have managed to collect taxes , no tolerance for freeloaders from a tyrant . ;)


Mar 28, 2009
New Hampshire
Wrong buddy

Prez needs to stay out of these types of things. There's already enough bureaucracy in place. He needs to run the country, not business.

Aparently you dont understand capatilism. BTW thats part of our country

"Capitalism is a forest fire that is never extinguished, only contained."
Bryan Appleyard (1951–), British journalist


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
Then go for it. :)

Nah. I've done this probably 7 times and it has never been worth the effort.

Now, don't forget Obama was handed one of the worst economies outside of "The Great Depression," even his toughest critics recognize he has done the best as anyone could in his position. The unemployment rate is the best it has been in a long time. Additionally, when Obama took office the GWB administrations Iraq costs were not budgeted.

I could not forget this. No one has been allowed to forget this. It's the ever present asterisk attached to this president.

It may all well be true, but it really does suck if your legacy requires so much exegesis and perspective to be viewed positively. "He's one of our greatest presidents because things could have been so much worse" isn't exactly Lincoln-esque.

People associate Reagan with prosperity (rightly or wrongly). No one will ever make that association with Obama.


macrumors 65816
Apr 23, 2009
Ofcourse the patent for "Apparatus and method for encoding/decoding transport format combination indicator in CDMA mobile communication system" is the reason to ban the selling of a entire phone.....I mean, without this technology its a crap....


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
This is all I got from that rant lol.

And I completely agree.

If you consider listing accomplishments as "a rant," I got news for you :)

You can bury your head in the sand, plug your eyes and shout "lalalalalalala", doesn't change facts.

Interesting that those who take issue with POTUS Obama don't list [logical] reasons, and those who are either indifferent or approve of his administration back their reasoning with examples, facts and policies. I never stated I am fully on-board or a Democrat, there are many aspects/policies I do not agree with (such as the BP incident which was quickly swept away as BP is a huge contributor to both parties). I dislike the two party system as it has created a social divide in our nation; instead of working collectively we are divided and weakened. This thread is a prime example, although it isn't nearly as horrible as most political online discussions. I've lived in many various countries under many various governments, I tend to base my decisions on the merits of the issue and not towing a party line.

America has many positive aspects that are [sadly] trumped by its inability to function as a unified whole. Read "Broken Government" by ex-Nixon legal aid John W. Dean. Dean examines decades of various administrations and demonstrates how far we have fallen from a seemingly peaceful (not perfect) government in which politicians stayed in D.C., many reaching across isles to help younger or newly appointed officials work on policies they may not agree on. There was a collective conscious. America has become a socio-politically divided nation, even more so since the mid-20th century. Instead, both parties use rhetoric and fear tactics in order to keep us in line. If we truly examined our government and each other with objective eyes, we may learn something about ourselves and what we can accomplish. Instead, we continue to be pawns in a corporate-political system.
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Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Nope, it was the the fault of US corporations, US investment houses and banks (corporations), the Clinton and Bush administrations, US citizens, and UK and EU banks (corporations), roughly in that order .

No proper governments involved directly, just corporations and millions of silly people in the US .

As for the topic, when will governments ever learn ?

Never mind the hardware - a computing device manufacturer who also has any control over software, software distribution, internet access and content, that's the kind of monopoly a Stalin couldn't have dreamed of .
Only Stalin would have managed to collect taxes , no tolerance for freeloaders from a tyrant . ;)

Really? So giving mortgages to people with no jobs had nothing to do with the banks then? Or the laws made under the last US and UK governments allowing banks to play danger with YOUR money had nothing to do with the government? You should go and read up on what really happened mate, may open your eye's a bit.

For instance one investor will screw a few thousand people over just so they can make more money and get a bigger bonus than their mate next to them. That is the culture that has been made.
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Mar 11, 2003
While I do not agree with PRISM or anything of the such (it disgusts me), you do realize GWB initiated "The Patriot Act" and this has been going on for decades. GWB's administration was in a similar scandal when he extended the scope of wiretapping and surveillance, using "The War on Terror" as an excuse in conjunction with AT&T (who also got caught with their pants down).

Again, I am extremely disheartened that these programs have been initiated and used against our knowledge, however you cannot blame one administration. It's been going on for a long time. It certainly doesn't help when members of Congress and others who knew feign outrage. Some political opponents are fanning the flames to point the finger at others when truly, THEY'RE ALL TO BLAME. When you point fingers, make sure you include GWB, Clinton, GB, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, etc. Technology has allowed a much broader scope.

True, although POTUS was certainly involved and absolutely initiated many of those policies. Using that excuse you could state the same for every president we have ever had.

The one thing that bothers me about bin Laden; why did we give him a "proper" burial out to sea? No disrespect to anyone who practices such, it just really surprised me.

I agree 100%. I never meant to lay blame solely on Obama. George W. probably did the most to accellerate the dismantling of the Constitution, although there were many before him and Obama after him that have helped. However, it is Obama who is President at the time that the NSA spying has become public knowledge. And he shows his true allegiance by publically supporting a clearly unconstitutional program that is a threat to the existence of the U.S. The idea that a sitting U.S. President would have the audacity to do so and not even be challenged should be shocking. My point was that Obama isn't "different" - he wasn't a reason to celebrate with "We Did It!" upon election. With the current state of the system, NO elected President of the U.S. will do anything other than extend America's Imperial grip on the rest of the world, protect the corporate/ruling class, and continue to erode our freedoms in the name of "protecting" us. There really is nothing to do but watch and wait.


macrumors 68030
Mar 25, 2011
I agree 100%. I never meant to lay blame solely on Obama. George W. probably did the most to accellerate the dismantling of the Constitution, although there were many before him and Obama after him that have helped. However, it is Obama who is President at the time that the NSA spying has become public knowledge. And he shows his true allegiance by publically supporting a clearly unconstitutional program that is a threat to the existence of the U.S. The idea that a sitting U.S. President would have the audacity to do so and not even be challenged should be shocking. My point was that Obama isn't "different" - he wasn't a reason to celebrate with "We Did It!" upon election. With the current state of the system, NO elected President of the U.S. will do anything other than extend America's Imperial grip on the rest of the world, protect the corporate/ruling class, and continue to erode our freedoms in the name of "protecting" us. There really is nothing to do but watch and wait.
Corporations run America, the president is figurehead. The last president that tried to run the country was Kennedy. Look what happen to him.


Oct 24, 2002
Doubling the deficit.

Forcing Americans into an illegal health care plan most don't want in which Congress is now immune from as of last week.

Letting Detroit go bankrupt when he said he wouldn't let it happen.


"No more secrecy" (Campaign promise)

"No more illegal wiretapping" (Promise)

- Created the first "Patients Bill of Rights" (which John McCain and Ted Kennedy tried to in the 90's):
Stop insurance companies from limiting the care you need
Remove insurance company barriers between you and your doctor
Keeping Young Adults Covered
Providing Affordable Coverage to Americans without Insurance due to Pre-existing Conditions
No Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions for Children Under Age 19
No Lifetime Limits on Coverage
Restricted Annual Dollar Limits on Coverage
Protecting Your Choice of Doctors

- Appointing people who actually care about the environment into office

- Eliminating DADT and addressing LGBT rights

- Increased funding for national parks and forests by 10%

- Significantly expanded Pell grants, which help low-income students pay for college

- Appointed nation's first Chief Technology Officer

- Signed financial reform law establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans

- Signed financial reform law requiring lenders to verify applicants' credit history, income, and employment status

- Signed financial reform law prohibiting banks from engaging in proprietary trading (trading the bank's own money to turn a profit, often in conflict with their customers' interests)

- Cut prescription drug cost for medicare recipients by 50%

- Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years

- Signed New START Treaty - nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia

- Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to America's Veterans

- Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured

- Issued executive order to repeal Bush era restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research (as a Type 1 Diabetic since 12, this is a big deal that even Nancy Reagan was disgusted with Bush for this policy)

Yeah, that Obama, he's just a lame duck POTUS.

Shall I go on?

http://whatthe**** (replace the **** with the obvious word for the link)
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Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow

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