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macrumors member
Feb 3, 2024
I was mostly referring to just one screen being really in focus whereas with physical screens they are all sharp.
That’s just the way the AVP screenshots appear. If you’re actually wearing one, it’s all crystal clear.


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2019
I would like to have multiple Books open, as you can have with the Mac version. For that matter why not on iPad as well?


macrumors 68040
Aug 8, 2002
The way we have been solving this problem until now is to have multiple monitors.

Or in my case, a single 5k/2k widescreen monitor. I use a 3 column set up on my primary desktop: mail and messages in the left column, browser in the center, calendar and WhatsApp on the right. That's 5 apps, each with plenty of screen real estate available to me.

I can either set up additional virtual desktops with other, task specific window/app set ups, and/or use hot corners to show all windows which allows a super quick way to switch.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2008
@Timo_Existencia how are you arranging all these windows at once without utter chaos?

Also, have you tried using Scrivener? From your workflow description, the vast majority of your work could be done within this one app. It’s specifically designed for writers.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2002
@Timo_Existencia how are you arranging all these windows at once without utter chaos?

Also, have you tried using Scrivener? From your workflow description, the vast majority of your work could be done within this one app. It’s specifically designed for writers.
I have tried it before and for some reason it didn't take with me. Maybe I'll give it another shot, but I'm relatively happy with using Pages.


Original poster
Jan 2, 2002
Just an update…

I continue to be extremely productive using the Vision Pro. This past month has been the most productive month of writing I’ve ever had. And it’s directly because of the AVP.

I used to have a mountain cabin that I maintained for writing. The AVP is much better at isolating me so that I can get into a flow state.

I’ve even started reading books for research in the AVP, as again, it’s easier to focus. I normally read on my iPad, but I just find I read quicker and retain more when reading in a fully enclosed environment.


Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I’ve even started reading books for research in the AVP, as again, it’s easier to focus. I normally read on my iPad, but I just find I read quicker and retain more when reading in a fully enclosed environment.
What format are your books, and which apps are you using to read them? Is it physically more comfortable to read than on the iPad?


Original poster
Jan 2, 2002
What format are your books, and which apps are you using to read them? Is it physically more comfortable to read than on the iPad?
I use kindle; but because kindle is not yet available on the AVP, I’m mirroring my MacBook Pro.

For me, immersion is the goal. If I’m going to spend my time doing something, I want to get as much out of it as I can. To be honest, the majority of “reading” I do is with audiobooks. I walk a lot, and listen to audiobooks. And something about the motion focuses my brain and I find I retain more than if I sit somewhere trying to read a book.

But in the AVP, where I am surrounded by my work, my notes, research on a web sites…reading here, completely enveloped in another world, it just works.


Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I use kindle; but because kindle is not yet available on the AVP, I’m mirroring my MacBook Pro.

For me, immersion is the goal. If I’m going to spend my time doing something, I want to get as much out of it as I can. To be honest, the majority of “reading” I do is with audiobooks. I walk a lot, and listen to audiobooks. And something about the motion focuses my brain and I find I retain more than if I sit somewhere trying to read a book.

But in the AVP, where I am surrounded by my work, my notes, research on a web sites…reading here, completely enveloped in another world, it just works.

I can't do audiobooks, mainly because my hearing isn't good enough to follow the audio by itself. I do sometimes like to listen to an audiobook while having the text open in an ebook reader, if the audio is by someone whose voice I like. One more reason why the VP appeals to me -- right now I play the audiobook on one device while having the ebook open on another. With the VP, I'd just need one device to do this.

Is any of the environments your favorite, or do you switch among various ones? What do your family think about your use of the VP?


Original poster
Jan 2, 2002
I can't do audiobooks, mainly because my hearing isn't good enough to follow the audio by itself. I do sometimes like to listen to an audiobook while having the text open in an ebook reader, if the audio is by someone whose voice I like. One more reason why the VP appeals to me -- right now I play the audiobook on one device while having the ebook open on another. With the VP, I'd just need one device to do this.

Is any of the environments your favorite, or do you switch among various ones? What do your family think about your use of the VP?
I change the Environments up. But lately I've preferred the white sands environment.

My wife is happy for me that the AVP is working out so well. And by no longer needing to go to a cabin or try something outside the home, it's better for all of us. I simply close the door to my office, sit in my chair, and enter a different world. Then, at the end of the day, I rejoin my family for dinner. :)


Jan 31, 2014
Denver, CO
I figured it out. You are the only person in the world that uses pages, numbers, and keynote :p
Lots of people use Pages, Numbers and Keynote. I do and prefer them to their Microsoft Office counterparts (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) — of which only Excel provides a compelling reason to use it over its Apple alternative.
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