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macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2014
I am using an X and I differ little bit over here on keeping the X vs buying a new phone.

I am surely going to buy 12 but, will opt for higher storage mini version of it. It has everything that 12 has, the size is compact and also, the screen resolution is better than X.

I also feel it will be little lighter than X as well (aluminum vs steel), the design is really nice. its very similar to the old SE model design and it feels really nice.

X is a special phone for me, will always keep it in functional condition and never sell it. But all technology items needs upgrading and for me, 12 is almost the perfect upgrade.
iOS is same everywhere but the things that helped me to make my decision for 12 mini are :

Better camera, better screen, even more perfect size for 1 hand operation, faster network connectivity, beautiful design and lastly fancy colors. I quite like the new color range.

What I don't like is battery capacity; But, with so many things to like, 1 dislike can be accepted (to me)

So for me, X goes to my display shelf and 12 mini becomes my daily driver when it comes out next month.
Do you think the battery life will be worse than the X? I got a 12 on Monday, but didn’t like the size. It’s just too big, so I’m taking it back today & getting the mini. I am nervous about the battery life.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011
If it helps: I'm an Apple fan and advocate since I first used a Macintosh Classic II in my fifth grade classroom, and I have no current interest in upgrading from my first-generation iPhone SE. I'm pretty sure I prefer it overall to every subsequently-released iPhone.


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
Do you think the battery life will be worse than the X? I got a 12 on Monday, but didn’t like the size. It’s just too big, so I’m taking it back today & getting the mini. I am nervous about the battery life.

According to Apple the Mini has 15h of video playback and the X only 13h... so i think it should be fine.
The new A chips have improved efficiency a lot and the screen is smaller and has a lower pixel count, which also reduces power used.

5G is the only thing i can see killing the battery noticably faster, but then again you can just turn it off when not needed. (Unless the Auto mode is good enough)


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2019
If you love the X, I have a feeling the 13 will really iron out some of the issues we might see over time with the 12. The 6s of this design generation. And I’m saying that as someone whose general outlook is “next year’s phone is obviously always going to be better, that’s not a reason not to buy.”
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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
If you love the X, I have a feeling the 13 will really iron out some of the issues we might see over time with the 12. The 6s of this design generation. And I’m saying that as someone whose general outlook is “next year’s phone is obviously always going to be better, that’s not a reason not to buy.”
Yup. It's always better to wait for the 2nd or even 3rd revision of a new Apple design. Their first versions seemed to always have issues. Antennagate, bendgate, for example. It really baffles me for such a high tech company like Apple who pride their designs, these things keep happening.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2019
Yup. It's always better to wait for the 2nd or even 3rd revision of a new Apple design. Their first versions seemed to always have issues. Antennagate, bendgate, for example. It really baffles me for such a high tech company like Apple who pride their designs, these things keep happening.
Agree, as an owner of an iPad 3... ? I bought a 6 too and had few complaints tbh but could clearly see the 6s fixed many issues, especially RAM. The 12 seems less likely to have hardware constraints, realistically, so you might be safe there.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2011
Do you think the battery life will be worse than the X? I got a 12 on Monday, but didn’t like the size. It’s just too big, so I’m taking it back today & getting the mini. I am nervous about the battery life.
I honestly don't think too much about battery, its a phone, the more I use it, battery will be consumed. and I am very sure, first 10 months or so, it will be fantastic and then slowly, it will start going down.

My day to day usage is also very average; I mostly use it for calls and casual photography. For everything else, I actually use iPad including messaging and gaming. So for my use case, its perfect.

But yes, battery will surely become an issue after about 100 to 150 cycles of battery usage.


Aug 21, 2020
The 11 Pro is like the SS version of the X. Aside from the loss of 3D Touch, the gain in everything else is quite great for users, especially battery life.

Mine is seriously as new, 100% battery after 13 months and not a mark on it, perfect size and feels great to hold. Could last another 4 years easily. Best iphone I’ve had since my first 4S.
2 day battery life lol.


Sep 16, 2017
If the hat fits, wear it. It sounds like the X suits you. IMO they're so expensive that if it works for you then it's a bad idea to "upgrade."
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macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
Ahhhhhhhhh this is crazy. My X just fits in my hand so nicely. The screen is bright and vibrant. The camera other than low light is sufficient. It’s not much slower in performance. I really don’t know what to do!!!! Any input???

Give the iPhone 12 or 11 Pro a go and see how you feel, if you are not convinced then keep your X, it should be good for many more years.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I couldn't because of Face ID performance alone, but that's me. If you are happy with it, easy decision. I love my 12 Pro though, wouldn't even want to go back to my 11 Pro.


macrumors regular
Nov 22, 2010
I have a X. Purchased the 12, but sent it back after a few days. Didn't feel like much of an upgrade. Is the screen better? Yeah. Is the waterproofing better? Yeah. Is the chip faster? Yeah. Is the camera better? Yeah.

All of that said, it just felt way too incremental for a phone 3 years newer. I'm going to let the dust settle on the 12 PM reviews in a few weeks and re-evaluate. I think a bigger screen would probably be the most evident and impactful upgrade I could make...but not sure I'm willing to lug that sucker around.


macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2013
I upgraded from the X to the 12 pro and I'm glad that I did. Here is my input and I hope it helps with your decision.

- The camera is SO much better. The camera on the X was great but the addition of much sharper photos, aperture control in portrait mode, the wide angle lens and night mode are very welcoming. I'm also looking forward to ProRaw being released soon.
- The size and shape. I'm a fan of the redesign. It felt like it'd take some getting used to at first (going back to straight edges) but it felt great in my hand after a couple of hours. It's not that much bigger than the X and it feels like the perfect size for me. The Max would be too big. I loved the design of the X but I don't feel the redesign is too drastic. Certainly not drastic enough to put me off.
- The extra storage. I came from a 64GB X and was at the stage of constantly having to offload photos or apps in order to free up space. I only recently decided to start using google photos so that helped a little. With the pro, the minimum you can have is 128GB so already, I had double the space. I intended to purchase the 128GB version but it was sold out on John Lewis so I grabbed the 256GB. The extra 100 quid didn't break the bank and I feel happy knowing that I'll never have to worry about storage. I can save as much music and as many films for offline enjoyment as I want.
- The speed. It's not a lightning quick improvement but the increase is noticeable.
- The screen. Again, not mind blowing improved but the OLED screen is noticeable.
- Battery. Some people have moaned about it but I think it's performing well. I just hit 20% and used it all day yesterday and most of this morning (didn't charge overnight). The battery on my X was starting to degrade and it was noticeable.

Overall, the pro feels like a refreshing upgrade for me. The X, as good as it was, was starting to feel a tad dated. I feel like the pro was the right phone to upgrade to for me. It's a stunning bit of kit and feels like it's come at the right time.

If you're on the fence and feel like you could get another year or two out of your X then stick with it, but if you feel like you're ready tp upgrade but are just a little unsure, I say go for it. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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macrumors 68020
Nov 7, 2017
Ahhhhhhhhh this is crazy. My X just fits in my hand so nicely. The screen is bright and vibrant. The camera other than low light is sufficient. It’s not much slower in performance. I really don’t know what to do!!!! Any input???
If you’re happy with your X, keep it.

Since the X, iPhones have taken a massive jump in build quality, functionality and experience & we’re not getting the massive YoY improvements that we did 5+ years ago with each year (even the jump from the 6s to the 7 was a meaningful update in speed & build quality with the new Taptic Engine).

It’s not like we’re all out and about to take loads of pictures anyway (or to worry about battery life)!


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Why upgrade absent some specific need, or at least want (neither of which you seem to have)? Sounds like you're happy with the X. Why try to talk yourself into spending $1000 that you don't need (or even really want) to spend?
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macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2010
So after playing with my 12 pro, I feel that the upgrades add really nice but if it wasn’t for battery needing replacement and att giving me $800, I would be fine with the X.

having it in my hand. I’m almost getting the itch to get the 12 pro max. For the bigger screen. The camera specs intrigue me on it but I also realize that these phones cameras are great, but if you going to really want the best photos , get a Sony a7iii.or something comparable.
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