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macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2002
Motorola's semiconductor division has been piss poor performer in new technologies and an anchor for companies such as SUN, Data General, Next, Apple and their own computers as well as high end embedded systems. Now they even loosing out on the next generation Palm. Moto's semi division is on the trailing edge of IP and almost always late to execute in delivering new products. With TI, IBM, and Intel roaring into the telecom infrastructure and networking arena, it's just a matter of time before their remaining customers wake up and dump them.

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Ok, my opinion.

The powerbook will be updated this week, faster processors, but no superdrive. There might be a price drop.

At MWSF, Jobs announces a superdrive for the ti-book, and offers a two month upgrade your powerbook for XXX$ amount of money.

Otherwise upgrades two months apart makes no sense. ;)


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2002
Westchester County, NY
What's the confusion about? Apple cuts the prices of the P and i Books... and updates just the iBook... in 2 months- they update the PBook line.
Still a great deal for the holidays.

And....just to make sure they don't annoy people to much- they'll probably raise the price back up to "normal" when they update the PBook like at MWSF.

Makes sense to me. No?


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2002
Denver, CO
Originally posted by cyks
What's the confusion about? Apple cuts the prices of the P and i Books... and updates just the iBook... in 2 months- they update the PBook line.
Still a great deal for the holidays.

And....just to make sure they don't annoy people to much- they'll probably raise the price back up to "normal" when they update the PBook like at MWSF.

Makes sense to me. No?
Yes, that was my thought too. Apple boosts the sales of the TiPB not by adding features but by lowering it's price for the holiday buying season. I hope they don't raise the prices again once the revised models come out in a couple of months but I guess we'll have to wait and see.


macrumors G4
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
Originally posted by TiChris
I discovered that the PowerBook picture (only link is there) wasn't found at Apple's hardware page. does this mean new models coming really soon?

It hasn't been there for months.


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
So we have 2 possibilities.

The iBook gets an update and a price drop. And the TiBook gets a price drop. Nov. 5th or 6th. MWSF gets an all new, muy updated PowerBook with all sorts of new stuff.


Both get small updates internally, no new enclosures. Announced Nov. 5th or 6th. Possible small updates (SuperDrive in Ti, BlueTooth, USB2... FireWire2?) come MWSF.

Or some kinda mixture of the 2.

I'm so excited I'm... well, not really that excited. Now a 4 LB, 13" WideScreen, GHz iBook with 200 MHz FSB, 32 MB video card, 256-768 DDR-Ram, 40 GB 5400 RPM, DVD/CD-R/W, Bluetooth, FW 2, USB 2, etc. $1499. That would be exciting.


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
If it doesn't come out int he next 2 days then we can be pretty certain of a MWSF update. I am thinking apple will be smart enough not to do that.


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
yeah, scem0. you're excatly right. it would be horrendous business to hold off till after christmas. i mean, this is a pretty extravagant gift idea, but tech sales have to go up in the holiday season. apple needs to get in on that. of course, it might come later this month too. apple seems to like surprises these days.


macrumors member
Jun 2, 2002
Just an idea - maybe they'll update the TiBooks now for a little Christmas pick-me-up and for all those that might want the ability to run OS 9 a little longer, and then announce a killer Jaguar or Panther-only TiBook in San Fran, which won't be available til, say, February.


macrumors 68020
Jul 4, 2002
Muncie, Indiana
Come on, there must be an update...

... if they were only going to cut the prices, they wouldn't have let the supply dwindle to nothing. Look out there! Supplies are at zero!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Central Texas
If Apple want to make a quick buck they could just drop the price of the iPod by at least $100 so more people can afford to buy something with an Apple logo on it this xmas. Apple releases new models because after 6 months the technology in their computers is terribly overpriced and all the competition has beat them in speed and value. If Apple is lowering prices instead of making the iBooks much faster, then there is something wrong at Cupertino. They are playing it waaay to safe and do not want to put in new technology into their computers. Something doesnt seem right about this. Guess it will make more sense when they give us their sales pitch. If the thing they talk about most is price, they have no speed to offer us and will not for the forseeable future.


macrumors member
Oct 29, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
How long the days take to go by....

How long has it been since Apple released a TiBook? Almost a year now. As people have been saying, Apple is going to need to go for Christmas sales. BUT....Apple has never released an update and then another in so short a time. The reason being that it would have no clue what to do with the stock, and remember, the powerbooks are almost nowhere to be seen. So, lets organize the facts:

Powerbook supplies dwindling

Apple not releasing NEW powerbooks 60 days after other upgrade

Powerbooks need to compete with iBooks so if iBook gets upgraded, so does Powerbook

Apple needs to deal with Christmas sales

Apple has not upgraded the TiBook in a REALLY long time compared to their usual upgrading schedule

People are anxious for a massive upgrade with some nice stuff

I have personally started expecting them to release something FAIRLY soon in late summer. It is now November. I don't think they could hold out much longer, and given my above summary, I think something big soon is inevitable.


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
actually the last revision was in april, much less than a year ago. in fact, it was about 7 months ago. they are right on schedule now, and it really wouldn't be too out of the ordinary to wait till january just from the apple product cycle perspective. it would also be stupid, IMO, but that is not the issue.


macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2002
please, please, please

I really do hope Apple gives the Pbook a speed bump and a price drop, is this hoping for too much?

I'm convinced that whatever happens there will be a price drop at least. Due mainly to the Apple Loan images that reflected the price drops.

And look at the supplies out there, either "Limited Quantities" or "Out of Stock", there has to be something coming in the Pbook line.

I am in dire need of a portable (within the month) and really do not want to get a PC portable. But if Apple does not release a new Pbook with a speed bump and the ati 9000 then I can't rationalize buying a Pbook when there will likely be an upgrade at MWSF.

My desktop is a PC and it has never let me down. But when it comes to portability and graphic design you just can't beat a Mac.

*crosses fingers and toes*

Boomer Mac

macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2002
Here's the deal


I'm happy to join this very interesting newsgroup.

This is the scenario I believe is going to play out:

This week Apple will drop the price on the PB's by $200 to stimulate sales before MWSF. Reason being that PB sales have slowed down over the last little while. Now they have two more months to work on possibly fitting a SuperDrive in and perhaps adding/perfecting certain other features.

Why would Apple come out with a new PB this week and then come out with a revised PB in two months? This is TOO hard to manage from an inventory and distribution aspect. History even shows that the cycle has always been 6-9 months. By the way, the PowerBook is not a Christmas product because it's a Pro product so a price drop would do for now.

Let's hope that Apple won't bump up the prices again once new PB's get introduced in MWSF. They are already expensive enough.

I'm hoping that I'm right on this one.

I guess we'll see in a couple of days.

Boomer Mac

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
Re: Here's the deal

Originally posted by Boomer Mac

I'm happy to join this very interesting newsgroup.

This is the scenario I believe is going to play out:

This week Apple will drop the price on the PB's by $200 to stimulate sales before MWSF. Reason being that PB sales have slowed down over the last little while. Now they have two more months to work on possibly fitting a SuperDrive in and perhaps adding/perfecting certain other features.

Boomer Mac

The thing is, is that supply is limited NOW. Dropping the prices with no update and PB will be non existant WAY before Jan. Apple is going to drop the price on a dwindling suipply of PBs 2 1/2 months before the next possible release? That's stupid (not you, the idea) There hardly is any inventory to clear, so why clear nothing?


macrumors 6502
May 29, 2002
Lets keep things in perspective with the big picture.

1. Apple rarely has any big hardware showings at the Macworld shows any longer thus that rules out most likely any new Powerbook updates.

2. Apple is fighting the same slow sales forecast that everyone else is. This means that inventory is going to be important. Which means if you haven't figured it out is that if systems are shipping quickly from Apple, expect a high amount of inventory from Apple after xmas which translates to not much new in January anyways. If shipping is 2-3 weeks and I doubt it will be, expect a rev or update in *maybe* late Feb. This prediction in particular applies much more since they're waiting until this late to possibly do a Powerbook update. Had they done it a little earlier, an update in Feb would have been a sure thing barring inventory issues.

3. This was already pointed out but I'll repeat anyways. Apple is unlikely to update the ibook to a speed that rivals the Powerbook unless they begin changing a few more feature sets.

With those points in mind I would expect something to happen on the high end of the Mac laptops. Note that it's very possible that Apple could add a third line of laptops in order to add variety on the high end. Keep the current Powerbooks and slash the price but intro a new even higherend version with even a different name. Unlikely due to inventory issues again but not out of the picture even though it would help with inventory of any excess stock they might have of Powerbooks stored away.


macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2002
California, USA.
Hi hi! (i'm new)

Anyway, I didn't get to read what everyone said (there were just too many posts), but none the less, here's what I think:

There are too many rumors about the T4 Powerbook release date being Nov 6th. This one new rumor just doesn't match any others, so I'd feel fine about disregarding this one. As some of you said, it just wouln't make sense to have Apple upgrade the iBook and wait on the powerbook for another 2 months.

I'm saving up for this new Powerbook myself, and even though it's only a few days left, I feel like I'm becoming impatient. If it gets held back till MWSF03, I don't know WHAT i'd do! AAAA!


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2000
Beijing, China
getting away from all the silly speculation...

...what's variable bus timing, in layman's terms? why is it good for a powerbook in particular?

does it mean what it sounds like...that the bus speed is variable, as some sort of battery-saving measure or something?


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2002
its the 5th of november and wath does apple show us..................
nothing, it is f***ing unbelieveble.
the next rumor will be over another 14 days?:p :mad: :D :)


macrumors god
Original poster
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: getting away from all the silly speculation...

Originally posted by suzerain
...what's variable bus timing, in layman's terms? why is it good for a powerbook in particular?

does it mean what it sounds like...that the bus speed is variable, as some sort of battery-saving measure or something?

Yep... pretty much.

All laptops have some sort of processor cycling where the processor can kick down to a slower/lower consumption mode.

This "variable timing" is presumably different... but not many details are avail on it.

Here's the original news item by PowerPage:

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