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King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Excellent question, mymemory. And I am saying this because of the link most recently brought up that I had translated. I still couldn't understand how it was done. According to the translation through Babelfish and Altavista the person basically disected the main functions of the iMac and explained them. (BTW, there is still some Japaneese leftover from the translation, lots of luck fig. it out! :))


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2002
Notre Dame
The black iMac doesn't look bad- different, but not bad. I wouldnt mind owning one, although i think that the white one looks a bit nicer looking:)

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
I gotta ask: Why the heck would you bring up such an old thread to get in an obvious comment like that? :D :rolleyes: :p :confused:


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
Well forget you guys, I like it.

And I REALLY want my iBook to be clear like that guys. That would kickass. But it wouldn't be very useful considiring mine is covered in heat melted on stickers (they aren't really heat melted on, they've just been on the back of my LCD for 3 years!)
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