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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 26, 2016
I bought a mini, and while I don't think it's the phone for me, I think there's so much to be said for aluminum phones. The added weight of stainless steel is just so completely pointless other than to make the phone seem more like jewelry. I've seen a lot of reviewers echo the same thoughts about how the industrial design of the normal 12/mini is better than the Pro models.

Also, with this recent batch of models it seems like Apple has really perfected aluminum anodization. The 12 black's matte black sides are absolutely gorgeous—very reminiscent of the slate black iPhone 5. I wonder if they fixed the scratching issue that model had. I guess time will tell but I haven't seen any complaints yet.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent. I'm sure some people like their bling-phones with stainless steel but I just feel like it purposefully makes the phone worse for questionable aesthetics.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 26, 2016
Is the durability really important if 90% of users are putting their phones in cases anyway? And ironically, the added weight and slip of stainless steel makes me instinctively want to put a case on it more. The aluminum phones, at least to me, feel safer to go caseless.


macrumors member
Mar 15, 2018
Warning: strong opinions ahead. The polished stainless steel made a lot more sense with the curved side design of the X-11 range. On those phones, the reflective light gradients along the curve of the polished steel give the phone a real premium jewelry-like quality (like on the Apple Watch). On the 12 Pros, the flat shiny band verges on tacky, approaching chromed plastic territory. And because of the flatness, finger prints are far more visible. It's like nobody stopped to think why they were keeping the sides polished steel on the 12 Pros. I wish they'd gone with stainless steel, or titanium (like S6 watch), or, yeah, just stuck with aluminum. The 12 and 12 mini look fantastic.


macrumors 6502
Nov 1, 2019
I totally agree. I have had the X and XS (Max) and of course it does look and feel amazing. But you get what you pay for. 20-30g added weight just because of a different, more durable material. That may be ok for the 12 size but the 11 Pro Max and 12 Pro Max are just unnecessarily heavy. I think a lot more people would buy them if they would be lighter aka with aluminum frame. If it is around 25-30g lighter on the 6.1 12, it would be around 45-50g lighter on a Max.

A heavier device because of a bigger battery, ok. You get something out of it but you don't get anything just because of use of a stainless steel frame esp as most of the Max users have a case on it because of fear of breaking it.

As a now 12 Mini owner I even would have purchased a Max as a second device this year for some change if it would have been way lighter with an aluminum frame.

Maybe someday titanium frame? High quality, quite durable but WAY lighter. But I don't know about the signal going through and how it would affect reception?!


macrumors 68020
Nov 4, 2013
I agree. I absolutely hate it. I had the regular 12 which I loved, but the price difference between the Pro and 12 was very minor in my case. I decided to order a 12 Pro for the extra ram and camera. However, I still prefer the feel of raw silver aluminum. I guess I'll just have to deal with fingerprints and a constant fear of scratching the stainless steel. 🤷‍♂️
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macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
Warning: strong opinions ahead. The polished stainless steel made a lot more sense with the curved side design of the X-11 range. On those phones, the reflective light gradients along the curve of the polished steel give the phone a real premium jewelry-like quality (like on the Apple Watch). On the 12 Pros, the flat shiny band verges on tacky, approaching chromed plastic territory. And because of the flatness, finger prints are far more visible. It's like nobody stopped to think why they were keeping the sides polished steel on the 12 Pros. I wish they'd gone with stainless steel, or titanium (like S6 watch), or, yeah, just stuck with aluminum. The 12 and 12 mini look fantastic.

Couldn't have said it better. Exactly how i see it.

I also think titanium might be a good option. Seems to look pretty good on the apple watch at least and is pretty durable.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
they should use titanium instead.
Titanium is a nightmare to machine by comparison and getting the finish is more difficult and costly. Not to mention the 7075 alloy and stainless are roughly the same cost in terms of material whereas titanium is nearly double. The Ti Apple Watch has its pros and cons but for the price I don’t think it offers a better solution than we already have in terms of the iPhone.
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macrumors 68000
Nov 3, 2020
I don’t mind either but much prefer the feel and weight of the aluminium.
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the future

macrumors 68040
Jul 17, 2002
The polished stainless steel made a lot more sense with the curved side design of the X-11 range. On those phones, the reflective light gradients along the curve of the polished steel give the phone a real premium jewelry-like quality (like on the Apple Watch). On the 12 Pros, the flat shiny band verges on tacky (...) It's like nobody stopped to think why they were keeping the sides polished steel on the 12 Pros.

I have a feeling Jony Ive would have been the one to ask why ... had he still been with Apple.

I agree that the polished stainless sides of the 12 Pro are a mistake. But I can kind of understand that, given all the great stuff the regular 12 (also) got, they had to find something (besides the third camera) to differentiate the Pro.


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2015
Disagree completely. The stainless steel is also significantly more resistant to deforming damage like dents, as clearly shown in 12 vs 12 pro drop tests (as well as all previous stainless iPhone drop tests).
Resistant to bending too
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macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2012
Disagree completely. The stainless steel is also significantly more resistant to deforming damage like dents, as clearly shown in 12 vs 12 pro drop tests (as well as all previous stainless iPhone drop tests).

If it’s in case it’s irrelevant but the added wait at least for me is significant
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macrumors regular
May 22, 2020
Warning: strong opinions ahead. The polished stainless steel made a lot more sense with the curved side design of the X-11 range. On those phones, the reflective light gradients along the curve of the polished steel give the phone a real premium jewelry-like quality (like on the Apple Watch). On the 12 Pros, the flat shiny band verges on tacky, approaching chromed plastic territory. And because of the flatness, finger prints are far more visible. It's like nobody stopped to think why they were keeping the sides polished steel on the 12 Pros. I wish they'd gone with stainless steel, or titanium (like S6 watch), or, yeah, just stuck with aluminum. The 12 and 12 mini look fantastic.
Agree 100%! The polished steel on the space grey 11 Pro and the watches makes it look as if the glas would bend over. I think that was the design concept in the first place and that's why I love it. The 12 Pro edges are just shiny for the bling. And I hate bling.


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
I agree. I think the phone won’t lose its appeal to the majority of users. I’d love a lighter 12 Max. It’s a haavy phone.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 7, 2015
Agree 100%! The polished steel on the space grey 11 Pro and the watches makes it look as if the glas would bend over. I think that was the design concept in the first place and that's why I love it. The 12 Pro edges are just shiny for the bling. And I hate bling.
The gold one yes, but not so sure about the other colours. The iPods had a stainless steel enclosure and the early iPhones had stainless edgings to the displays and they weren't considered bling.
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