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macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
Well said, an as for those people that complain about the bezel, it makes it a hell of alot easier watching films in landscape whilst holding without touching the screen (which you can lock anyway... bah!)... so there function over form people!

BTW, I haven't even mentioned some stuff I find much superior in the Nexus series:

- Qi recharging. Man, that IS vastly superior. No need to suffer with recharging cables any more - my Nexus 7.2 works just great in a (rather thick) case with a quite cheap (it cost some $28 with postage fees to Europe at ) Qi charger just fine. I haven't inserted a microUSB cable in my Nexus for ages for plain recharging (but not for USB OTG or HDMI!)

- speaking of the USB port, what about USB OTG? You can stream multimedia content (without the need to even root!) to many media players from an external memory card / stick. Can you do the same on iOS, via the CCK? Nope. Your only hope is the jailbreak - if it'll ever come. In addition, even $1-$2 USB OTG cables work just fine - while Apple's CCK costs $30+.

- what about external mice support? It's supported by stock Android just fine - over both Bluetooth and a USB OTG cable. There's absolutely no mouse support in iOS.

- what about other industry standards like

a, MicaCast / WiDi? You can use tons of different (even very cheap) MicaCast receivers to receive these streams. Apple uses AirPlay, which isn't a commonly used industry standard.

b, microUSB? While I agree it's more fragile than the Lightning connector, it's also standardized and, if you do use Qi for recharging, you'll rarely need to use it. However, it's there and can be used with any (even very cheap) charger and cable. (How much do Apple ask for Lightning adapters / cables?) And, again, it also supports SlimPort VGA / HDMI out, which is vastly superior to Apple's inherently flawed VGA / HDMI output implementation over Lightning.


Your being very forgiving - overly so !! Who are you trying to convince here ? It's starting to come across very fan boyish if truth be told.

He's right in that, thanks to the large top/bottom bezels, the Nexus 7 can very easily be held in one hand, by the right (for lefties, left) bezel when in landscape. I, when walking around the building and browsing the Web at the same time on my N7.2, exclusively keep the device this way. That is, by grabbing it by the right bezel (in LS). Much more convenient than grabbing it via the opposing bezels via the entire palm.

That is, I don't consider the thick top/bottom bezels a disadvantage either, particularly because the left/right ones are pretty narrow. That is, the N7.2 remains genuinely pocketable in almost all my even shirt front pockets (unlike the definitely wider rMini) - it's "only" the top/bottom bezels that are thick, not the left/right ones.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
He's right in that, thanks to the large top/bottom bezels, the Nexus 7 can very easily be held in one hand, by the right (for lefties, left) bezel when in landscape. I, when walking around the building and browsing the Web at the same time on my N7.2, exclusively keep the device this way. That is, by grabbing it by the right bezel (in LS). Much more convenient than grabbing it via the opposing bezels via the entire palm.

Yeah I'm a lefty too but never found them to be of a huge benefit to be honest. I'm using devices with small bezels most of the time so the overly big (for my tastes) bezel on the Nexus 7 2013 didn't do too much for me. If anything for me it meant holding in landscape when typing my fingers or thumbs had to stretch that additionally bit more than they felt naturally or comfortably in doing so.

But I guess ergonomics and aesthetics are very much a personal thing, as many don't mind the bezels - lots of folks here (just read our Nexus 7 2013 thread) do.

Mind you for lefty's (in an android world) nothing is worse for me personally than Samsung touchwiz app drawer button on the right, real pain to stretch if you ever try using your device in one hand. I love my note 3 but that is a pain. Thank heavens for third party launchers.

You are right about QI charging though. God I miss the convenience it affords now.


Aug 5, 2013
The colour gamut means very little unless you require colour matching across multiple devices and or printing.


Jul 18, 2013
Hmmmm i think you'll find (as i did), that probably 95% of apps are now on google play. All of mine were.

Mine are also but a huge amount of those are still phone apps that simply scale up to fit the Nexus 7 screen. Not acceptable.

I really wanted to but the second gen Nexus 7 but will stay with the original because of this. I also wanted to buy the Nexus 5 but will stay with the Nexus 4.

My next tablet will be wither the new Mini or Air and my next phone will be the 5S.

I had a year to play with Android and I'm kind of bored with it. I just love my Mini and 4S so much more than my Nexus 7 and 4.


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
Mine are also but a huge amount of those are still phone apps that simply scale up to fit the Nexus 7 screen. Not acceptable.

Can you give any app examples? Not saying I don't believe you, it's just that I haven't come across a non tablet app yet that looked obviously stretched on the Nexus 7. I could understand this being a problem a 10 inch, but phone apps seem to fit Nexus 7 inch screen without any noticeable stretch.


Jul 18, 2013
Can you give any app examples? Not saying I don't believe you, it's just that I haven't come across a non tablet app yet that looked obviously stretched on the Nexus 7. I could understand this being a problem a 10 inch, but phone apps seem to fit Nexus 7 inch screen without any noticeable stretch.

9News (local Denver news app, SiriusXM, NBC News (used to be MSNBC), Denver Post, Fizz Weather.

Back in the summer I posted a thread comparing many of these apps between the iPad versions and the Android versions. There are huge differences.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
Can you give any app examples? Not saying I don't believe you, it's just that I haven't come across a non tablet app yet that looked obviously stretched on the Nexus 7. I could understand this being a problem a 10 inch, but phone apps seem to fit Nexus 7 inch screen without any noticeable stretch.

Indeed. While indeed most apps are "just" stretched, it's certainly not as bad on a 7" screen as on the 10" iPad or Android screens. That is, the lack of native tablet support isn't that big an issue with these smaller-screen tablets than it used to be on the iPad.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Indeed. While indeed most apps are "just" stretched, it's certainly not as bad on a 7" screen as on the 10" iPad or Android screens. That is, the lack of native tablet support isn't that big an issue with these smaller-screen tablets than it used to be on the iPad.

It's still noticeable. Even in googles own apps. Google Search & Currents for example display two panes of info on an iPad screen in portrait mode and only 1 on the Nexus 7 2013. If google are not going to offer 'tablet' versions of it's own apps for Nexus tablet devices then why should other developers ?


Jul 18, 2013
It's still noticeable. Even in googles own apps. Google Search & Currents for example display two panes of info on an iPad screen in portrait mode and only 1 on the Nexus 7 2013. If google are not going to offer 'tablet' versions of it's own apps for Nexus tablet devices then why should other developers ?

Too many of these developers are simply lazy or figure that by just creating the one version, it can still be used on a tablet so why bother creating two versions or as with many iPad apps, making them work for both phone and tablet.

I've had my Android devices for a year now and these very same apps that I mentioned above to this day have no Tablet version. They've received updates in that year but not an update to give them tablet versions. There are companies that have money to do so. In the case of 9News, the apps is heavily advertised on the channel every day as an iPad app and ignore the Android version.

The apps are everything and right now, they are making my iPad Mini and 4S my everyday phone and tablet. I no longer want to buy another Android device.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
It's still noticeable. Even in googles own apps. Google Search & Currents for example display two panes of info on an iPad screen in portrait mode and only 1 on the Nexus 7 2013. If google are not going to offer 'tablet' versions of it's own apps for Nexus tablet devices then why should other developers ?

It's just not as profitable to develop for Android? Dunno. I myself don't use third-party apps on my Nexus 7.2, apart from Skype (which has excellent, native tablet support), MxPlayer (no split-screen support but it's still perfectly usable) and EasyEyez Free (a f.lux-alike). Mostly, I only use it for Web and the occasional video - I play on my iPad 4. (There's no Spectromancer for Android, my fav iOS + x86 Windows game.)


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
The rMini has to be one of the sexiest devices ever designed. And I dig the N7 too. But both of them are just a tad too large to be a truly portable mini-tablet imo. The Sony Xperia Z Ultra on the other hand. Ahh......such a perfect size. With great internals, screen and lightness to boot.

iPhone + Z Ultra + iPad Air - that's the combo for pros. :cool: :apple:


Jun 16, 2009
What is it lacking in your opinion? Does the Nexus provide that feeling?

Tons and tons of plastic. The Android tablets are cheaper because they're built with cheaper components. If I wanted a flimsy plastic Frisbee, I'd buy a Nexus 7.


macrumors 68040
Jun 27, 2010
Plano, TX
I only got it this morning, i havent charged it yet and have used it in lectures, had a few games on it etc. I havent found anything majorily lacking on it yet, perhaps my only gripe is the back button i think would be better on the right (softkeys)... as its where my thumb sits. Other than that is pretty awesome.


Haha, i've been here long enough to know what happens in these dark posts.

I think people need to stop god worshipping Apple and realise that there are other (sometimes better), brands out there, for better value, and better user experience, obviously if you are invested in the Apple ecosystem its often a better choice for most, but i am as well, and couldnt be happier! :).

What is it lacking in your opinion? Does the Nexus provide that feeling?

Tons and tons of plastic. The Android tablets are cheaper because they're built with cheaper components. If I wanted a flimsy plastic Frisbee, I'd buy a Nexus 7.

I think my question was misunderstood.

The OP suggested that iOS was lacking compared to Android. I was asking what he thinks is lacking from iOS and if the Nexus had those features.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2010
A good friend of my recently purchased a Nexus 7. You can find it on Ebay if you're interested in it. He also has a Galaxy Note 3 which he says is pretty awesome. However for a tablet it's hard to beat iPad's. He's going to buy an rMini to replace the Nexus 7.


macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2008
I love the Nexus 5, but for the tablet I went with the retina iPad mini. I think the iPad mini screen size is perfect. I like Airplay a lot more than chromecast because of the mirroring ability (I hope chromecast adds this feature soon!)

And we actually use the iPad facetime feature a lot to talk with my relatives living overseas. It works great.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
Tons and tons of plastic. The Android tablets are cheaper because they're built with cheaper components. If I wanted a flimsy plastic Frisbee, I'd buy a Nexus 7.

You also forget that plastic can be hugely advantageous at times. For example, my Nexus 7.2 can still communicate over Wi-Fi at places where not any of my iOS devices (iPad 3/4, iPhone 5 etc.) can. (For example, in front of the sauna in the basement, where the Wi-Fi signal is already very weak.)

And no, I in no way would state the Nexus 7.2 has a bad build quality. It's pretty solid IMHO.


He's right in that, thanks to the large top/bottom bezels, the Nexus 7 can very easily be held in one hand, by the right (for lefties, left) bezel when in landscape. I, when walking around the building and browsing the Web at the same time on my N7.2, exclusively keep the device this way. That is, by grabbing it by the right bezel (in LS). Much more convenient than grabbing it via the opposing bezels via the entire palm.

I've made two quick shots of my keeping my N7.2 this way (shots made by my iPhone 5):



I can do this for even hours without fatigue.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2010
I tried it and made the jump when the 2nd gen Nexus 7 came out and for me it was a waste of money. I used it for about a month. I was convinced I was going to switch to the Nexus 5 phone when it came out because the Nexus tablet was so nice. After about a month, I realized that I kept going back to my iPad 2 instead and it wasn't about the size because I actually preferred the smaller form factor.

It really is just a matter of preference though because I know plenty of people who have used both and prefer Android. I really tried to like it but for just wasn't happening.
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