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macrumors 68000
This bill isn't going to be brought up during the election campaign, because aside from a few nerds on iPhone and Android forums, no one cars about cell phone unlocking.

"You can now unlock your cell phone!" is not going to resonate with most voters. I'd be surprised if half of registered voters even know what cell phone unlocking means.

You can tell the law is powerless and irrelevant to nearly everyone because it got unanimous approval by the legislative branch.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2012
You should get out of the right wing media bubble. There are legitimate reasons to be critical of this president, but you won't hear any of them on right wing media, because they largely approve of those activities.

The stuff they rant on and on about is dishonest, disingenuous, made up or otherwise incongruent with truth and reality.

President Obama is a flawed president, but a huge improvement over the deeply fraudulent and criminal, never truly elected cheney/bush regime.

What's on your list of legitimate reasons for being critical of this president?


macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2010
When was the last time the Senate passed a federal budget? Heck, Harry Reid won't even allow a vote on a budget.

And yet the Federal government remains funded.

How many times has the House voted to repeal Obamacare/Romneycare/Heritage Foundationcare? 40 and counting.

What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

By the way, Bohner won't bring up anything for a House vote unless he can pass it solely on Republican votes so your comment regarding Reid is the pot calling the kettle black.


macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2007
Got tired of trying to get over all the political posts. I was trying to find any reliable information about any changes of policy by AT&T.
I am afraid this law does nothing to change AT&T's policies for unlocking. I mean, they will still wait until the contract is over (2 years). Funny thing is that before the advent of the iPhone AT&T would unlock phones (remember the Motorola Razr?) a few months into the contract. Not now. As most people have noted, one is under contract to pay termination fees, etc. I don't buy the argument that the phone belongs to AT&T until the contract is completed. I have never heard of AT&T or anybody else asking a customer to return their phone because it belongs to them. AT&T and other carriers are just artificially making things harder to customers that can still go to a third party unlocked and get the phone unlocked. I think it would be a good gesture from their part to change the unlocking policies and allow for unlocking through their official channel earlier than the 2 years.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2012

United States President Barack Obama will today sign a bill that makes cell phone unlocking legal again, writing the Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act into law following its unanimous approval by the Senate and House of Representatives.

Obama has long supported the act, which was originally introduced via a 2013 "We the People" petition that gathered more than 100,000 signatures calling for cell phone unlocking to be made legal. It first became illegal to unlock a cell phone in January of 2013, after an exception in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act expired, restricting U.S. customers from shifting their service to other carriers or using their devices abroad with local SIM cards.

Now that cell phone unlocking is once again legal, consumers and third-party unlocking services will be able to unlock paid-for cell phones and tablets without receiving express permission from carriers and without facing criminal penalties. The changes will make it easier for consumers to take their devices to the carrier of their choice after contractual obligations have been fulfilled and it will also be easier to use existing devices abroad.In December of 2013, U.S. cellular carriers and the FCC also came to an agreement over a set of voluntary principles that will make it easier for wireless customers to unlock their devices and switch from carrier to carrier after a contract has been fulfilled.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Obama Signs Cell Phone Unlocking Bill Into Law, iPhone Unlocking No Longer Illegal

Can someone please explain to me what "Paid-for" phones mean?


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
The Copyright Office cannot change laws. But with the DMCA act, they were given the right to state certain exceptions. Quite obviously, you don't want _any_ exceptions in a law.

If it's "quite obvious" to you why there should be no exceptions to the DMCA, you should explain why.

But there will be good reasons to have exceptions.

That's begging the question. Good is in the eye of the beholder; there is no absolute standard for "goodness". What we can be sure is that such Executive Branch decisions will be politically motivated. I can imagine that smartphones were dropped by the Executive Branch to create a populist "problem" for the government to "fix". Why not just have the Librarian of Congress do the right thing this time around?

You may not allow any dogs in a butcher's shop - but you make an exception for blind people with guide dogs.

Actually, all service animals. And that's a terrible metaphor, since the service animal rules are part of the ADA.

That changed. Some companies started selling unlocked phones.

That's a second conjecture you made. Calling the legal state [fundamentally] changed because a small number of carriers sell their phones unlocked doesn't logically follow. The only good reason to change the rule would be if there were no need for the exception.

Instead of having a law ...

Why couldn't the Librarian just have done the right thing? WTF did he change his mind? What happened when he checked with the WH on this dogmatic decision? What "good" was supposed to happen by banning user unlocking?

Four oF NINE

macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2011
Hell's Kitchen
What's on your list of legitimate reasons for being critical of this president?

In no particular order, I'd list killing US citizens via drone strike without due process, NSA intrusions into citizen privacy, rewarding Wall St with policies favorable to them at the expense of citizen taxpayers, escalation of US military involvement in Afghanistan and political prosecution of whistle blowers come to mind.. I'm sure there are others if I really thought about it..

How about you?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
In no particular order, I'd list killing US citizens via drone strike without due process, NSA intrusions into citizen privacy, rewarding Wall St with policies favorable to them at the expense of citizen taxpayers, escalation of US military involvement in Afghanistan and political prosecution of whistle blowers come to mind.. I'm sure there are others if I really thought about it..

How about you?

Couldn't you throw that list at most presidents, no matter which side of the house they are on?


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
Show a little intelligence:

1) Saying God doesn't exist is only going to piss people off, unless people already agree with you.

2) God isn't some 'mythical flying man in the sky'.

Apparently 5 people do already agree with me and sorry. I thought this was an open, free speech forum where I didn't have to be careful about **** I say. I don't, quite frankly give a **** who I'm insulting because it is my right to share my views so you should be the one showing "a little intelligence"


talk about drifting from reality ... smh

check this out:

Nope, that site isn't biased at all.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2009
Fort Pierce
Yes, thank You.

It's nice to see at least one person on this board that shares my opinion..... This thread was an eye opener :D

In no particular order, I'd list killing US citizens via drone strike without due process, NSA intrusions into citizen privacy, rewarding Wall St with policies favorable to them at the expense of citizen taxpayers, escalation of US military involvement in Afghanistan and political prosecution of whistle blowers come to mind.. I'm sure there are others if I really thought about it..

How about you?


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2009
Hell yea!!! I agree 110%. But others sadly believe he's God.
Like who? I hear this assertion waaaaaaaaay more from conservatives than from liberals.

"Messiah", etc, were all coined by conservatives.


He wasn't criticizing the Affordable Healthcare Act. He was criticizing people who think President Obama is the chosen one.
Who's thinks that? These people seem as real as Reagan's Welfare Queen (i.e. they don't seem to exist).

And I'm talking NOW, not 5 minutes after he was elected.


macrumors 65832
Dec 6, 2009
So how is this news or useful? Most iPhones are already interchangeable between carries, with the exception of CDMA ones. Are we now going see more people flashing CDMA phones or what?

Macboy Pro

macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2011
Actually... no. When there is a contract between two parties, where one party has significantly more power or experience or knowledge than the other party, especially if the contract is offered with no possibility of negotiation, then terms in the contract set by the more powerful party are often considered void.

wow, so all wireless contracts are void :) now that is hilarious...
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