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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
I can't find it anywhere in store and have only seen 2 places online that are selling screen protectors; one of them being InvisibleShield of course.

However after reading here on the forums that the iPad screen withheld a strong nail scratch is it safe to assume as an iPad owner you're not getting a screen protector for it?

Then again perhaps you're getting a case for it that will completely cover it except when in use.

I plan on just getting an InCase Grip cover for it...


macrumors 68020
Aug 16, 2007
I don't think I will get one - just going to use the Neoprene Plus case I bought and enojy it naked. Doesn't make much sense to put a screen protector on it as I am not going to put it in my pocket with keys/change, etc...

The majority of my scratches on my previous iphones were from my pockets.


macrumors regular
Mar 29, 2010
Anchorage, AK
I have never been impressed by any screen protectors. All of the ones I have tested ultimately end up peeling back, getting crud built up along the edges etc.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Well, once i get an iPad then I will definitely get a screen protector of some type..... I like keeping my products as fresh as possible, if only because in the world of buying Apple products, I have been able to resell my unwanted Original iPhone and iPhone 3G for good money which has enabled me to upgrade to the 3GS I have now. I will probably follow a similar pattern with my iPad(s).

Also, when I got the 3GS I installed an Invisible Shield screen protector and literally within 3 days it saved my screen from taking a gouge -it showed me the importance of protection.


macrumors 68020
Jan 26, 2008
Also, when I got the 3GS I installed an Invisible Shield screen protector and literally within 3 days it saved my screen from taking a gouge -it showed me the importance of protection.
How could a cheap piece of over priced plastic possibly keep something from gouging a piece of glass?

I stopped using screen protectors long ago. They don't make sense. I can understand the reverse (plastic screen with a glass screen protector).


macrumors 68040
Apr 10, 2003
Waiting for the bestskinsever protector. It's a shame so many people are paying zagg for the same product at 6x the price. I actually found my bse skins install more easily and yellow less than the zaggs I bought prior to seeing what a ripoff zagg is compared to bse.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Don't have one, but I'm thinking of getting it. I want to let my daughter play with it and she's less than a year old so she likes to scratch everything she sees.


macrumors member
Apr 5, 2010
I'm very interested in a screen protector to help with glare as long as it doesn't destroy the beauty of the screen.


macrumors 68000
Nov 9, 2008
Kansas City
Tried several on the iPhone, hate the way they feel, will never put one on the iPad. Love the screen and how it feels and reacts, would be a shame to trash it with a pc of cheap plastic imo.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2010
Toronto, Canada
How could a cheap piece of over priced plastic possibly keep something from gouging a piece of glass?

I stopped using screen protectors long ago. They don't make sense. I can understand the reverse (plastic screen with a glass screen protector).

Don't know if you've ever actually used Invisible Shield, but it is quite thick (and yes, a little ugly on the screen) and is almost 'rubberised', furthermore it stretches rather than let something break through it.

Each to their own and you are entitled to your opinion, I am just glad I had a protector on that particular day because my screen would have been marked otherwise.

None Such

macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2006
One of my friends that went with me and got his ipad, put a piece of saran wrap over it making fun of our other friend and his screen protector on his iphone.


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2008
I'm gonna wait for the screen protector from power Support. I have one for the iphone and it's amazing. It feels great and its basically fingerprint proof. The ipad is a fingerprint magnet!!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2008
Waiting for the bestskinsever protector. It's a shame so many people are paying zagg for the same product at 6x the price. I actually found my bse skins install more easily and yellow less than the zaggs I bought prior to seeing what a ripoff zagg is compared to bse.

Totally agree with your observation regarding BSE vs. Zagg, although for the iPad the BSE is approx half the price of Zagg ($16 vs $40 for full body protection). BSE has the iPad full body protector on their website for sale now. Going to pick up two and a couple of more skins for my iPhone 3G!!!


macrumors 68040
Apr 10, 2003
Totally agree with your observation regarding BSE vs. Zagg, although for the iPad the BSE is approx half the price of Zagg ($16 vs $40 for full body protection). BSE has the iPad full body protector on their website for sale now. Going to pick up two and a couple of more skins for my iPhone 3G!!!

Thx for the heads up will go order! It also fingerprints less than the oleo phobic surprisingly.


macrumors 68040
Oct 25, 2004
My "best skins ever" skin is on its way.

I tried using my iPhone 3GS with no skin for a while and have a nice little scratch on the screen as a result. The glass may be as tough as nails, but apparently I've got even tougher things than that in my pocket. I realize the iPad may not even need it, but I figure what the heck. Also, the skins make it grippier, which is nice.

I have never been impressed by any screen protectors. All of the ones I have tested ultimately end up peeling back, getting crud built up along the edges etc.

Yeah, I've tried invisibleshield and "best skins ever" (for iPhone) and this happens with both after anywhere from 3-9 months. I replace the skin as needed. "Best skins ever" are cheap enought that this isn't a major problem for me. It's more the time it takes to put one on properly. I enjoy the zen of it, but it's hard for me to get time to do it (er, I realize I may be the slowest person in the world at this, but it takes me like 2 hrs to get a full body one on my iPhone.

Whoa?! Best Buy has it for the iPad?! I just called the Apple store and they dont even have it. Plus I get a discount at Best Buy! I'm excited now.

I read some rumor/article that the Apple stores had stopped carrying this kind of screen protector for some reason. Don't qoute me on that through.

How could a cheap piece of over priced plastic possibly keep something from gouging a piece of glass?

I stopped using screen protectors long ago. They don't make sense. I can understand the reverse (plastic screen with a glass screen protector).

I'm going to remember this the next time I'm about to start sharing my opinions on matters I know nothing about.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2008
People's Republic of Seattle
I'm gonna wait for the screen protector from power Support. I have one for the iphone and it's amazing. It feels great and its basically fingerprint proof. The ipad is a fingerprint magnet!!

I totally agree, I have the same for my iPhone (Power Support Anti-Glare Film) and it is the best one I have tried. I dont worry so much about scratching it, it is the finger prints that drives me nuts. I am waiting for my 3g iPad to ship and hopefully Power Support will have an iPad version by then.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2010
Toronto, Canada
I don't think it was ever actually revealed why Apple Stores stopped carrying skins & similar protectors -I believe though that it is due to the way that some of them need to be 'wet' applied.
Water + ventilation gaps/ports in MacBook + water damage indicators in iPhone = lots of customers saying "but you sold me this product, what do you mean my warranty is invalid?" :confused:
That's my theory.
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