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Original poster
Apr 23, 2010
Today, I saw news that the cartoon "Final Space" was getting a graphic novel finale to end it's series cliffhanger, which was not picked up by Warner. My favorite scene in that show was where everyone on the ship was dancing to Footloose. And it was Kenny Loggin's actual track and I remember thinking: "that must be the most expensive scene in the series."

It made me remember other series that never finished off a cliffhanger. For me, the most annoying was Duckman, when his supposed dead wife showed up.

Roger Black's and Waco O'Guin's Brickleberry did that, ended the series on cliffhanger, then finished it with a graphics novel - then a crossover on their next show, Paradise PD. Then Paradise PD ended on a cliffhanger that they promise to finish on their third series, Farzar.

It seems to happen to cartoons a lot.

Star Trek Picard sort of did that too, ending on a cliffhanger. with that final Q scene. Will they finish it with a new series?
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011


Original poster
Apr 23, 2010
These are the ones that bug me the most. They had so much potential, but the networks killed them.



Life (Christina Hendricks is in one or two episodes before she did Mad Men)



I saw the original V, back in the 80s when I was a kid. But I don't remember ever seeing the remake.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I saw the original V, back in the 80s when I was a kid. But I don't remember ever seeing the remake.
I was 13 when the original V came out. I saw the Final Battle and the 80s series. So, I was excited for the 2009 series. But, it was cancelled shortly after bringing in some of the actors from the original shows (Jane Badler and Marc Singer).
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macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
That was an annoying cliffhanger. I forget everything leading up to it. Just remember it ending with John stuck in the future.

Dark Matter
As I recall. It ended with an alien armada coming through a wormhole.

It happens so frequently with Science Fiction that I'm now hesitant to start a series which doesn't already have three to four seasons behind it. It's no guarantee it won't eventually end on a cliffhanger. But there's a better chance that they'll get some heads up to hack together a finale.


macrumors G3
Oct 24, 2013
New Hampshire
Today, I saw news that the cartoon "Final Space" was getting a graphic novel finale to end it's series cliffhanger, which was not picked up by Warner. My favorite scene in that show was where everyone on the ship was dancing to Footloose. And it was Kenny Loggin's actual track and I remember thinking: "that must be the most expensive scene in the series."

It made me remember other series that never finished off a cliffhanger. For me, the most annoying was Duckman, when his supposed dead wife showed up.

Roger Black's and Waco O'Guin's Brickleberry did that, ended the series on cliffhanger, then finished it with a graphics novel - then a crossover on their next show, Paradise PD. Then Paradise PD ended on a cliffhanger that they promise to finish on theor third series, Farzar.

It seems to happe to cartoons a lot.

Star Trek Picard sort of did that too, ending on a cliffhanger. with that final Q scene. Will they finish it with a new series?

I saw the discussion of a fourth season at some review site.

I'd love some more Stargate Universe.
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macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
While not shows. Moonfall and Ender's Game were obviously unfinished and left open ended for sequels which never happened. Not sure why Ender's Game didn't do better, it was excellent. I can see why with Moonfall, it focused to hard on being a disaster movie when there was a great SciFi base for it.
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macrumors 601
Sep 11, 2006
Sacramento, CA USA
One almost notorious example was Farscape. But in a major stroke of luck, the creators of the original series was able to produce Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars to (more or less) wrap up the cliffhanger from the end of Season 4 and to produce a finale for the series.


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
It's the worst. The one that really sticks out to me is Glow on Netflix. They had already agreed to a final season and then went "nah". I wish they would have made a season three of Marco Polo on Netflix also.

These are the ones that bug me the most. They had so much potential, but the networks killed them.


So annoyed by this one. It would have been SO GOOD to see how mom reacted to "you know what".
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
So annoyed by this one. It would have been SO GOOD to see how mom reacted to "you know what".
Yeah, that really ticked me off. They (the showrunners/writers) made out how much they respected the character, and the actress was so happy to reprise the role. Then they went and did that.

I was very angry. Totally disrespected her and the character.

EDIT: They also couldn't figure out how they were going to proceed. First season was one concept and they teased a lot. Second season, they changed gears and by the time they were getting to making good on the tease, the plug got pulled. People bailed because there was no payoff.

The writing was great, but there was total confusion as to the objectives.


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Yeah, that really ticked me off. They (the showrunners/writers) made out how much they respected the character, and the actress was so happy to reprise the role. Then they went and did that.

I was very angry. Totally disrespected her and the character.
Oh wow, I forgot about that. I hated that also!

I was talking about the mom of the young guy.
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