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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
Now, TheNewPlayer supports macOS, Linux and FreeBSD!


-- update #3 --

Deepin Linux support done!
Perhaps will work under Ubuntu.

-- update #2 --

v1.5.x supports hardware decoder (hw acceleration) and physical 5.1 audio channels.
You may need a physical USB audio external adapter and 5.1 headphones or output system to support.

-- update #1 --
1.4.1 engineering released, support subtitles and onscreen information.

---- Please keep in mind, this project is still ongoing ----

Hi, guys,

I'm creating a IPTV and disc/iso/image player on macOS, the program is written by C++, based on ffmpeg library and OpenGL rendering.

The project homepage is:

Perhaps, it's the best IPTV player under macOS so far.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to let me know.



First, there are already several nice players under macOS -- mpv, VLC, IINA, etc., the mpv is based on ffmpeg and SDL2 -- the rendering efficiency of SDL library isn't high and lacking of friendly GUI interface for users, the VLC's quality for high resolution medias is a nightmare and the GUI isn't convenient to use. The IINA is a 'shell' of the mpv, it's based on libmpv.

Second, existing IPTV players, and players for blueray and original disk images (BDMV, ISO, ...) aren't good on macOS or there are no such players under macOS.

Above are my motivations to start this project.

My goals:

1. Rewrite a player from bottom, including OpenGL rendering, decoding, GUI, etc.
2. Support hardware decoding/encoding.
3. Aim on the next generation player for macOS.
4. Support LUA script.
5. Auto-find-and-download subtitles.
6. ....





For Linux (Ubuntu)


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macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
Nice app, I have a few questions and suggestions.
Do you plan to share the code on GitHub or just the releases? In any case, maybe put the releases in to be easier to find.
Audio output device can't be changed from Preferences.
Maybe the F key would be more appropriate for Full screen toggle than Return.
Some sort of indication of connecting/buffering would be nice.
And, of course, an easier way of removing the channel list. :)
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Reactions: thenewplayer


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019

Thanks for your great suggestions, I think your suggestions are great to improve the TNP software.

At current point, I have no plan to open the source code, my plan is to deliver both free and commercial TNP apps for users. So I'll only release binaries on my github homepage and the AppStore.

Actually, so far, I am still testing and polishing my own renderer -- based on OpenGL rather than using existing SDL -- and polishing my core code. So I didn't put control panel or other controls for users.

But, you are right, I'll add them -- including hardware decoding, audio output selection, video selection, subtitle and subtitle auto-finding-and-downloading, optimizations for disk images and 4K, etc. -- onto next big version.

However, the thing is, I am a graduate student, I don't have too much time on this project. But, I am glad to see you guys enjoying using my apps, I'll make time to polish the app.


The author of TNP.

Nice app, I have a few questions and suggestions.
Do you plan to share the code on GitHub or just the releases? In any case, maybe put the releases in to be easier to find.
Audio output device can't be changed from Preferences.
Maybe the F key would be more appropriate for Full screen toggle than Return.
Some sort of indication of connecting/buffering would be nice.
And, of course, an easier way of removing the channel list. :)
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
v1.3.20 is updated, changes:

1. The 4K video rendering problem is fixed.
2. While the app is using, the display won't go to sleep.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
There are no fancy requirements.

Basically, the macOS version is supposed to be above 10.12 (perhaps will work on 10.12.xx).

There is no special memory or cpu requirement. While the app is running, the memory varies from 90MB to 1GB, depending on the video quality — wether or not is 4K for instance.

What are the system requirements?


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
There are no fancy requirements.

Basically, the macOS version is supposed to be above 10.12 (perhaps will work on 10.12.xx).

There is no special memory or cpu requirement. While the app is running, the memory varies from 90MB to 1GB, depending on the video quality — wether or not is 4K for instance.

Just wondering because it crashes when opened on my 2008 MacBook running Sierra via one of those hacks.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
Just wondering because it crashes when opened on my 2008 MacBook running Sierra via one of those hacks.

Hi, Brian,

As I tested on Mojave, the app works. But for lower versions, since the Apple’s APIs changed somewhat. The TNP app won’t work unless I find an old Mac and setup a compilation environment and rebuild them.


The author of TNP.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
For testing purposes: publicly available IPTV channels
Could the side window stick to the video window? It stays hidden behind when switching between apps.

Thanks, it’s a nice suggestion.
Currently, the program navigation ui doesn’t satisfy with me either a lot. I am considering in redesigning the ui logic and enable users to setup the navigation hiding policy.

By the way, perhaps, if you go to the TNP preferences, you may find an option that you can disable the auto hiding.

Or, in future I will also consider open the source, you can change the code and compile your own TNP app.


The author.

Thank you.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
You can just drop your m3u/m3u8/txt file into the TNPF's window, done!

Hi, how do I load my M3U file? (it is a web link)
Hi, how do I load my M3U file? (it is a web link)

If the file is an URL address (webpage), you need to download the file first -- for instance, you can use 'wget http://addr/to/file.m3u', then drop the downloaded m3u into TNP.

I'm sorry I haven't added the function in TNP making it support an URL m3u.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2018
Hi, how do I load my M3U file? (it is a web link)

Hi I worked it out, browsing to my link downloads the file. But this changes constantly so linking to a URL would be better to keep getting the updated version. It also took quite a long time to load the file. For me a successful app would be one that helps to sort the channels by country and type (eg. films/series). Also, I could not work out how to add to favourites. At the end of the day there are perhaps 30 channels that I want to browse through, so having this listed by country or genre and with previews would be ideal for me. Hope the feedback helps. Oh, the red icons make it difficult to see, perhaps white is better, or a background contrast on the icons.
Just to expand, it would be great if I could create custom lists of my own in favourites, eg. news, sport, kids.. (or family member names) and then add channels in there. And as someone else may have mentioned, if there was a button on the app which brought the channel lists to the front with a hover over action.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019

Thanks for using my app!

For adding favorite: you can just drop the item to the favorite icon.

Yes, you are right. I'll polish the player later on. In this version, I just verified my core coding (from scratch) of decoding at very low level and rendering the video directly in OpenGL coworking with graph card.

Currently, the core code works. For next steps, I'll add some convenient features, such as:
- Automatically downloading m3u from Internet (you have to assign the URL);
- Adding program categories/channels or guide information;
- Automatically matching subtitles from Internet (;
- Providing LUA interfaces, users can write their own scripts for handling program list ....
- ...


The author of TNP.

Hi I worked it out, browsing to my link downloads the file. But this changes constantly so linking to a URL would be better to keep getting the updated version. It also took quite a long time to load the file. For me a successful app would be one that helps to sort the channels by country and type (eg. films/series). Also, I could not work out how to add to favourites. At the end of the day there are perhaps 30 channels that I want to browse through, so having this listed by country or genre and with previews would be ideal for me. Hope the feedback helps. Oh, the red icons make it difficult to see, perhaps white is better, or a background contrast on the icons.
Just to expand, it would be great if I could create custom lists of my own in favourites, eg. news, sport, kids.. (or family member names) and then add channels in there. And as someone else may have mentioned, if there was a button on the app which brought the channel lists to the front with a hover over action.


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2018
I'll keep an eye on your threads to follow the updates. I tried running Smarters Pro through Bluestacks but it was pretty unreliable. Recently I've been using IPGroove which is quite basic but has a decent 'Mac feel' to it. Keep up the good work!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
v1.6.6-9 is released, supporting both Linux (deb or AppImage package is ready to use) and macOS.
I'll keep an eye on your threads to follow the updates. I tried running Smarters Pro through Bluestacks but it was pretty unreliable. Recently I've been using IPGroove which is quite basic but has a decent 'Mac feel' to it. Keep up the good work!
v1.6.6-9 is released, supporting both Linux (deb or AppImage package is ready to use) and macOS.


macrumors newbie
Jul 9, 2020
Hey, could anyone help me how to install the new player on Mac OS? I couldn't find anything on the Git page just the build.txz. Thanks!
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