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macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
Welcome to our P52! This project is designed to get you out with your camera once a week in a meaningful way. Each week I will post a prompt for you to consider. The prompts are merely suggestions, and you are free to shoot off topic if you wish. All images posted must be taken by you, be safe for work, and be taken with this project in mind. Please do not post archive photos. For a further discussion of the guidelines, please refer to this thread, and you can find the previous weeks linked there if you missed them. Feel free to join in at any time of the year, and you may go back to missed weeks if you still wish to participate.

Week 14: Morning


An easy theme this week! Or maybe not so easy, depending on your circadian clock. This one is actually kind of tricky for me personally.



This week we are going to focus on morning. Your image does not have to feature morning as a concept, although that is definitely one way to go about it. All I ask is that you take a photo (or several, a series, etc.) during the morning. And you have anytime between when you wake up and noon to do so.


I generally do my own photography in the afternoon or evening, when the light is “better” or more golden. But the early hours have their own set of advantages; the light is crisper, not competing with the heat and haze of the day; the light tends to be just a bit cooler - even in the morning golden hour, light tends to be a bit pinker than yellow and so the overall temperatures feel a bit different.


If you get out early enough you get beautiful, low strung shadows, and especially this time of the year, with leaves still not out fully (or at all, depending on your location), the light quality is just warm and hopeful for the dawn of a new season.


I realize this theme does have a unique challenge of being available with your camera before the day gets off and you get out to work or your daily routine gets started. I know I often am not interested in picking up my camera until I have had a fair amount of coffee, but make sure to pop your camera in your bag for a quick photo on the way to work, or capture how the light hits your office building or car when you park. Again, you don’t have to capture morning as a concept, just take your photo(s) this week sometime before the clock strikes noon.


And remember - no archive photos! New images only.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
View attachment 2183863
Daffodils after 5 cm of hail we had yesterday morning. This morning it's sunny 😎

View attachment 2184335
This morning a big flock of snow geese were flying and the sun was highlighting their wings

View attachment 2184388
Morning light over my pansies : amazingly the ones in front came back nonetheless the cold winter.
CC welcome 🌷
these are all lovely, but that bird one! 😍
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macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
here are a couple from my walk this morning.

most of our regular daffodils are done blooming right now, but some of the later and more exotic varieties are still going.


And I track the progress of spring by how many turtles I find, and where I find them. They've been out reliably for a week or two, but today is the first day I've seen a snake, which is when I know we are really done with the cold. There are four turtles piled on the left here, and one snake coiled on the right. This is super cropped from the original. I took one step closer after taking this and three of the turtles went overboard to get away from me.

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