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Aug 4, 2011
San Francisco Bay Area
Damn. Install didn't work. iMac is stuck bricked on install screen. Tried rebooting, still stuck. Oh well, was worth a shot.

I'm sorry... I'm totally not making fun, but you have to admit that that's kind of hilarious "Apple's awesome because their old computers are supported by the latest version of OS X and their computers last and... oh, wait... never mind, my computer's bricked."

I know, I know... it's not bricked, I'm just playing... but just reading the first 4 or 5 messages made me giggle ;)


macrumors demi-god
Dec 30, 2009
Have you ever used Windows? Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 are very optimized on old hardware, despite having to support a huge amount of different hardware compared to Apple. 7 especially runs on old hardware beautifully. As they should be, the only ones pushing this arbitrary hardware obsolescence on the desktop is Apple.
You have seen that Microsoft is essentially forcing people out of older versions of Windows to get them into Windows 10.
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