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Jan 18, 2005
Rome: Total War is pretty damn awesome mind. I'm usually not interested in the genre too!

Going back to the "can afford a Wii, can't afford a PS3" bit, I'm still aghast at Chone for saying that. Especially the "long term cost" idea. Do you live in a world where you're born with all your money at once? Because where I'm from you get a wage, so you can buy a cheap console and spend thousands on games over a series of 4-8 years without any problem at all. But when a system costs 3 times as much, take however long it took you to save for a Wii (providing you have a mortage/rent to pay, food, student or any other kind of loan to pay off, kids to feed, car to afford, council tax, useful things to buy) and multiply that by 3.
Of course if you are living with your parents and have a well paid job, then you're on easy (sad?) street.

Right now I can't even afford a Wii, I didn't even buy one myself, its the family console in the living room. Again, I'm not 14 and sponging off my parents ;) I'm in full time education in a very expensive country.
Lecture me on how I should pay for a PS3 some more.


macrumors 68020
Aug 30, 2006
21, student working arse off to graduate with First Class honours (the first class bit is as good as mine now, btw). Can afford to spend about £400 a term. Bought iMac and digital SLR. could afford to buy a Wii. couldn't afford to buy a PS3. DING.

That enough for you?

OMGOSH I'm not 14 and don't depend on my parents. Your thinking is broken.

Thank you! Being over 16 really doesn't make a difference, especially in the UK where in some places it's next to impossible to get a job.

Also a student, working at a degree in Computer Science. There's absolutely no way I can afford to put down that kind of money on a ps3 and games. The money would be better put towards a car, but I can't even afford that.

The 'especially if you're over 16' comment is slightly untrue to say the least. Unless of course you're just lucky.


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
The difference only matters to the cheap and poor whiny bastards. Such consumers are obviously not in Sony's target market.

A bit offensive don't you think?
People buy what represents value to them, or what they can afford. Don't mistake that with being cheap.

A better analogy than the car one might be the iPhone. Sure it does more, but for a person that only wants to make calls it doesn't represent VALUE when s/he can get a perfectly adeqate phone that has many features similar to the iPhone for much less. For me the iPhone might represent value (I want to see it in the wild first), but for my wife it would be a ludicrous waste of money.

Me, I could afford a top of the range MBP, a Mac Pro, and all 3 gaming consoles without skipping a heartbeat. I'm unlikely to get them (except maybe a Wii). Why? Because I have other priorities with my money and they don't represent value to me.

And to any kids who are expecting their parents not to notice the difference betwen $250 and $600 - FFS grow up :mad: $600 is a weeks wages (or more) for a lot of people.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2005
Manchester UK
Right now I can't even afford a Wii, I didn't even buy one myself, its the family console in the living room. Again, I'm not 14 and sponging off my parents ;) I'm in full time education in a very expensive country.
Lecture me on how I should pay for a PS3 some more.

It made me laugh that the Virgin megastores in the Arndale center will sell you a PS3 for £375 with student discount (that's £50 off their normal price). I don't remember ever having £375 when I was a student lol. On a side note, are you at the University of Manchester Jimmi? It's a damned fine university, I graduated from there last year (2.1 in Computer Science).

Personally, I have an xbox 360 which I bought before the PS3 came out. I bought it because I liked the look of the games that were out and the price seemed reasonable. At the moment the PS3 doesn't appeal to me at the price it is. I already have a console from this generation so I can wait until it drops in price a little bit. I would rather have the cash in my hands rather than Sony's.

As to the price of the Wii vs PS3 I would rather have the Wii and £120 than a PS3.

I do agree with people that the price isn't neccessarily the most important factor but I do believe that the blu-ray drive and WiFi internet etc. has a lot to do with the PS3 costing more price. I don't need any of these things really, I just want to play games. I will buy a dedicated blu-ray player when the time comes as it is bound to be better quality (assuming you don't cheap out on it). Having said that though I am sure there are people who do value these features (as a lot of people posting here seem to) and if they deem £400 to be a good price (it probably is) then so be it. To each their own.


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
In terms of absolute value, it's not a big deal. The difference only matters to the cheap and poor whiny bastards. Such consumers are obviously not in Sony's target market.
What I don't get is why someone who can only afford a Hyundai would **** all over Mercedes because they cost more due to features they personally would never use, as if there's some shame in putting out a premium product and demanding a premium for it.

Agreed, Sony does have a market, I believe they even compared it to a high end luxury car. Then again those that can afford the Hyundai but not the Mercedes sometimes complain and crap on the Merc brand just as the Wii crowd is doing here to the PS3. Good post and observations.

Either try to argue my points or don't insult me

They will never answer your questions with real factual points, unless of course you would like some JPN/NPD sales numbers thrown in your face? Or possibly some other pointless information they can gloat over, but never a real factual point with a reference, thats far too much to ask here :p

Right now I can't even afford a Wii, I didn't even buy one myself, its the family console in the living room. Again, I'm not 14 and sponging off my parents ;) I'm in full time education in a very expensive country.
Lecture me on how I should pay for a PS3 some more.

When i was your age..... ;)

And to any kids who are expecting their parents not to notice the difference betwen $250 and $600 - FFS grow up :mad: $600 is a weeks wages (or more) for a lot of people.

And to some people $600 is around what they make in a day or less of wages. ;)

I own a Wii with 11 games and accessories, and a PS3 with 9 games and around 7 or 8 blu ray discs. I love playing Super Paper Mario for now, but once I finish that I am sure my Wii will resume its idle dust collector mode. My PS3 on the other hand gets played daily, it is a more enjoyable immersing experience. You get what you pay for, ultimately you can never expect German performance and luxury on a Hyundai budget.



Jan 18, 2005
They will never answer your questions with real factual points, unless of course you would like some JPN/NPD sales numbers thrown in your face? Or possibly some other pointless information they can gloat over, but never a real factual point with a reference, thats far too much to ask here :p

uhmm, we did answer his points :confused: . He just made ridiculous claims like "the Wii is the new Cube", laughable comparisons between systems, topped off with an unusual way of replying sort of discredits what he says and his attempts at arguments really.

My PS3 on the other hand gets played daily, it is a more enjoyable immersing experience. You get what you pay for, ultimately you can never expect German performance and luxury on a Hyundai budget.

The Wii has provided me with a much more immersive experience than the 360 or PS3. The DS has provided me with a much less immersive experience yet it gets more play time, oh that's right being immersed has nothing to do with how good or bad a game is (except Tetris DS, that just warps time). Nothing touches the PC for being immersed I find especially on games like Lemmings and Half Life 2.

It made me laugh that the Virgin megastores in the Arndale center will sell you a PS3 for £375 with student discount (that's £50 off their normal price). I don't remember ever having £375 when I was a student lol. On a side note, are you at the University of Manchester Jimmi? It's a damned fine university, I graduated from there last year (2.1 in Computer Science).
I spent 2 years there, now I'm down the road at Salford :) should be getting a First if I do a good job on my final coursework. Wrote out a 13k dissertation as an "extra" too :D desperate times, desperate measures I suppose.
Spotted that offer last night at the Trafford Centre. £50 off is a fair bit! I mean it basically adds up to a game from Virgin Megastores. A price cut I think the 360 should have at this stage.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
The truth is, if you can afford a Wii you can afford a PS3 ESPECIALLY if you are over 16 years old.

Seriously I can't think of a situation where someone who can buy a Wii can not buy a PS3, honestly I can't, outside of kids with allowance money or something like that.

I just don't get you. I'm 27. I'm an old married man, who owns a house, looking at having kids very soon. I just bought a (used) 360 for about what a Wii costs. I might have got a Wii if I could have found one. There's no way I could have swung a Ps3. No way. I paid about $250 for a 360 Premium, and 2 used games for about $35 each. I didn't need any other controllers, but I did spend about $15 on a VGA adaptor. So, about $350 all said and done for system, cables, games. About what a new Wii would have set me back.

That wouldn't even get me the discontinued low end PS3, with no games, or HD cables. And that was the budget... $350 maxed out what I could "waste" on games. I almost just stuck with my Xbox, but I wanted to move the gaming rig into the office so I could play and be near my wife and not hog up the TV, etc, and I figured it would be silly to sink $50-100 on a VGA adaptor for the Xbox...

Anyways, $600 is a significant amount of money for most working people, where $250 falls into that expensive but not unreasonable area. The only people I can think of who wan afford the PS3 and not consider it to be a major expense are those under 16 and so it's not their money anyways, or they are fairly wealthy to begin with. Really, though, just drop that argument - there's no validity to it at all.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
Okay you guys make a valid point and I admit I might have got a little carried away but I still think some people make a huge deal about this price issue... and money in general.

In order to avoid a heated discussion I'll just say its unfair to say the PS3 is overpriced because its not, Sony loses money on each PS3 made. Now whether you want/need those premium features or not is a different question altogether. I believe its worth it, if you'd buy a Wii over a PS3 even if they were the same price that is a great too, consoles are about games not features.

And I stick to my original statement, if you want to bash PS3, do it for anything but skip the price argument please.

As for the rest, I might have gotten a little carried away, yesterday/friday were not really good days for me... I apologize if I offended or made anyone angry with my comments...


Jan 18, 2005
That's alright :)
Yea I do agree the PS3 is great value for what it contains, the 360 less so. It's frightfully short sighted not to stick in Wifi, and for a media/HD device a 20gb is disgusting.


macrumors 68020
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
There is a huge difference between $250 and $600. It's like saying, I want a new car and if I can afford a Hyundai I can afford a Mercedes.

I'm simply baffled by your reasoning.

I'm baffled by yours. Its a $350 difference. Thats a few days pay for most people. Buying a Mercedes over Hyundai is what? $30-50k+? Thats a few YEARS pay. :rolleyes:

While the PS3 is double the price, it still comes down to a few hundred dollars so it's not THAT bad in the grand scheme of things. If you don;t think it's worth it then fine, but some people do.


macrumors 604
Mar 8, 2005
Washington D.C
I'm baffled by yours. Its a $350 difference. Thats a few days pay for most people. Buying a Mercedes over Hyundai is what? $30-50k+? Thats a few YEARS pay. :rolleyes:

While the PS3 is double the price, it still comes down to a few hundred dollars so it's not THAT bad in the grand scheme of things. If you don;t think it's worth it then fine, but some people do.

Agreed...consoles and cars don't really work, because this don't stay on that scale. The difference is large for the market, but not HUGE, and most people could buy it, if the truely wanted it, but they don't and thats ok


macrumors 68000
Apr 20, 2004
Boise, Idaho
Wow, the Hyundai/Mercedes comparison was intended to be ridiculous, didn't anyone get that? Sheesh..

Chone's orginal argument (which has since been recanted) was that he couldn't understand how anyone that could afford a Wii couldn't afford a PS3. This is because I give myself a budget for "toys", and $600 for a game console didn't fit in to my budget. Blu-Ray means nothing to me, so it would simply be a game console, and $600 for a game console is ridiculously high in my opinion.

The difference only matters to the cheap and poor whiny bastards.

I'm 26, married with a 17 month old son. I also own a real estate investment company and am doing very well financially. I am neither cheap nor poor, but I am responsible with my money, which is why I am where I am today.

So, please, don't call me a bastard.


macrumors 68020
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
Wow, the Hyundai/Mercedes comparison was intended to be ridiculous, didn't anyone get that? Sheesh..

I don't see it because $350 isn't all that ridiculous. Dinner and a movie with my girlfriend costs me at least $75-80 so really its only a few dates worth of money.

But I think it's bad that people say its nothing because for people like yourself with house payments, kids, etc. that extra cash could go to more important things. But if you wanted a PS3 you could afford one no? It just would have required saving for longer period of time to get the money. You didn't want to, which is groovy, but you could have have eventually bought one if you really wanted to (or if you had wanted to break open the wallet ;))


macrumors 68000
Apr 20, 2004
Boise, Idaho
I don't see it because $350 isn't all that ridiculous. Dinner and a movie with my girlfriend costs me at least $75-80 so really its only a few dates worth of money.

But I think it's bad that people say its nothing because for people like yourself with house payments, kids, etc. that extra cash could go to more important things. But if you wanted a PS3 you could afford one no? It just would have required saving for longer period of time to get the money. You didn't want to, which is groovy, but you could have have eventually bought one if you really wanted to (or if you had wanted to break open the wallet ;))

Absolutely, but it's all relative.

I try to allow myself $1000 a year to spend on toys. This includes consoles, games, accessories, movies, etc... (Computers and things of that nature don't go towards that total because they're tax write-offs. ;)) But I try to stick to this budget as best I can, so to me spending over half of my yearly budget just on the console alone is a huge blow to my budget. That's $350 that I could spend on a new iPod! :)

So even though $350 isn't a lot of money to me in the grand scheme of things, it is a lot of money to my budget.

But the point is moot now anyway, the only reason I replied last time is because I don't particularly care to be called a bastard. I know, silly me. ;)


Jan 18, 2005
I think the relative comparison is the best yet. With homes abroad all I pay out to have a holiday is the price of a flight which is around £200-400 depending where I go.
The price any games console or treat myself and Caroline to a few weeks away. £400 is halfway towards a new iMac, a Mac Mini, 2 Apple TV's, 2 iPods, a 24" monitor.
£180 is an iPod, almost an Apple TV...


macrumors 68000
Jul 6, 2004
In a cup of orange juice.
I really don't see $600 as being pricey for what the PS3 is, but I really don't see the PS3 as being worth that price at this time do to its poor selection of games. (IMO) I might as well buy a PSP, which dropped in price, if I wanted to collect dust. ;)



macrumors 68040
Jul 23, 2002
Jobs' Spare Liver Jar
I'm 26, married with a 17 month old son. I also own a real estate investment company and am doing very well financially. I am neither cheap nor poor, but I am responsible with my money, which is why I am where I am today.

Well, if you're so responsible with your cash why are you wasting any money on silly games?

So, please, don't call me a bastard.
... the only reason I replied last time is because I don't particularly care to be called a bastard. I know, silly me. ;)

I didn't call you a bastard, but if you want to step into the fast pitch...


macrumors G3
Jan 11, 2002
Los Angeles
Ah the cradle of civility... arguing about who's opinion is more right. ;)

Between this, the thread about the kid trying to scam an iPhone, and a running debate about Christianity in the "basement" I've kept myself pretty entertained today.



Jan 18, 2005
evilgEEk says that he won't spend that much on a video game system.
pseudobrit says says the price only is bothersome to cheap and poor whiny bastards.
evilgEEk says he has other things to spend money on.

I didn't call you a bastard.



macrumors 68000
Apr 20, 2004
Boise, Idaho
Well, if you're so responsible with your cash why are you wasting any money on silly games?

Ha ha ha! I don't even know how to respond to such a ridiculous comment.

I didn't call you a bastard, but if you want to step into the fast pitch...

Please refer to Jimmi's comment above. ;)

None of this matters anyway. Who cares if I think the PS3 is too expensive?? My opinion isn't going to change the world, nor will anyone elses here.

The original topic was about GTA IV being held back, how about we go back to that?

I still think it's a horrible game and couldn't care less if it was never released! ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2004
Wow this thread is becoming like some of IGN's threads. :rolleyes:

Now settle down kids. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Don't try to sway others to like what you like, just because you're a so-called "fanboy". It's nice to provide advice once in a while though. :p

I'd like to state my input on what Rockstar has said. Both consoles have their strong points and weak points. BUT, Rockstar has stated that the main thing holding them back is the HDD on the Xbox360. What I'd really do, is if it really is holding them back, why not just make the game HDD ONLY? Then the people who bought the core system will have to buy the HDD just to play the game. This might relieve them of development costs. I mean, really, what's the ratio of between the core system and the premium system?
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