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macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2008
Boston, MA
Yet another channel to disable. All of these channels that only work with a cable subscription are completely worthless to me.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
The biggest reason Apple can't "just do what they did with iTunes, the iPod, and the recording industry", is that the cable TV industry has much tighter control than the recording industry did. You could copy tapes and CDs easily. You could import a CD, upload it to Napster, and share it easily. There really weren't many anti-copy safeguards because at some point, the audio signal had to become analog in order for an amplifier to push it through your speakers and into your ears.

These flaws still exist with TVs. The signal has to go to analog to support by 30 year old TV, even if it comes into my house and into the cable box as digital. So I can easily record TV without assistance from the cable company, IE, by using an EyeTV, and give myself the ability to rewind and record live TV, without paying extra for it.

Further, I can upload TV to pirate websites and it can be downloaded from there. Heck, it happens all the time.

The reason why this doesn't happen is because non-tech savvy individuals (most people) don't realize that you can totally pirate video, just as easily as you can pirate audio. If everybody was doing it, the cable companies would be powerless to stop it (what are you going to do - sue your entire customer base? A reverse class action lawsuit, hah.) They don't realize it because there hasn't been anything like Napster for TV, which comes in and makes a huge splash, is wildly popular before being noticed by executives/lawyers, and demonstrates that you can pirate TV.

Once the average person figures out they can pirate TV, that will be the undoing of the current model. Because enough people will begin pirating to make it unfeasible to sue them all. They'll have to have a savior like iTunes or Spotify which makes it easier to legally obtain media (and at reasonably prices) than to illegally obtain it.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Like others have said, until I can purchase these individually, this is useless to me. I don't subscribe to them via my cable package so I can't use them. One can dream that someday they will open this up so, say for $9.99 a month, I will be able to get HBO or some other premium channel on my Apple TV. Yes I know I am dreaming.


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2007
Yet another channel to disable. All of these channels that only work with a cable subscription are completely worthless to me.

Yep. And 90% of people with ATVs, who only got the ATV because they're cable cutters or dream of being cable cutters.

Dino F

Sep 16, 2010
Croydon, South London, UK do we get these extra channels to show up on Apple TV?

Do they show up automatically or do I need to reset the device (something I don't wanna do or I'll lose all my sign in details to the various apps on there!!)?

Sorry - bit of a noob to this Apple TV - only had mine about a week....!!! :eek:


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Apple TV looking grim for Apple

I bought the Fire TV the other day to dabble with it, and it just became my "primary" set-top box.

First, Amazon Prime running current release TV shows. I'd gladly hand Apple over $100 a year to watch shows that are currently airing on Big Cable, but Apple is too busy whoring themselves to Big Cable with subscription tie-ins.

Second, Fire TV does games and apps, its criminal Apple still hasn't gotten this support on Apple TV when they have had an App store for over 7 years. $1.99 for Plex so I can stream the content I want not just the content Apple wants me to stream.

Third, the interface for Fire TV is light years ahead of Apple TV. Voice search and modern UI designs make this product feel brand new rather then also-ran the way Apple TV design is.

Fourth, side loaded apps that are a breeze to install. XBMC and MashUp on FireTv in under 5 minutes. Apple is too busy locking ATV3 down to product their walled garden while Amazon is openly welcoming the homebrew crowd.

Also a powerful little box compared to ATV. 2gb of Ram (iPad doesn't even have this), 1.7Ghz quad-core processor, bluetooth remote and gamepad, and works with Harmony Ultimate with bluetooth. I don't know how Apple gets off charging $100 when AT3 hardware specs are criminally underpowered compared to Fire TV.

While Apple is dicking around getting more and more cable subscription tie-ins into an antiquated product (both on design and specs), their competition has decimated Apple TV on innovation and quality.

If Apple even showed some signs of breathing life into Apple TV I'd continue to support it but I am looking to cut the Cable cord forever and all Apple TV is becoming is another ****** cable box. Fire TV at least offers the best of all worlds, quality cheap/free content for the cord-cutters, homebrew and alternative streaming support, and, or course, a walled garden for those that feel the need to buy everything and watch it only once.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
If its DirecTV, the chances are usually "no". Rarely does the cheap-azz DirecTV sign up for any of these streaming apps.

Rarely? Please give multiple examples. I'm unaware, but maybe my channel viewing is slim. The only app I know doesn't work for DTV subs is ESPN, but that's ESPN's doing, not DTV. DTV's contract w/ ESPN is up next year and ESPN is withholding access as a bargaining chip.

Almost always, if a provider is blocked from an app its because the content holder is withholding. I'm not a big DTV fan -- only have it b/c of Sunday Ticket, but I am a fan of truth and your statement doesn't mesh with my own experience. As said, my experience may be limited because I don't watch every channel offered, but of the ones I do watch only ESPN is unavailable on my iPad.


Apr 23, 2010
Rarely? Please give multiple examples. I'm unaware, but maybe my channel viewing is slim. The only app I know doesn't work for DTV subs is ESPN, but that's ESPN's doing, not DTV. DTV's contract w/ ESPN is up next year and ESPN is withholding access as a bargaining chip.

Almost always, if a provider is blocked from an app its because the content holder is withholding. I'm not a big DTV fan -- only have it b/c of Sunday Ticket, but I am a fan of truth and your statement doesn't mesh with my own experience. As said, my experience may be limited because I don't watch every channel offered, but of the ones I do watch only ESPN is unavailable on my iPad.

Not my experience. I'm always checking out new channel apps on iOS and Android when they post and the only one I saw that works is Cartoon Network and CNN I think. Almost every other app I've checked out never has DTV listed.

Four oF NINE

macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2011
Hell's Kitchen
There's endless speculation about 'what if' regarding what Steve Jobs would have done or not done. My hunch is that had he remained in robust health he would have made a real breakthrough by now. Dealing with establishment paradigm players and twisting arms was his strong suit.


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2010
I bought the Fire TV the other day to dabble with it, and it just became my "primary" set-top box.

First, Amazon Prime running current release TV shows. I'd gladly hand Apple over $100 a year to watch shows that are currently airing on Big Cable, but Apple is too busy whoring themselves to Big Cable with subscription tie-ins.

Second, Fire TV does games and apps, its criminal Apple still hasn't gotten this support on Apple TV when they have had an App store for over 7 years. $1.99 for Plex so I can stream the content I want not just the content Apple wants me to stream.

Third, the interface for Fire TV is light years ahead of Apple TV. Voice search and modern UI designs make this product feel brand new rather then also-ran the way Apple TV design is.

Fourth, side loaded apps that are a breeze to install. XBMC and MashUp on FireTv in under 5 minutes. Apple is too busy locking ATV3 down to product their walled garden while Amazon is openly welcoming the homebrew crowd.

Also a powerful little box compared to ATV. 2gb of Ram (iPad doesn't even have this), 1.7Ghz quad-core processor, bluetooth remote and gamepad, and works with Harmony Ultimate with bluetooth. I don't know how Apple gets off charging $100 when AT3 hardware specs are criminally underpowered compared to Fire TV.

While Apple is dicking around getting more and more cable subscription tie-ins into an antiquated product (both on design and specs), their competition has decimated Apple TV on innovation and quality.

If Apple even showed some signs of breathing life into Apple TV I'd continue to support it but I am looking to cut the Cable cord forever and all Apple TV is becoming is another ****** cable box. Fire TV at least offers the best of all worlds, quality cheap/free content for the cord-cutters, homebrew and alternative streaming support, and, or course, a walled garden for those that feel the need to buy everything and watch it only once.

How is the Plex app on the FireTV? I currently use a Roku 3 for Plex and the app is pretty bare bones. Plus, the FireTV is currently on sale for $84.


macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2013
It's a change that doesn't mean that cable cutters can get the programming. Until one can get and use these TV apps to any user willing to pay for it. :mad:

The cable companies want their $ 100-200 a month so any deal that involves them losing money will go nowhere - this is unlikely to change unless someone with deed pockets (i.e, Apple, etc) decides to either go against them or pay them off - that's the sorry reality.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
Why do people keep asking for an App store on ATV? It’s never going to happen. Why? Because there are currently no user input methods. You’re going to control your app with that tiny remote control or what? Even the Remote App for iOS is still crap. Look at the Samsung Smart TV. It doesn’t work: there are no quality apps and it doesn’t provide an acceptable user experience. Therefore, Apple will never release an app store for the current ATV. Period.


macrumors 68000
Dec 2, 2013
Hey, Showtime! How about if I pay you directly for your content and we just leave the cable networks out of this all together. Deal?


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
I wish some day I could buy content directly on the app and not relay on my cable company


macrumors G5
Like others have said, until I can purchase these individually, this is useless to me. I don't subscribe to them via my cable package so I can't use them. One can dream that someday they will open this up so, say for $9.99 a month, I will be able to get HBO or some other premium channel on my Apple TV. Yes I know I am dreaming.

Good luck with that. There is almost no scenario where an al-a-carte HBO or similar will be had for $9.99/month. I could see something like maybe $49.99/month or maybe $79 but not about the same rate it can be had with the rest of a current model cable subscription. The economics just don't favor the concept.

The cable companies want their $ 100-200 a month so any deal that involves them losing money will go nowhere - this is unlikely to change unless someone with deed pockets (i.e, Apple, etc) decides to either go against them or pay them off - that's the sorry reality.

Correct- a fact that "we" overlook in every one of these discussions. None of the existing players have ANY motivation to take a financial hit for this "new model". Why should they? And injecting Apple in on top means putting Apple's 30% or so on top. Would Apple rather have 30% of $100/month or 30% of $5/month? Lastly, even if those hurdles can be jumped, cable tends to own the broadband pipe on which this "new model" entirely depends. So even if it was a substitution play- kick out a Comcast or Time Warner to insert an Apple- the former still owns the pipe and will make up for TV subscription losses with higher broadband rates "for heavier users".

Apple has already delivered what is probably it's best shot at an al-a-carte model with commercial-free iTunes store rentals and seasons passes. "We" don't like those too much because of the pricing. Instead "we" expect a new model to offer huge discounts off of what we pay now… but we expect the rest of the players to take such a huge revenue scalp and yet still be able to keep cranking out the goods.

Any "new model" will have to show all of the players how to make MORE- not less- money to entice them into participating. We consumers are the source of all of the revenue- directly through our subscriptions and indirectly through the sales of commercials (including the thousands of commercials running on those other 180 channels "I" never watch). In any scenario where we get a big discount and Apple gets to inject itself on top, SOMEBODY has to take the big hit. Who's left?
1. The cable company that is also the broadband provider. The new replacement can't work without their pipe.
2. The studio that makes the media we want to consume.

Obviously, only #2 can take the hit. So to get our often-shared discounts of 60%-70%-80% or more, it's the Studios that would have to eat the loss of 60%-70%-80% or more, PLUS fitting it the Apple injection. Why do they keep making what they make for such a huge discount? HOW do they keep making what they make?

We already have a "new model" where the media creators are paid nothing-to-near-nothing for their programming creations. It's called YouTube and it's probably an excellent proxy for the quality of programming we would get in this al-a-carte, new model dream where we all pay a fraction of what we pay now.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
1,111 do we get these extra channels to show up on Apple TV?

Do they show up automatically or do I need to reset the device (something I don't wanna do or I'll lose all my sign in details to the various apps on there!!)?

Sorry - bit of a noob to this Apple TV - only had mine about a week....!!! :eek:

That will be done automatically, no need to restart. Unless you are out of the location were the content is provided.... In that case it will never shown on your screen


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2010
Why do people keep asking for an App store on ATV? It’s never going to happen. Why? Because there are currently no user input methods. You’re going to control your app with that tiny remote control or what? Even the Remote App for iOS is still crap. Look at the Samsung Smart TV. It doesn’t work: there are no quality apps and it doesn’t provide an acceptable user experience. Therefore, Apple will never release an app store for the current ATV. Period.



macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
My friend subscribes to HBO as part of DirecTV and the HBOGo app on the AppleTV works fine for him.

What's the benefit of that? Have HBO on other TV? I already pay for cable tv, and have ATV, conected to the same TV as my cable box :(


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Good luck with that. There is almost no scenario where an al-a-carte HBO or similar will be had for $9.99/month. I could see something like maybe $49.99/month or maybe $79 but not about the same rate it can be had with the rest of a current model cable subscription. The economics just don't favor the concept.

Hence the "dreaming" comment. I don't see it either, but then again one never knows. Maybe they strike the deal! Again dreaming of course. ;):D


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
Good luck with that. There is almost no scenario where an al-a-carte HBO or similar will be had for $9.99/month. I could see something like maybe $49.99/month or maybe $79 but not about the same rate it can be had with the rest of a current model cable subscription. The economics just don't favor the concept.

Correct- a fact that "we" overlook in every one of these discussions. None of the existing players have ANY motivation to take a financial hit for this "new model". Why should they? And injecting Apple in on top means putting Apple's 30% or so on top. Would Apple rather have 30% of $100/month or 30% of $5/month? Lastly, even if those hurdles can be jumped, cable tends to own the broadband pipe on which this "new model" entirely depends. So even if it was a substitution play- kick out a Comcast or Time Warner to insert an Apple- the former still owns the pipe and will make up for TV subscription losses with higher broadband rates "for heavier users".

Apple has already delivered what is probably it's best shot at an al-a-carte model with commercial-free iTunes store rentals and seasons passes. "We" don't like those too much because of the pricing. Instead "we" expect a new model to offer huge discounts off of what we pay now… but we expect the rest of the players to take such a huge revenue scalp and yet still be able to keep cranking out the goods.

Any "new model" will have to show all of the players how to make MORE- not less- money to entice them into participating. We consumers are the source of all of the revenue- directly through our subscriptions and indirectly through the sales of commercials (including the thousands of commercials running on those other 180 channels "I" never watch). In any scenario where we get a big discount and Apple gets to inject itself on top, SOMEBODY has to take the big hit. Who's left?
1. The cable company that is also the broadband provider. The new replacement can't work without their pipe.
2. The studio that makes the media we want to consume.

Obviously, only #2 can take the hit. So to get our often-shared discounts of 60%-70%-80% or more, it's the Studios that would have to eat the loss of 60%-70%-80% or more. Why do they keep making what they make for such a huge discount? HOW do they keep making what they make?

We already have a "new model" where the media creators are paid nothing-to-near-nothing for their programming creations. It's called YouTube and it's probably an excellent proxy for the quality of programming we would get in this al-a-carte, new model dream where we all pay a fraction of what we pay now.

Man.... You are just an ala carte dream killer.


macrumors member
Sep 14, 2008
Possible stupid question

I have only viewed netflix and my own media on ATV. I am fairly sure I know the answer, but will ask anyway, do all these services being added require a subscription to use? ie. NFL, NHL, MLB, I guessing they are not free.
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