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Apr 19, 2014
Some Mavericks camouflage, but without trying too hard

Screenshot from 2020-06-27 14-48-20.png


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Sep 8, 2010
Switched my work PC and work laptop from Manjaro to ArcoLinux the other day.

I am very happy with this switch. While I liked Manjaro, I didn't care as much for the lack of ricing they allow you as compared to Arco. Plus some things, like mouse acceleration are much more adjustable.

At home I'm still running mainline Arch and when/if the time comes to reformat for any reason, I'll probably put Arco on it.

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Reactions: alex cochez


Jan 23, 2010
San Diego, CA USA
Hardcore Gentoo all the way. Call me crazy.... Complete with SSDs to make those compiles fast! ?
I have had at least one Linux box in continuous operation since before the kernel 1.0 days. Earliest distribution I used was SLS. Then Slackware because it was high-tech at the time! Eventually settled on Gentoo since it fits my brain and allows me to customize how I want.

gateway:~$ neofetch
         -/oyddmdhs+:.                user@gateway
     -odNMMMMMMMMNNmhy+-`             ------------
   -yNMMMMMMMMMMMNNNmmdhy+-           OS: Gentoo/Linux x86_64
`omMMMMMMMMMMMMNmdmmmmddhhy/`        Kernel: 5.9.0-gentoo
omMMMMMMMMMMMNhhyyyohmdddhhhdo`      Uptime: 15 days, 22 hours, 56 mins
.ydMMMMMMMMMMdhs++so/smdddhhhhdm+`    Packages: 1349 (emerge)
oyhdmNMMMMMMMNdyooydmddddhhhhyhNd.   Shell: bash 5.0.18
  :oyhhdNNMMMMMMMNNNmmdddhhhhhyymMh   Terminal: /dev/pts/0
    .:+sydNMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhhmMmy   CPU: Intel i7-7700 (8) @ 4.200GHz
       /mMMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhmMNhs:   GPU: Intel HD Graphics 630
    `oNMMMMMMMNNNmmmddddhhdmMNhs+`    Memory: 752MiB / 31991MiB
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macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2008
Moved the 2011 MacBook Pro to Fedora 34.. and it's honestly been amazing.

The fact the installer picks up your on a mac, and sorts the EFI folder out for you is so refreshing, after having to go the rEFInd route every time I'd installed an Ubuntu-based distro.

If you have this same model, you can fix wifi here and bypass a dying/dead gpu at the end of this article.

Left the MacPro5,1 on Mojave for now; did have a project to move that to Fedora as well, but one key thing I use it for is reimaging macOS devices, and while darling is very impressive, sadly it's lacking asr, which makes it a no.


  • Screenshot from 2021-06-28 21-33-25.png
    Screenshot from 2021-06-28 21-33-25.png
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macrumors 65816
Nov 27, 2013
Hardcore Gentoo all the way. Call me crazy.... Complete with SSDs to make those compiles fast! ?
I have had at least one Linux box in continuous operation since before the kernel 1.0 days. Earliest distribution I used was SLS. Then Slackware because it was high-tech at the time! Eventually settled on Gentoo since it fits my brain and allows me to customize how I want.

gateway:~$ neofetch
         -/oyddmdhs+:.                user@gateway
     -odNMMMMMMMMNNmhy+-`             ------------
   -yNMMMMMMMMMMMNNNmmdhy+-           OS: Gentoo/Linux x86_64
`omMMMMMMMMMMMMNmdmmmmddhhy/`        Kernel: 5.9.0-gentoo
omMMMMMMMMMMMNhhyyyohmdddhhhdo`      Uptime: 15 days, 22 hours, 56 mins
.ydMMMMMMMMMMdhs++so/smdddhhhhdm+`    Packages: 1349 (emerge)
oyhdmNMMMMMMMNdyooydmddddhhhhyhNd.   Shell: bash 5.0.18
  :oyhhdNNMMMMMMMNNNmmdddhhhhhyymMh   Terminal: /dev/pts/0
    .:+sydNMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhhmMmy   CPU: Intel i7-7700 (8) @ 4.200GHz
       /mMMMMMMNNNmmmdddhhhhhmMNhs:   GPU: Intel HD Graphics 630
    `oNMMMMMMMNNNmmmddddhhdmMNhs+`    Memory: 752MiB / 31991MiB


Have you tried Funtoo?

Regards, splifingate


macrumors 603
May 30, 2018
does Linux know if someone does other activities besides computers, like cycling, motorcycling, hiking, playing softball hanging out with friends, dating, spending time on a Wisconsin lakefront this century,
and will not allow their Distros on their computers?

I tied to install Unbuntu, deepen, Mint, managro 2 weeks ago for 3 days, but did this impossible install instead:
Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 2.36.05 PM.png


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2008
Trusty MacPro5,1 is now the TrueNAS Core box at home.

MacBookPro8,2 still running Fedora, now on 36. Sleep seems to be an issue now, can't quite seem to fix it. Attempted to move to SilverBlue, but refused to boot, so back to 36 Workstation, but set up LUKS this time.

Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 13.50.13.png
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