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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Same technology as in silicone, sure. Architecture not so much, just do a comparison of their gaming cards with Quadro/server cards and see a massive difference in performance for these two fields.
Back in the day Quadro cards were really a cut above always in everything. The workstation Quadro cards today I've personally found not to be as far ahead with everything, especially GPU rendering with Redshift or Arnold vs. GeForce cards so it really depends on what kind of work you're doing that's going dictate whether the Quadro cards are going to be good purchase for you. Of course when you get to the Server based cards and they just start throwing mountains of clustered CUDA and Tensor cores if the functions you can use are in the CUDA libraries those cards/servers are going to be Boss.

And that worked so well for Apple in the past... to the point they discontinued their server line. You need a full line up, something that Dell, Lenovo and HP offer. Apple really isn't interested in this, because they won't be able to offer the services.

Apple was a fraction of the size they are now vs. back when they discontinued the Xserve. I already mentioned that fewer specific industry sector server deployments would be better...that would be because there would be fewer large clients to support.

his has been discussed up and down on this forum, but once more... even if Nvidia would own ARM, there would be no way to block Apple from developing ARM chips.

Of course they could. It's a privately held company. Nvidia could essentially freeze releases of general ARM advancements for Apple specifically, only give them the absolute minimal info necessary to satisfy the license and kill all publicly distributed materials on other major annually released advancements. They could then give Apple the run around on getting updated specs until the license runs out and not allow Apple to renew or keep going that way until Apple's Mx advancements deviated enough from the standard that would create cost problems for them getting chips fabbed relative to other ARM fab work.

Apple may try to switch to an open source alternative to ARM to avoid mounting royalties, but if Nvidia had been allowed to buy ARM Apple would have likely gone open source faster or maybe even gone to AMD for x86 CPUs again.

Grace is similar to what Nvidia has been doing for years. The use case for Grace is improved I/O for the GPU, nothing else.

Funny, you tried to insinuate the opposite when I stated the roots of ALL Nvidia hardware was essentially the same when I mentioned gaming GPUs and Video Games being the roots of Nvidia. I guess those filthy gaming GPUs are just the red headed mutant stepchildren of Nvidia to your deluded

Yes really.
This surely wouldn't have been possible if Apple was so behind back in the day? (and yes, I worked on parts of that, that's also what Jobs used for benchmarks on stage)

Those case studies were from the early 2000's reported in 2006-2009...The tech/methodologies are like 20 years old. In fact that was right around the time when Apple shut the door on Nvidia and Nvidia ran away with the major advancements in big data set crunching miles from Macs were capable of doing using CUDA. They were testing with high level gaming and data centric science processing like this for weather forecasting.

In the game development process there are a multitude of games and VFX projects that use scanning for creating point cloud data to rebuild photo-realistic assets with photogrammetry that acquire far denser clouds and more varied types of data with far more real-time interaction than medical visualization. Most of those separate stage processes for use in games and VFX are GPU accelerated to great effect.

The MedViz projects could be lagging back in development advances which wouldn't surprise me being that they are in the Med area where performance is not really prioritized, but if they have been keeping up they likely have been moved over to GPU acceleration on the Windows side and maybe even Linux so that those versions have been running circles around the Mac versions for years. Those GPU accelerated processes were pioneered from constant and constantly expanding games development and VFX development that have been prioritizing hardware purchases for performance first though.

I have no idea what you're saying, maybe because you still haven't answered a simple question about parallel programming paradigms. Any dataset on the PC side has also been available on the Mac side for developers.

(data set, not dataset)
Ok, so initially I'm thinking, "With all his vast stores of knowledge, awards lavished on him and such...SURELY he already knows all this stuff and is just being a WiseAss." Now that this is the third or fourth time you've brought it up I'm not sure anymore. Maybe that's the case, I don't know but here goes:
GPUs render images more quickly than a CPU because of its parallel processing architecture, which allows it to perform multiple calculations across streams of data simultaneously. The CPU is the brain of the operation, responsible for giving instructions to the rest of the system, including the GPU(s).

ACM version:
GPUs support coarse-grain task-level parallelism via concurrent execution of different tasks on different powerful cores. A GPU kernel comprises multiple individual threads. A GPU thread forms a basic sequential unit of execution. At the lowest level, the hardware scheduler manages threads in small cohorts.


Nvidia found that it was easier to design and fab simpler cores and many of them early on focusing on calculating simple math matrices in short parallel chunks simultaneously. In the beginning these isolated code chunks were exclusively related to parts of imaging/rendering processes that they worked for. Essentially a RISC like approach, so RISC won the war after all. The catch has been the all of these isolated component imaging function code chunks have had to be coded as individual features that essentially bypass the CPU to go to the GPU for parallel evaluation. At least this is the way it was explained to me, like 10 years ago. As it turned out quite a lot of programming tasks can be broken down into these his approach has been passed to predictive simulation, machine learning/ai etc.

The problem for Apple is that this was all originally done in proprietary CUDA code for CUDA cores. AMD has less features, but they are open, but even that doesn't help Apple now because they've eschewed the open standards for their own proprietary standards exclusively.

As much disdain as I have for MS and their practices atleast when they copied OpenGL and added audio to spawn Direct X, they mostly kept the development up via Xbox game development and competition. They didn't block AMD and Nvidia functionality like Apple has.

Nvidia CUDA driver updates for Mac ended 3 years ago and the actual functional feature advancements stopped back in 2014 so the updates basically have been bug fixes and security patches.

Random FYI - Mac download of CUDA 15 MB / Windows download of CUDA 2.5 GB

Then they will change the license model, just like other manufacturers and Apple had a different model in the past as well. I really don't see Microsoft providing all those tools (again, maybe you could actually specify what exactly you actually need) for developers out there and yet somehow developers get their stuff running on Windows for Intel/Nvidia/AMD graphics.
Like the Shareware licensing scheme was oh so profitable.

So looking at actual numbers from AAA game development studios is the wrong place to look at when trying to make money with games?
Yeah, a platform company isn't going to make a decision about standards they will or won't support based on the profits of and individual studio or two. They will make the decision based on what collections of AAA, AA and Indie games combined would financially work out best for them. The "AAA" games attract players to the platform and the independent games and "AA" games make the profits.

"A lot" of hardware? For that lot of hardware, they sure have a very small market share. And the gaming market is even smaller. And no, people in the professional world, be it film/music studios, dub stages, etc. do not play games on their Macs, they do actually work. Youtubers? Sure, but that's even a smaller target market.
"...People in the Professional not play games on their Macs, they do actually work"

Did you practice that in a mirror with a snobbish fake French or fake English accent to make yourself feel better before you posted?

"Raises Hand, Hey I'm one of them." Many of us game on the weekends, even a weeknight or two on occasion (God forbid...what if the neighbors found out I was playing Elden Ring? The Shock, the Terror!) Some of us game with our kids in fact and wouldn't find it objectionable in the least if we didn't have to maintain multiple OS environments to do so.

As much as you might want to scoff at Youtubers they are a significant part of Apple's professional userbase and Apple takes them VERY seriously, believe me.

So maybe we're getting somewhere here... why exactly is it that Metal is such a pain in the ass to developers? Be technical here, let us know what parts of the API are problematic, what parts are not? I hope this isn't another one of you're statements we'll never get an answer for. Please, no marketing talk.

I was hoping you'd ask... (a couple of brief horror stories below)

The version of OpenGL that's part of Metal is OpenGL 2 from like 2013. This is obviously a major impediment.
"Most games built with Unity 2018 and Unity 2019 do not work on Mac OS X 10.9. They will launch initially, and occasionally even get as far as the main menu, but invariably crash before entering gameplay.”

Apple's licensing was such that it didn't allow Unity to support non-Metal based Apple hardware at that point.

Imagine spending “as little as” $5M on developing a Mac game and a Mac app within Unity one year and having it not even salable two years after launch… Then contact Apple support and long story short you get the equivalent of an eye roll. This happened to a friend of mine that I've known since elementary school. He knows I work primarily on Macs and has told me more than once that he will NEVER develop anything for MacOS again in life . You don't realize how many Mac owners are still running their Intel Mac Pro towers with no updated OS since Apple stopped making desktop towers until recently and I still run one. (I used to think I was an anomaly before this situation)

“Apple cuts off Epic from its tools, endangering future Unreal Engine projects on iOS and Mac”

The EULA for the Mac OS X SDK forbids use on non-Apple branded hardware so we (Unreal 4) can't build for Mac from Windows as there's no alternative to the official SDK.

Not the case for iOS.

What's the story with Apple still refusing to support Vulkan natively?

They don't need to. Also Metal isn't really 1:1 comparable to Vulkan in terms of abstraction level.

Same way MS didn't need to support common HTML/JavaScript since they had ActiveX?
If Apple would have acted properly, instead of their usual "eat our lock-in" mentality, they could provide Vulkan support, and then build higher Metal-style abstractions on top of it. But no, it's Apple for you. Eat Apple only Metal or get lost.

As of the 3.3 update, you can no longer access Elite Dangerous products through the Mac OS. However, you will still be able to log into your account and play on PC (or via Bootcamp.)

Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to bring Horizons content to Mac due to technical barriers. With the improvements arriving in our Chapter Four update of the Beyond season, we have felt it necessary to make this difficult decision in order to allow us to bring in content and features in the way that we felt was best for the overall Elite Dangerous experience.

We hope you will understand why we have taken this course of action and would encourage those of you who have questions or concerns to please contact our Customer Support team by using the button below.

In an advisory notice posted on its website last month, Foundry announced that the current release, Mari 4.7, would be the last to support macOS. The firm will continue to release maintenance updates to Mari 4.7 on macOS until the end of 2021.

The fact is before you even get to the problem of Apple moving away from standards with no part for part equivalents for those standards or decrepit drivers components in place all of this kind of schizophrenic behavior that you see between Apple and other corporate "partners" is brinkmanship that you don't see with other platform holders and partners serves to whittle down developers from considering the Mac as a stable deployment platform.

Even with a great deal of user interest in games on the Mac the fact is that it will cost developers more than developing on other larger platforms that don't make them jump through a bunch of hoops. Even if you jump through the hoops Apple could just drop or radically change parts of the OS you need for your app or game to work and just leave you and hundreds/thousands/millions of others straggling in the wind. That kind of thing could happen in under just a couple of years not even like 10+.

Meanwhile, over on Windows you can play a game like Dead Space that was released in 2008 on a Win 10 or 11 PC in 2022 with performance enhancements. This is the stability and reliability Macs used to have.

What low level API tools in Swift?

As for mobile games, if I'd be just into making money, then the mobile iOS (and Android) market is precisely where I'd go. I'd release a new game every week or two, do some fancy in game purchases and have a good cash flow. If a game doesn't do so well, then I have wasted listed time and money. The other option would be to put down $100M+ first, do years of developments only to find people don't like a game and make a loss with it.
(did that earlier in here)

A few limitations or missing components:
Unreal "running" on Metal:
There's nothing fancy about that test scene, no texture data sets, no real environment data sets, minimal lighting, no enemy or NPC or secondary characters, No dynamic Particle data sets, or AI data sets. There's just minimal animation data sets one characeter and a single piece of bog standard platform witha few stairs and without even getting into the newer tech that isn't available to MacOS the whole demo just chugs from the start.

I know a couple of people that have released iOS and Android apps and a few mobile games and most of them haven't made any money from those. They tell me it's only the Candy Crushes, Angry Birds, and Wordles or the world with insane marketing budgets that can make any money and looking at the revenue breakdown that spilled out back with the Epic vs. Apple case that was pretty well proven with 10% of ALL App store users playing games and providing 70% of the App store revenue.

Universities are adopting Unity and Unreal that were originally developed as videogame engines to build decent UIs to pair with their software/assets more and more often rather then just going with the absolute bare minimal of UIs. The transition has been happening for years, so YES Apple should adopt some level of conformity with the standards to make certain these apps and the hardware/GPU driven approaches they are reliant on are actually performant on Macs going forward or Acquire whoe they need to acquire to get their own underlying approaches up to match their hardware innovations:

Some missing other bits and bobs for Swift/Metal:

Buffer device address:
This feature allows the application to query a 64-bit buffer device address value for a buffer. It is very useful for D3D12 emulation and for compatibility with Vulkan, e.g. to implement ray tracing on MoltenVK.

This feature allows an application to source the number of draws for indirect drawing calls from a buffer. Also very useful in many gpu driven situations.

Only 500000 resources per argument buffer:
Metal has a limit of 500000 resources per argument buffer. To be equivalent to D3D12 Resource Binding Tear 2, you would need 1 million. This is also very important as so many DirectX12 game engines could be ported to Metal more easily.

Integrated full up to date Vulkan under Metal with as much of Metal's hardware specific efficiencies as possible.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
Back in the day Quadro cards were really a cut above always in everything.
Not really, and they're still not there for graphics. Since you can google so well without understanding things, do a search for quadro vs rtf on YouTube.
I already mentioned that fewer specific industry sector server deployments would be better...that would be because there would be fewer large clients to support.
Like Amazon and Oracle only?
Of course they could.
Read up on the older threads.
Those case studies were from the early 2000's reported in 2006-2009...The tech/methodologies are like 20 years old.
You said it dated back that far.
The MedViz projects could be lagging back in development advances which wouldn't surprise me being that they are in the Med area where performance is not really prioritized, but if they have been keeping up they likely have been moved over to GPU acceleration on the Windows side and maybe even Linux so that those versions have been running circles around the Mac versions for years.
Little you know, the technology use in these projects has been updated as everything else and is still sold as state of the art in these field today across the world.
(data set, not dataset)
Ok, so initially I'm thinking, "With all his vast stores of knowledge, awards lavished on him and such...SURELY he already knows all this stuff and is just being a WiseAss." Now that this is the third or fourth time you've brought it up I'm not sure anymore. Maybe that's the case, I don't know but here goes:
Here goes what? Another one of your google results that doesn't answer a simple question? Name a single parallel programming paradigm... is it really so hard or do you really not know what programming paradigms are? In the end, you spent so much time googling stuff which is marketing information. It's a single sentence with a paradigm.
Random FYI - Mac download of CUDA 15 MB / Windows download of CUDA 2.5 GB
Right back at you genius... you're comparing a Mac driver which is needed to use use additional software like the CUDA Toolkit to a 2.5GB download that includes all the tools and additional software. How about you extract the driver only from the 2.5GB download and then compare the size? And this ladies and gentlemen is what happens when someone without a clue is using google, reads stuff without understanding it and then compares the size of two downloads and ignores the fact that these are two completely different things. :p
Like the Shareware licensing scheme was oh so profitable.
Uhm, no. Not Shareware. How about you google what developers had to do to release software on OS X before the current model.
Yeah, a platform company isn't going to make a decision about standards they will or won't support based on the profits of and individual studio or two. They will make the decision based on what collections of AAA, AA and Indie games combined would financially work out best for them. The "AAA" games attract players to the platform and the independent games and "AA" games make the profits.
And how do you draw AAA developers to a platform when there's no money to be made for them?
"Raises Hand, Hey I'm one of them." Many of us game on the weekends, even a weeknight or two on occasion (God forbid...what if the neighbors found out I was playing Elden Ring? The Shock, the Terror!) Some of us game with our kids in fact and wouldn't find it objectionable in the least if we didn't have to maintain multiple OS environments to do so.
So you're going to the office at the company you work at and start playing games? Or are you talking about the Macs you actually own at home and use for work? I'll just leave a recommendation here to google ownership statistics for Macs and how many are actually used for gaming. ;)
As much as you might want to scoff at Youtubers they are a significant part of Apple's professional userbase and Apple takes them VERY seriously, believe me.
Sure YouTubers are important for Apple, that's why they're so focused on photo and video editing. How many of them are playing games on Macs? How many are there total vs installed Macs in "regular" working environments?
The version of OpenGL that's part of Metal is OpenGL 2 from like 2013. This is obviously a major impediment.
First OpenGL is deprecated on Macs, second OpenGL is not part of Metal.
(did that earlier in here)

A few limitations or missing components:
Unreal "running" on Metal:
So we're back to marketing talk again?
Universities are adopting Unity and Unreal that were originally developed as videogame engines to build decent UIs to pair with their software/assets more and more often rather then just going with the absolute bare minimal of UIs.
Universities are not using game engines for building classics UIs, they're doing it to visualize data, which is especially interesting for VR environments as you need an engine for it. I teach this stuff at a university and we've been doing it for ages. For pure UI, there are better alternatives than game engines.
Buffer device address:
This feature allows the application to query a 64-bit buffer device address value for a buffer. It is very useful for D3D12 emulation and for compatibility with Vulkan, e.g. to implement ray tracing on MoltenVK.
Ah, so you're back to the google game of the first few hits. ;)
When a developer is creating Metal applications from scratch, there's little interest in compatibility with Vulkan or DX. So what's the point here? There's no limitation on Metal here, you can toss Vulkan and DX compatibility and things will just work fine.
This feature allows an application to source the number of draws for indirect drawing calls from a buffer. Also very useful in many gpu driven situations.
What prevents you from drawing primitives multiple times? Or do it in parallel manually or using compute to do so? Again, you want to do things now according to how the Khronos group does it. There's no reason for it, Metal is a different API and things work differently. So a developer can do it the "Metal way", which is different but has a very similar outcome.
Only 500000 resources per argument buffer:
Metal has a limit of 500000 resources per argument buffer. To be equivalent to D3D12 Resource Binding Tear 2, you would need 1 million. This is also very important as so many DirectX12 game engines could be ported to Metal more easily.
Same as above, you're talking compatibility here. I've pointed this out numerous times in the past for porting stuff over the lazy way. You don't need this in Metal to have similar results, you just have to do it differently. This is not a Metal problem, developers just need to it "right" (for Metal) when starting the development process or invest more time when the develop for DX specifically and then port things over to Metal. And that is the problem, not the software, not the API, the fact that they develop specifically for DX and then they try a cheap port over to Metal and they're not willing to invest the time and money to do it properly, because there's little to no money to be made on the Mac. That is the limitation, nothing else.

Developers could easily develop their games for Macs with Metal. I could easily port everything I've done (including my full team over the years) for modern Windows (not counting 3.x and early 9x stuff) and Linux to Mac and Metal (I have older stuff running on Macs). Yet I choose not to, even with modern engines like Unity and Unreal 4 (I've yet to migrate to UE5). It's just not worth the time and effort for the amount of users and benefit. Again, that is the only reason, there's absolutely no technical limitation for it.

I rely heavily on the Nvidia eco system, and yet from a developer perspective if I had to, I could bring everything over to macOS and Metal. I see no technical issue or problem here.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
So basically your sum total argument is that game developers should embrace a masochistic method of developing, only for Apple, because you like to believe they are "Lazy" if they don't?


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
So basically your sum total argument is that game developers should embrace a masochistic method of developing, only for Apple, because you like to believe they are "Lazy" if they don't?
Mine? No, you were the one who stated Macs were behind so many years and things were not possible. I've asked why, still got no answer and instead you've presented google results which you don't even understand in the first place. So if you don't understand the question because it's too technical or low level (and no CPU vs GPU is not it), maybe don't make such a statement. To sum this up, anything that was possible in Windows and Linux was also possible on Macs, with the usual API differences.

Also, and I'm asking again for you to explain it in detail, what exactly is "masochistic" about developing with Metal? What is the API missing you need? (well, we know you're not a developer but an end user by now) Maybe you can provide a specific example without your marketing nonsense again?

What you want is Apple using DX to make porting of Windows games easier. You're not going to get that, Metal is the choice and it's a good one unless your primary task is to port Windows games. You could ask the same of Linux and it's not going to happen either.

Yet, game studios put the time and effort into porting games to consoles, which can be just as time consuming. Anyone who ever developed for a Nintendo console can tell horror stories about how difficult it can be, particularly with older gen. You're good with google, do a search of how much pain and effort it was for Valve to port from DX to OpenGL. And yet developers did it for a simple reason, there was a ton of money to be made with these ports. And that is the reason why it's not done on the Mac, it's not financially feasible.

Everyone is lazy when it comes to development. When I can flip a switch, push a button and can port to a different platform with it, then of course I'm going to do it. The rest is simple, how much does a proper port and maintenance cost? If that's more than one can make off a platform then it's not worth it. The solution is just as simple, develop for the platform that makes you money.
And here we go again, marketing from the enduser perspective without any technical depth, algorithms and knowledge. :rolleyes:


macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
Mine? No, you were the one who stated Macs were behind so many years and things were not possible. I've asked why, still got no answer and instead you've presented google results which you don't even understand in the first place. So if you don't understand the question because it's too technical or low level (and no CPU vs GPU is not it), maybe don't make such a statement. To sum this up, anything that was possible in Windows and Linux was also possible on Macs, with the usual API differences.

Also, and I'm asking again for you to explain it in detail, what exactly is "masochistic" about developing with Metal? What is the API missing you need? (well, we know you're not a developer but an end user by now) Maybe you can provide a specific example without your marketing nonsense again?

What you want is Apple using DX to make porting of Windows games easier. You're not going to get that, Metal is the choice and it's a good one unless your primary task is to port Windows games. You could ask the same of Linux and it's not going to happen either.

Yet, game studios put the time and effort into porting games to consoles, which can be just as time consuming. Anyone who ever developed for a Nintendo console can tell horror stories about how difficult it can be, particularly with older gen. You're good with google, do a search of how much pain and effort it was for Valve to port from DX to OpenGL. And yet developers did it for a simple reason, there was a ton of money to be made with these ports. And that is the reason why it's not done on the Mac, it's not financially feasible.

Everyone is lazy when it comes to development. When I can flip a switch, push a button and can port to a different platform with it, then of course I'm going to do it. The rest is simple, how much does a proper port and maintenance cost? If that's more than one can make off a platform then it's not worth it. The solution is just as simple, develop for the platform that makes you money.

And here we go again, marketing from the enduser perspective without any technical depth, algorithms and knowledge. :rolleyes:
He did have a point at the end of the video, they make more money getting a cut of App Store sales than they ever would selling/making games themselves.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
He did have a point at the end of the video, they make more money getting a cut of App Store sales than they ever would selling/making games themselves.
A lot of that money is probably going to go away from Apple because of litigation. If Apple doesn't come up with a way to integrate with main stream software development for the Mac (games would be a good start) the Mx era of Mac software development is going to be as stagnant as it was in the PowerPC era.

A Mr. Hammer type doesn't care because his solution is to jump ship after arguing for days that the most asinine way for Apple to operate with other software developers is the best way.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
He did have a point at the end of the video, they make more money getting a cut of App Store sales than they ever would selling/making games themselves.
That works for Apple, yes. Always has, no change required, no new APIs, no new hardware. And as long as developers push out cheap to make (mobile) games, it works for them too. There's no need for cutting edge hardware/software when a developer can make a game within two weeks and it earns millions in a few month. It becomes problematic when it costs $50M+ to make a single game over years, for that Macs lacks the user base among gamers.

No change in the app store is going to change that. Apple is currently charging $99 and $299 for developers in order to develop anything at all commercially. This used to be much more back in the day. So whenever their revenue in the app store drops, they can raise initial developer costs back to were things were in the past or even higher. Doesn't take someone who can actually tell apart a driver from a full blown toolkit to realize that Apple above all others will be totally fine.
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Mar 16, 2017
So basically your sum total argument is that game developers should embrace a masochistic method of developing, only for Apple, because you like to believe they are "Lazy" if they don't?
Clearly that argument is less entitled than “Apple! Continue to support old stuff because I want games!”


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Clearly that argument is less entitled than...

The real world reason why people don't play games on the Mac is because of how few games there actually are on the Mac.

If you asked most Mac users in the 90's about Pop music on the Mac most would say that Mac users didn't listen to pop music and would disparage the idea of it UNTIL Steve Jobs decided Pop music on the iPod was going to be the cornerstone of their new product strategy. Most of those same Mac owners back then also disparaged the popping and locking silhouette dancers against bright colored backgrounds in TV ads from Apple UNTIL the billions of dollars started rolling in and the Halo effect attracted developers to the Mac or back to the Mac that never would have considered Mac software development otherwise.

Many of us that have been around long enough to see the difference in software development consistency between the 680x0 Mac, the PowerPC era, the Intel era and now the Mx for the MacOS should be seeing the disturbing familiarity of certain trends.

Some software companies electing to deprecate their support of MacOS entirely and some others continuing support but offering curtailed functionality for the same price as Windows counterparts, Mac users getting minimal hardware driver patches as support while Windows users are getting fully updated tool kits and libraries for potentially the same hardware with no correction years later "should" be cause for concern and not just for people that like to play video games.

Relying on a single stream of income as the largest symbol of company success in hardware that's dependent on the kind mercies of the least mature, compulsively addicted spenders that also represent a minuscule 10% of the largest userbase of that hardware is unwise unless you're running a casino machine operation. To use that revenue generating success of the company as leverage to build proprietary APIs for another part of the company that actively excludes current broadly adopted industry development standards for YEARS is equally unwise. (to suggest developers should pay more for development licenses is a bizarre self-sabotaging concept in this scenario.)

Video editing software and tech advancements are beneficial to video editing only. Advancements in gaming software and technology are beneficial to a wide variety of industries outside of gaming. While I'm not saying Apple should choose, if ever forced to choose it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one will contribute to building a broader and more stable foundation for a platform holder and which is probably a single footed pole stand in the long term. While successful the iPod was also a single footed pole stand and you see where the iPod is now right?



Mar 16, 2017

The real world reason why people don't play games on the Mac is because of how few games there actually are on the Mac.

If you asked most Mac users in the 90's about Pop music on the Mac most would say that Mac users didn't listen to pop music and would disparage the idea of it UNTIL Steve Jobs decided Pop music on the iPod was going to be the cornerstone of their new product strategy. Most of those same Mac owners back then also disparaged the popping and locking silhouette dancers against bright colored backgrounds in TV ads from Apple UNTIL the billions of dollars started rolling in and the Halo effect attracted developers to the Mac or back to the Mac that never would have considered Mac software development otherwise.

Many of us that have been around long enough to see the difference in software development consistency between the 680x0 Mac, the PowerPC era, the Intel era and now the Mx for the MacOS should be seeing the disturbing familiarity of certain trends.

Some software companies electing to deprecate their support of MacOS entirely and some others continuing support but offering curtailed functionality for the same price as Windows counterparts, Mac users getting minimal hardware driver patches as support while Windows users are getting fully updated tool kits and libraries for potentially the same hardware with no correction years later "should" be cause for concern and not just for people that like to play video games.

Relying on a single stream of income as the largest symbol of company success in hardware that's dependent on the kind mercies of the least mature, compulsively addicted spenders that also represent a minuscule 10% of the largest userbase of that hardware is unwise unless you're running a casino machine operation. To use that revenue generating success of the company as leverage to build proprietary APIs for another part of the company that actively excludes current broadly adopted industry development standards for YEARS is equally unwise. (to suggest developers should pay more for development licenses is a bizarre self-sabotaging concept in this scenario.)

Video editing software and tech advancements are beneficial to video editing only. Advancements in gaming software and technology are beneficial to a wide variety of industries outside of gaming. While I'm not saying Apple should choose, if ever forced to choose it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one will contribute to building a broader and more stable foundation for a platform holder and which is probably a single footed pole stand in the long term. While successful the iPod was also a single footed pole stand and you see where the iPod is now right?

If you’ve been around as long as you say, then you would know (lol), that despite Mac not being “uber epic gaming machines”, somehow they’ve continually been successful.

In fact, the best year the Mac has had, ever, was when the M1 dropped.

This directly contradicts any points you have. That is, unless you’re living in a parallel dimension where computing revolves around gaming.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
If you're living off and still growing off of previous success while eroding the foundation or even not growing the foundation in light of constantly changing industry conditions there might not be a Steve Jobs out in the ether ready to save you next time.
Last edited:


Mar 16, 2017
If you're living off and still growing off of previous success while eroding the foundation or even not growing the foundation in light of constantly changing industry conditions there might not be a Steve Jobs out in the ether ready to save you next time.
Let me know when revenue from PC gaming exceeds console, let alone mobile.

And funny to invoke Steve Jobs name when he didn’t do much for gaming on the Mac either.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
I guess I should let you know when games revenue grows larger than Hollywood cinema revenue (ooops...already there)


Mar 16, 2017
I guess I should let you know when games revenue grows larger than Hollywood cinema revenue (ooops...already there)
You should be aware that statistic includes mobile gaming, which again, dwarfs PC gaming.

Accept that the PC gaming market just is NOT as important as you think.
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macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
You should be aware that statistic includes mobile gaming, which again, dwarfs PC gaming.

Accept that the PC gaming market just is NOT as important as you think.
As far as making money is concerned that is true. As far as hardware features are concerned Apple doesn’t seem to be pushing the industry to adopt technologies they came up with either.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
You should be aware that statistic includes...
"Video game consoles, or home consoles, generated approximately 107.5 billion U.S. dollars worldwide in 2021. According to estimates of the Consumer Market Outlook, revenue by video games is projected to be continuously increasing, and exceed 130 billion USD for the first time in 2026."

"PC gaming also saw significant gains in 2021, with digital PC content bumping up an additional 5% in revenue last year for a total of $7.9 billion."

"In 2021, smartphone games generated approximately 81.5 billion U.S. dollars in annual revenue, accounting for 52 percent of the global gaming market during the measured period."

"In 2019, the global box office was worth $42.2 billion. When including box office and home entertainment revenue, the global film industry was worth $136 billion in 2018."

While it is true that mobile games generate quite a bit of revenue the method and long term viability coming from such a minuscule paying audience is in question. Mobile games revenue definitely doesn't dwarf console gaming revenue.

Modern Macs have far more in common with consoles than PCs from a hardware standpoint and with their total vertical integration, they have for sometime. Macs have the same advantages of consoles with an even greater performance/efficiencies (especially if they open Metal to a "Plays well with others" status for eGPUs again as opposed to the current "Does NOT play well with others" status)

Macs would fall in line in with the console category and not the PC category if there ever is a shift to include "AAA" gaming in the future of the Mac regardless of what you want to believe or would prefer.


Mar 16, 2017
As far as making money is concerned that is true. As far as hardware features are concerned Apple doesn’t seem to be pushing the industry to adopt technologies they came up with either.
Propose a realistic situation in which they could.
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Mar 16, 2017
"Video game consoles, or home consoles, generated approximately 107.5 billion U.S. dollars worldwide in 2021. According to estimates of the Consumer Market Outlook, revenue by video games is projected to be continuously increasing, and exceed 130 billion USD for the first time in 2026."

"PC gaming also saw significant gains in 2021, with digital PC content bumping up an additional 5% in revenue last year for a total of $7.9 billion."

"In 2021, smartphone games generated approximately 81.5 billion U.S. dollars in annual revenue, accounting for 52 percent of the global gaming market during the measured period."

"In 2019, the global box office was worth $42.2 billion. When including box office and home entertainment revenue, the global film industry was worth $136 billion in 2018."

While it is true that mobile games generate quite a bit of revenue the method and long term viability coming from such a minuscule paying audience is in question. Mobile games revenue definitely doesn't dwarf console gaming revenue.

Modern Macs have far more in common with consoles than PCs from a hardware standpoint and with their total vertical integration, they have for sometime. Macs have the same advantages of consoles with an even greater performance/efficiencies (especially if they open Metal to a "Plays well with others" status for eGPUs again as opposed to the current "Does NOT play well with others" status)

Macs would fall in line in with the console category and not the PC category if there ever is a shift to include "AAA" gaming in the future of the Mac regardless of what you want to believe or would prefer.
So now you’re shifting the argument to compare the Mac to Console gaming? That’s completely nonsensical.

And by the numbers you posted, PC gaming generated less than 8 billion, compared to mobiles 81 billion. To my understanding, a 10x difference constitutes “dwarfing”.
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macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Modern Macs have far more in common with consoles than PCs from a hardware standpoint and with their total vertical integration, they have for sometime. Macs have the same advantages of consoles with an even greater performance/efficiencies (especially if they open Metal to a "Plays well with others" status for eGPUs again as opposed to the current "Does NOT play well with others" status)

Macs would fall in line in with the console category and not the PC category if there ever is a shift to include "AAA" gaming in the future of the Mac regardless of what you want to believe or would prefer.
I really don't have a problem with that thought, you need to have some approach where AS based Macs can get their foot in the door. Most games are either Windows and consoles these days. Apple game philosophy is almost totally absent like no one is allowed to play games at work.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
So now you’re shifting the argument to compare the Mac to Console gaming? That’s completely nonsensical.
Not only that, it's wishful thinking on a "pigs can fly" level. It doesn't make sense from a gaming market point of view, leave alone from a technical point of view. Anyone who thinks developing games on a Mac is closer to consoles than Windows/Linux PCs has never developed a game. In addition, the whole argument is flawed when it comes to user base. For every console sold, people will buy games and play them. For Macs and Windows/Linux PCs, not everyone will play games, in fact it's only a small fraction of owners (if they actually own the device, so when it's not owned by a company as a work machine) play games.

I really don't have a problem with that thought, you need to have some approach where AS based Macs can get their foot in the door.
I think people have to realize Apple doesn't care. Metal on AMD/eGPU in macOS only exists for compatibility reasons in the Apple eco system. These are still current machines. As soon as they drop support for Intel/AMD (M-series only Macs), Metal will be completely dead on any non-Apple (M) hardware, within or outside of the Apple eco system. Metal will evolve and it will be specific to M-series chips and won't work anymore on Intel and AMD cards in macOS. And unless Apple is starting to sell CPU/GPU to others (Dell, HP, Lenovo, ...) to install ARM Windows/Linux, nothing is going to change.

The market where the money is (simple games, low development costs, not very complex, somewhat similar to mobile games) already allows for "cheap" ports from Windows/Linux to macOS.
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macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
Not only that, it's wishful thinking on a "pigs can fly" level. It doesn't make sense from a gaming market point of view, leave alone from a technical point of view. Anyone who thinks developing games on a Mac is closer to consoles than Windows/Linux PCs has never developed a game. In addition, the whole argument is flawed when it comes to user base. For every console sold, people will buy games and play them. For Macs and Windows/Linux PCs, not everyone will play games, in fact it's only a small fraction of owners (if they actually own the device, so when it's not owned by a company as a work machine) play games.

I think people have to realize Apple doesn't care. Metal on AMD/eGPU in macOS only exists for compatibility reasons in the Apple eco system. These are still current machines. As soon as they drop support for Intel/AMD (M-series only Macs), Metal will be completely dead on any non-Apple (M) hardware, within or outside of the Apple eco system. Metal will evolve and it will be specific to M-series chips and won't work anymore on Intel and AMD cards in macOS. And unless Apple is starting to sell CPU/GPU to others (Dell, HP, Lenovo, ...) to install ARM Windows/Linux, nothing is going to change.

The market where the money is (simple games, low development costs, not very complex, somewhat similar to mobile games) already allows for "cheap" ports from Windows/Linux to macOS.
I don’t understand why they bothered releasing the W6000 series at all on the Mac pro.
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