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macrumors demi-god
Apr 15, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
@-BigMac- Was hoping the attachment would get fixed :) Congratulations on the warmer weather. Greetings from a grey cloudy northern Denmark. If I find an awesome gloomy wallpaper I might post a screenshot. Palm trees are a long ways away.
Haha thank you, it is currently 32 degrees here and sunny (same tomorrow!).
Please send me a nice gloomy wallpaper, I will put it up to think of those less weather fortunate <3
For the mean time, I'll link the wallpaper below, to bring a bit of sun onto your screen atleast :D
I love this. It looks better than real (if that makes sense?!)

(writing this from a typically damp and grey Manchester in England)
It does look pretty awesome! Hope Manchester brightens up!
For the both of you, I re-uploaded the full res version of the beach file. It is 8k, so should be pretty nice to look at on your screens ?

Enjoy :D
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macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2011
Haha thank you, it is currently 32 degrees here and sunny (same tomorrow!).
Please send me a nice gloomy wallpaper, I will put it up to think of those less weather fortunate <3
For the mean time, I'll link the wallpaper below, to bring a bit of sun onto your screen atleast :D

It does look pretty awesome! Hope Manchester brightens up!
For the both of you, I re-uploaded the full res version of the beach file. It is 8k, so should be pretty nice to look at on your screens ?

Enjoy :D
Thanks, it is a good wallpaper. It most certainly is, “better than real.” ?
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macrumors 68020
Aug 16, 2007
Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 3.26.09 PM.png


macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
Didn't want to appear all "Debbie Downer" so I took and gave my Big Sur desktop a colorful splash.

Not saying that Big Sur is themable, but it might be.

All this color does actually hurt my eyes - so for all those whose retinas has seized to function because of this.. I am soon back with a vengeance. Wallpaper is by the CG artist Neville Dsouza - I upped the resolution with Pixelmator Pro and added a vector shape with a gradient and a shadow for the menubar.
Dock is my own.
Trafficlights has been worked over slightly and I applied those to Big Sur as a quick test. It's a bit more of a hassle to theme Big Sur - although nothing major. There's a pretty good guide Here - still that just covers the window theme and folder icons changing are underway from what I gather through the sounds of the banging on the Internet pipes.



macrumors newbie
May 5, 2020
Didn't want to appear all "Debbie Downer" so I took and gave my Big Sur desktop a colorful splash.

Not saying that Big Sur is themable, but it might be.

All this color does actually hurt my eyes - so for all those whose retinas has seized to function because of this.. I am soon back with a vengeance. Wallpaper is by the CG artist Neville Dsouza - I upped the resolution with Pixelmator Pro and added a vector shape with a gradient and a shadow for the menubar.
Dock is my own.
Trafficlights has been worked over slightly and I applied those to Big Sur as a quick test. It's a bit more of a hassle to theme Big Sur - although nothing major. There's a pretty good guide Here - still that just covers the window theme and folder icons changing are underway from what I gather through the sounds of the banging on the Internet pipes.

View attachment 1659546
How did you change the dock?


macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
How did you change the dock?
By the way of cDock 4.4.3 and MacForge 1.0.8 available here cDock 4.4.3 listing and MacForge 1.0.8 listing on GitHub

Just - a quick note that on Big Sur I've personally had a few more issues with cDock and MacForge than on previous macOS - although it's nothing that I can't workaround. When this above combination is acting up I check and uncheck the Disable Injection menu item from the MacForge menu bar icon. Might be an Error 40 - aka a me error
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macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
I couldn't stop thinking about this keyboard key shot from the Apple 11-10 event, so it's the wallpaper for my M1 MBA.

View attachment 1676204

@allan.nyholm Your enhancements to that CGI fish art are superb. :)
It's not often that products are featured in desktop screenshots. This looks key-licious

and thank you about mentioning the fish wallpaper and how it looks superb. As long as the fish are on my screen and not on my dinner plate I'm happy.
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