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Apr 15, 2012
People treat Apple like a religion now, they fawn over the iPhone like it is their first born. The fact that people are having panic attacks over their phone being a few days late is trivial when we have refuges fleeing Syria with just the clothes off their backs. People need to really get their priorities in order, we have let technology rule everything. Yes I love my iPhone but who cares if it is a day or 2 late. it's just a phone not the cure for cancer.

I disagree. People enjoy their devices and stuff and I don't see anything wrong with that.

Example - a person in NYC:
Having an iPhone 6S+ won't change the refugee situation in Syria/Europe.
"Praying" to a "god" won't change the refugee situation in Syria/Europe

I don't know why people like you come up with this whole "it's a cult, it's a cult" thing, assuming that people in general would just want to sit there and consume their iPhone without showing any interest for world politics.

The delay IS annoying for some, but that doesn't mean that an annoyed person is not interested in politics?! (I'll include "religion" in the term "politics" since the manipulative matter of "religion" has made it to be more politics than anything else)


macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2011
It doesn't affect me at all, so technically I couldn't give a f**k. But in general, as long as the "Catholic Church" is out there trying to lure new members, yes, they will benefit from a more realistic and current view of society. I just doubt that he'll leave a foot print that will convince others to follow.
It does affect you. It affects everyone as when people change their views, they change government policy. Climate change and same sex marriage are two things this Pope seems to have an open mind on and if he influences Catholics (and he will) your government will be pushed to change policies, laws etc. This guy is good for us.


macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2013
Oregon, USA
Last edited:


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
Ah man, 13 pages and not a single post about forbidden fruit!

Ok, actual post: it may help to know that the Vatican is technically a city state (nation - and the pope is their leader. So this would be like any other nations leader showing up. The religious implications are just a bonus.

And yes, this is entirely normal:

The Pope isn't a world leader, and the Vatican as a "City State' is a farce. GTFO Mr. Pope.
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macrumors regular
Dec 31, 2010
It's just a phone. I'm sure you all have better technology around your houses to help you get through those extra few days lol.


macrumors regular
Jul 25, 2011
He just wants to get a new iPhone 6s in the NYC store and now they are delaying the launch?!


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
It does affect you. It affects everyone as when people change their views, they change government policy. Climate change and same sex marriage are two things this Pope seems to have an open mind on and if he influences Catholics (and he will) your government will be pushed to change policies, laws etc. This guy is good for us.

This is weird to me, the effect the media has on the perception of Pope Francis. Benedict was also an environmentalist and spoke out many times about the dangers of global warming. Francis does not support gay marriage, and said his country's gay marriage law was authored by Satan.

He's not your guy, folks.


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
It does affect you. It affects everyone as when people change their views, they change government policy. Climate change and same sex marriage are two things this Pope seems to have an open mind on and if he influences Catholics (and he will) your government will be pushed to change policies, laws etc. This guy is good for us.

This is weird to me, the effect the media has on the perception of Pope Francis. Benedict was also an environmentalist and spoke out many times about the dangers of global warming. Francis does not support gay marriage, and said his country's gay marriage law was authored by Satan.

He's not your guy, folks.

TO understand the view on climate, the Pope is taking that directly from the bible where God commanded Adam and Eve to tend the garden and expand it. Also, the bible references being a good steward of the Earth.

Now, if the he's propagating the hysterics that man is the main reason for climate change, with all do respect, he's out to lunch.


macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2013
Oregon, USA
Someone who actually leads a nation state, not some farce like the Vatican and the head of a religion.
Life is full of examples where something less real gets treated as something real. You'll live longer if youre not fighting them all because you think they're different. Yes it is a farce, but that doesn't stop countries from wanting to have ambassadors stationed there*. You spend the next thousand years making your own religion and get other countries to do the same, you too can have a state funded motorcade.



macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
That's why I renounced my Catholicism (Still Christian). The Catholics worship this man as if he is God himself... and that is a no no.

Always felt that there was too much man and not enough God in the Catholic circles.


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
Are we competing on who's more delusional? Asking a dead guy to pray for you seems like a winner to me.

The legitimacy of my delusions are not what's being discussed, just the accurate representation of said delusions. I assume you hold on to the peculiar delusion of a universe that created itself from nothing, but I will refrain from misrepresenting your world view as "life has no meaning and morality does not exist".
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macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2010
The legitimacy of my delusions are not what's being discussed, just the accurate representation of said delusions. I assume you hold on to the peculiar delusion of a universe that created itself from nothing, but I will refrain from misrepresenting your world view as "life has no meaning and morality does not exist".
I do not hold on to any delusion, I have my theories, but they're just that, theories. I don't think that a deity exists, but I might be wrong, I have no way to know for sure (like EVERYONE else). I don't pretend to have an ultimate answer, unlike some people who are so sure and full of their bulls**t that they won't question even the most blatant absurdities. These people not only are dead sure about the existence of their God, but somehow they also know its will, and try to force it on others. They tend to confuse the belief of the existence of a deity with the fairytales they're told (the Bible, for example). It's not even their fault, they're thoroughly brainwashed since the moment they're born.
By the way, you know absolutely nothing about my world view, so it's good that you refrain from misrepresenting it. There's no need for a meaning or "morality": just live and let live and drop the bulls**t.
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macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2011
On the plus side;

Catholics picking up a new iPhone 6s/+s will only have to make one trip to get the two important things in their life.
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