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macrumors 65816
Oct 22, 2009
Tim Cook, Donald Trump, and Pope Francis are traveling in a single-engine plane with three young Mexican boys, wearing crosses around their necks. The engine explodes, the pilot steps back into the cabin wearing a parachute and holding three more. He says, "there are only three parachutes" as he tosses the parachutes to the passengers and then bails out. Tim Cook says "Quick! Put the parachutes on the children!" Donald Trump says "Screw the children!" Pope Francis asks "Is there time?"


macrumors regular
Feb 10, 2006
Now, if the he's propagating the hysterics that man is the main reason for climate change, with all do respect, he's out to lunch.

The climate would change even if we weren't here, but it's demonstrably true that it's changing at the accelerated rate that it is because of human actions.

I can see you live in a country-bumpkin state, but don't let corrupt politicians who take backhanders from men in 100 gallon hats do your thinking for you.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I don't for one second trust that what he's doing is anything more than elaborate PR stunt designed to stem the flow of people leaving the church because of the never ending child rape scandals.

People might be leaving the Church in large numbers, but I doubt that the child rape scandals are the biggest cause. The bigger issue is that many of the Church's teachings seem out of touch with modern sensibilities, such as still not allowing women to be priests, and rationalism causing many to view Church teachings as myth and fairy tales. While sexual abuse of minors is a serious issue, and the Church's handling of the issue in the past is a symptom of how the clergy can get out of touch with the needs of the people, it's far from being the main cause for people leaving the Church.For some, it could have been the last straw that made them leave, but child sexual abuse and its coverup is a symptom, not the cause of what is wrong with the Church.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
The climate would change even if we weren't here, but it's demonstrably true that it's changing at the accelerated rate that it is because of human actions.

I can see you live in a country-bumpkin state, but don't let corrupt politicians who take backhanders from men in 100 gallon hats do your thinking for you.

Yes, because the earth's climate never changed on it's own through out history. I have no issue with climate change- the earth is changing all the time. No one can argue with that. Why are their remains of Viking dairy farms UNDER the ice in Greenland? Why is it called 'Greenland'? That facts are, the earth was significantly warmer in the past - there's tons of evidence. Somehow man survived and thrived.

That's why the argument was rebranded from global warming to climate change since man made global warming is a statistically insignificant.

What politicians? Other than Ron Paul, I have no use for any of them.

I live in Kansas but wasn't born here.

Country bumpkin state? Resort to uninformed bigoted judgements. Wow. Let me lower myself to your level - sticks and stones... :cool:
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macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2013
Oregon, USA
Why is it called 'Greenland'?
Well, if nothing else, you're good at irony. It was named Greenland by a guy who wanted to convince people his crazy idea was worth believing:

One Viking in particular, Erik the Red was very good at raiding and pillaging. Although history is somewhat sketchy, it is believed that he discovered Greenland after being sent away from Iceland in exile. This was rumored to have been his punishment for committing murder. He was able to settle in Greenland and survive there for several years. Finally, his exile was ended and he found that he wanted to settle the island more fully. For that, he needed to convince others to come with him. Erik the Red is believed to have lived from circa 950 to 1003CE.
Of course, when you tell someone that they will be travelling with you to a place that is barren, cold and inhospitable you may have trouble convincing even a Viking to come with you. So instead, Erik (according to popular legend) called the island Greenland and instead painted the island as being a wonderful place to settle.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2013
It's quite amazing that people with absolutely no expertise in anything are convinced that weather scientists, including those at academic institutions and government agencies (e.g. NASA) and their affiliated organizations (e.g. JPL), many of whom deal with these weather data everyday, are wrong about their trade.


Jun 20, 2010
It's quite amazing that people with absolutely no expertise in anything are convinced that weather scientists, including those at academic institutions and government agencies (e.g. NASA) and their affiliated organizations (e.g. JPL), many of whom deal with these weather data everyday, are wrong about their trade.

Follow the funding. It's no different than lawyers hiring experts to prove or disprove a case - with a windup of dueling experts.


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
It's quite amazing that people with absolutely no expertise in anything are convinced that weather scientists, including those at academic institutions and government agencies (e.g. NASA) and their affiliated organizations (e.g. JPL), many of whom deal with these weather data everyday, are wrong about their trade.

Well, here's CNN explaining where the '97% of scientist agree number' comes from. Basically, there is NO consensus on 'climate change' other than, it's the earth, it's constantly changing and running through cycles.

2013- 12,000 scientific papers were studied with 2/3 of those reaching no conclusion. Only 97% of the 1/3 that did reach a conclusion believe man is to blame for global warming.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
So, by the way, did anyone here not receive their iPhones on Friday because of the Pope? If so, did you get them delivered on Saturday, or had to wait until Monday?


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2013
Well, here's CNN explaining where the '97% of scientist agree number' comes from. Basically, there is NO consensus on 'climate change' other than, it's the earth, it's constantly changing and running through cycles.

2013- 12,000 scientific papers were studied with 2/3 of those reaching no conclusion. Only 97% of the 1/3 that did reach a conclusion believe man is to blame for global warming.

I think scientists at JPL and Caltech are among the more credible ones and they and the data both tell me that global warming is a non-issue.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2013
I agree, it is a non issue. That's my point.

i was typing while doing something and mis-typed.

no, actually JPL and caltech scientists believe it's a non issue because it's no longer a subject of debate whether mankind has affected temperatures or not (hint: it has) and while the ignorant masses debate this topic along with evolution and other ridiculous topics, the scientific community has long since moved on.

maybe the church of christian science's "scientists" still find this a hot topic though.
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