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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The New York Post revives a connection between Apple and Sirius Satellite Radio.

Chief Executive Officer Mel Karmazin has spoken with Apple Computer Inc. CEO Steven Jobs about working together

This is not new information as it was revealed in Feb 2005 by Mel Karmazin. At that time, Apple wasn't interested in putting a satellite radio into the iPod.


macrumors 68000
May 4, 2005
New York
Macrumors said:
This is not new information ... At that time, Apple wasn't interested in putting a satellite radio into the iPod.

If it is in the NY Post, I would not take it all that sirius-ly.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2003
Virginia, USA
MEL: Hello, Steve, this is Mel Karmazin at Sirius radio and I'd like to work together with Apple.
STEVE: Well thanks Mel-- we'll get back to you on that.
[Hangs up.]
MEL: [dials phone] Hello, New York Post? This is Mel Karmazin at Sirius radio and I've just talked to Steve Jobs about working together with Apple-- they make the ipod, you know.


macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2005
I could see Apple creating their own radio service of sorts as opposed to partnering with another provider. The iPod, iTunes...Apple iRadio?



macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2005
benjamindaines said:
I want DLB then I can get Virgin Radio away from my computer.

I'd like to have Digitally Imported Radio to listen to...but they don't offer any sort of offline radio service as far as I know any way. :(


macrumors 65816
Jan 20, 2005
Rockford MI
I just don't see this happening. It would be way to big/clunky looking (have you seen their portable players??)

BTW: Is steven his real name???


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2004
im just wondering how they would go about creating one of these. so its an ipod, that you store xm or sirus programs on or an ipod where u can get sirus serivce and use there subscrption, but apple sells it as the Sirius ipod with a subscription service. Please explain to me, if anyone has any ideas about how they would do it.


macrumors 68030
Nov 13, 2005
Goat Farm in Meridian, TX
As another poster said, I think IF (a big if) Apple ever decided to make the iPod have some kind of satellite radio on it, they would make their own service. I would pay for it, given it was competitive pricing with sirius and XM (which I haven't paid for BECAUSE I have the iPod). Of course, that is assuming they also have competitive content with XM and sirius.

I don't see it anytime soon, but I don't think the idea is off the map 100%. It would make the iPod even more multi-purpose and sell to yet another target group.


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2002
So Cal
themacman said:
im just wondering how they would go about creating one of these. so its an ipod, that you store xm or sirus programs on or an ipod where u can get sirus serivce and use there subscrption, but apple sells it as the Sirius ipod with a subscription service. Please explain to me, if anyone has any ideas about how they would do it.

It would work more like the Sirius S50 device. the actual unit would be a regular iPod any would then dock it into a Sirius dock either in the car or at home... the Dock holds the Sirius satellite receiver so you could only listen to LIVE Sirius on the iPod when connected to the dock. iPod form factor would remain the same.

Cool thing is you could record Sirius content to the iPod to listen to at a later time... think of it as TIVO for Sirius.

I think this sort of partnership would be great for both Apple and Sirius... Apple wouldn’t have to change the iPod hardware/form factor at all, it would just require software to control and display Sirius information when connected to the Sirius receiver dock. and Apple would sell more iPods!!!!

It would probably be the best device to buy for people who are looking to get Sirius... plus Apple would have another number to yell from the mountain tops...we have brought in 5million subscribers to Sirius since the launch of the iPod/Sirius dock! :)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2004
iPod: worldwide phenomenon. Sirius: USA only.

Sure, the USA is Apple's single biggest market, but just as I couldn't see Apple making a DAB radio compatible iPod for Europe, I can't see this happening.

Plus it'd be surely have some kind of negative effect on iTMS sales, which Apple surely want to avoid.


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2005
Content is king...

I don't think Apple will put a Sirius receiver in an iPod. They haven't even put in an FM receiver yet!

Based on the actions over the last few months with the TV Studio deals and all the video content, I would bet that this may be a deal to offer downloads of popular Sirius shows (i.e. Howard Stern) through iTunes. Offering Sirius streaming music goes against the philosophy if the iPod. The iPod is on-demand music/videos, where you control when/what you listen (to).

I'm hesitant to shell out $15 a month, plus the cost of a couple new receivers to get Sirius. But, if I could pay something like $4-$5 a month and download all the Howard Stern shows the day after they air, I would jump on it.



macrumors 6502a
Sep 27, 2003
joejoethedog said:
I'm hesitant to shell out $15 a month, plus the cost of a couple new receivers to get Sirius. But, if I could pay something like $4-$5 a month and download all the Howard Stern shows the day after they air, I would jump on it.


Exactly what I was thinking...

Paid subscriptions to Sirius content, served up through iTunes. It makes total sense to me. I wouldn't need a Sirius receiver to do it so I'd be more willing to give it a try (lower buy-in cost). Sirius gets a new revenue stream, and Apple gets paid for iTunes/Fairplay licensing fees.

I hope this is true. I'd love to listen to Howard at work whenever I have time.


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
joejoethedog said:
I'm hesitant to shell out $15 a month, plus the cost of a couple new receivers to get Sirius. But, if I could pay something like $4-$5 a month and download all the Howard Stern shows the day after they air, I would jump on it.


IMO, Sirius is worth the money if you spend any time in a car. I've had it for almost 2 years now and love it, it makes long road trips and rush hour traffic bearable


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Deepdale said:
If it is in the NY Post, I would not take it all that sirius-ly.

The NY Post is the Looprumors of the newspaper world.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Mr. Jobs:

If you are thinking about doing a deal or integrating with satellite radio, please note my car has an XM Satellite Radio.

Thank you for your time.


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