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macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
The physical set up is fine, it is the sheer amount of auto-correct errors (so much so I turned it off because it was unusable), the lack of long touch for numbers and special characters. For instance if I want to type, "Fan#1" I have to click on 3 different sub-keyboards. Additionally, the space bar only seems to want to accept taps 6 out of 10 times, so I constantly have multiple words running together. I have to manually correct every post because the keyboard is so bad. And the lack of predictive words is just a negative that Apple is apparently copying, I mean adding in ios6. ;)
By the way, I tried 5 row keyboard, ikeywi keyboards as well. I prefer ikeywi, but it only solved the not having to hit extra sub-keyboards for numbers and special characters that I used a lot, since I had control over what was on the keyboard.

Who said they're adding predictive text in iOS 6?


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
That is true, I forgot to mention that since I rarely ever use that feature. I prefer to "freeze" or "un-install" my apps via TiBU. Another add bonus to rooting & using TiBU is for the backup feature. That is the main reason why I use TiBu, so I can backup all my apps.

Shame the S3 didn't work for you. It's an awesome device but it's not for everyone, just like how the iPhone isn't for everyone.

I was once an iPhone user but switching to Android open my eyes to further customizing my phone & got addicted to flashing ROM's. To each their own as the old saying goes.

So true on Android "text selection", it can really be a pain the ass sometimes.

I rooted my S3 just for the sole purpose of getting Titanium backup and to use my PS3 controller for gaming. Love TB!

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
ecwhite4S, why don't you let Technarchy and batting1000 take over? Because I find certain parts your post to be very ironic, specifically towards the end of the first paragraph. By the way, if you keep ignoring my comments, I'm just going to assume its because you can't provide a rebuttal, and I welcome you to prove me wrong :)

First, you say he needs to get over the fact that you guys enjoy your iPhones. Check the sub forum again? If you enjoy it great! But if that was all, then why would you come to the other devices sub forum to tout how much you enjoy an iPhone? Surely you would get a much better response in the iPhone sub forum? Also, your Samsung ad and all yours claims about android copying iOS isn't just you enjoying your phone.

As I've stated in the past, you can't generalize your experiences to the average intelligent adult. If the android keyboard truly is better in autocorrect an predictive abilities, who's to say those satisfied right now wouldn't be enamored with a better keyboard? Satisfaction doesn't imply perfection. Refer to my previous post about the keyboard thing.

"An cant"? Nice example! What if he has an S3? You said in the other thread that you weren't implying the S3 sucks. And yet you just said all Android phones suck. Don't you see the hypocrisy in telling us to get over the fact that you enjoy your iPhones and stop insulting it yet telling us that our phones suck? Who is bashing who exactly?

For future reference, letting anger cloud your judgement is counterproductive to trying to win an argument or persuade the opposing side.

I rest my case.

Exactly. This guy is the ultimate of hypocrisy. Not to mention, he totally disregarded the other things I posted about where iOS falls short. Apparently he has a hard on for the iOS keyboard, and can't see anything else.


iGentleman, you are a broken record man. You literally just keep posing the same bullcrap over and over. Can you please just get over the fact that we enjoy or iPhones. Again, your childish whining about a stupid keyboard just gives you and the rest of the Android community a bad name. That fact that you're complaining about a keyboard (that functions perfectly fine for an average intelligent adult) and that I have no issues with, just proves that you are just searching for petty things to complain about. It's pathetic.
So because YOU don't have a problem with the keyboard, nobody else should?! Nice logic there. BTW, I find it quite humorous you neglected to address the other things I brought up, and instead chose to harp on the keyboard.

Enjoy your sweet Android and your superior keyboard! LOL.
I do. Every day. lol

I don't even have to argue with you anymore because you pretty much make yourself look stupid. I mean really, complaining about a keyboard, that like I said functions perfectly. For instance I use my
Phone to type on this forum an cant type full length responses easily.

I dunno, I need to say away from this sub forum and let you guys just suck each other off and get off on the fact that you THINK your phone is superior. Your phones are shotty, poor quality, plastic, ugly iPhone wannabes. "OMG your keyboard doesn't finish my word!"
OMG you're a lazy ****. Point blank. Your phone sucks.
Report the crap out of me, I don't care. Get off an iPhone forum with your unnesseary bashing. No one cares.

Case in point. You just said "Phone to type on this forum an cant type full length responses easily." That very sentences, proves the problem with the auto correction and lack of predictive text in the iOS keyboard. Perhaps if your keyboard was better, you'd have typed a better sentence. I've also bolded some other auto correction failures too. lol Thanks for proving my point for me, you did a great job.


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
Case in point. You just said "Phone to type on this forum an cant type full length responses easily." That very sentences, proves the problem with the auto correction and lack of predictive text in the iOS keyboard. Perhaps if your keyboard was better, you'd have typed a better sentence. lol Thanks for proving my point for me, you did a great job.

He can't respond to you. He's been put in "time out" :p


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Wow the op got bashed to hell by android fans here lol. I don't understand why they need feed us all there crap. They are so MAD they we are content it's crazy. Some people really need a life


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 22, 2011
SF Bay Area
Wow the op got bashed to hell by android fans here lol. I don't understand why they need feed us all there crap. They are so MAD they we are content it's crazy. Some people really need a life

Haha. I think I answered their attacks for the most part, though. Most if not all of my original concerns still stand, despite the Android fans telling me that I just don't know anything. From the perspective of someone who doesn't want to flash roms and root and tinker, Android fell short in a few areas. For those who want to uber-customize their phone it's a different story.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2009
Wow the op got bashed to hell by android fans here lol. I don't understand why they need feed us all there crap. They are so MAD they we are content it's crazy. Some people really need a life

Not all of us Android users bashed him, you should see all your fellow iOS users bashing Android users. Funny how you make fun of Android users bashing & you bash yourself. Guess you need a life also?

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
He can't respond to you. He's been put in "time out" :p

lmao. I guess he's been a bad boy lol. It was quit funny, and a bit ironic that in the very post where he minimizes the importance of a good keyboard with a good auto correction, and minimizes the usefulness of prediction, his sentences were littered with misspelled and incorrect words. lol I guess he could have used a better auto correct and text prediction after all. Oh the irony! lol :D


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
Ok, as I stated above, I did Google plenty of things. Seeing as notifications was pretty much the biggest downfall, obviously I searched this. Yes, I did see the iPhone Notifications app, and NO it does not display items in the lockscreen. It gives you the ios banners and popups, but does not display notifications in the lockscreen. I did use Swiftkey 3, and I hated how there isnt autotext shortcuts (like typing eml to get your email address) so I went to smart keyboard. Swiftkey was better at predicting, but no keyboard had it all for me. Obviously this is a very opinion oriented item, so if you like the keyboards, more power to you. Other things like how the notifications work are purely objective. Ihad every intention of keeping the phone. What kind of idiot goes and buys phones just for a week to pay 35 bucks and wait in the ATT store for an hour each time? Sorry, thats just not me. I have no loyalty to apple, and was looking for a phone upgrade. I like the android devices and android in general, but there were a few things I did not like. Just face it that there may be some things that people dont like about android. It's not the end of the world.

I had to double check the notification issue. First, there is the notification LED (which let's me know by color if I have a missed call, missed text or missed email. Once the app Light flowers if fixed for the us version, we'll be able to set any color for any type of notification.) , next there is a notification icon in the status bar telling you if you have email, hotmail, sms, calendar event, etc. Swipe down from the top and your notification information is all there right from the lockscreen. This is all built in stuff! Don't even need an app.
Or are you saying a notification LED was not enough and a single swipe was to much to get all your notification info at once? By the way, you can display missed info directly on the lockscreen, but that requires a launcher like Nova and an app like Missed It. I thought iphone notifications did it, but I guess not.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
I had to double check the notification issue. First, there is the notification LED (which let's me know by color if I have a missed call, missed text or missed email. Once the app Light flowers if fixed for the us version, we'll be able to set any color for any type of notification.) , next there is a notification icon in the status bar telling you if you have email, hotmail, sms, calendar event, etc. Swipe down from the top and your notification information is all there right from the lockscreen. This is all built in stuff! Don't even need an app.
Or are you saying a notification LED was not enough and a single swipe was to much to get all your notification info at once? By the way, you can display missed info directly on the lockscreen, but that requires a launcher like Nova and an app like Missed It. I thought iphone notifications did it, but I guess not.

And yet again, it comes down to him being knowledgeable, or in this case not being so. He got offended about it, but really it's true. The notification lights for example, can be changed with an app if he'd like. Whatever he wants access to on the lockscreen, he can have. He simply didn't know.

Eddie Bombay

macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2011
I have been using Google Music (on many different devices) since it began the beta, and I have never once seen this happen.

That's the whole point of a security nobody can see ANYTHING in the phone without having the pass to get in it.

Different apps blink different colors. Also, you can customize the light to be whatever color you want for a particular app. As for seeing more of the notification, that's a part of jellybean. BTW, you can control what app gives you notifications. All you had to do was go into that app's settings and enable/disable it. It sounds like you simply didn't take the time to learn the new platform.

The magnifying glass in iOS is nice, but the bars on Android work just fine. You just have to adjust to a different way of doing things. Android isn't iOS. If you're looking for iOS' way of doing things, then don't look at an Android device.

I use the Ice Cream Sandwich keyboard. That keyboard is WAY better than the GS3's stock keyboard, and WAY WAY better than the iOS keyboard (which flat out sucks).

All you had to do was tap it, and it would have asked you what app you wanted to open it with, and you could have selected Kindle. Again, you have to get used to a different way of doing things when you change operating systems. It would seem you simply weren't very knowledgeable.

I've never on any Android phone EVER seen anything like happen after taking pictures. Perhaps you had the "group by" setting set to something other than time. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is probably another user created "issue" stemming from not being knowledgeable.

You could have just simply changed to a launcher that supports that. Again, you weren't knowledgeable.


You probably have some things draining your battery. Considering the lack of competence (I don't mean this as an insult) of the platform you've displayed thus far, is highly likely you're causing your own issue. My battery EASILY makes it through a day of decent use. I have had days where I had 5+ hours of talk time, 2 hours of screen time, had all radios on, and the battery lasted me 15 hours.

Runs perfectly smooth for me. I'm going to take a guess and say you probably had power saving mode turned on, which underclocks the chip. Again, this is a user-caused "issue", stemming from you not being knowledgeable.

A different OS, things are handled differently.

There are other apps just as good or better than cyclemeter, for example Endomondo. Carcassonne is available.

All in all, it seems that the majority of your issues were caused by you. Most of it seems to stem from you not being familiar with the OS and not taking the time to be knowledgeable enough. Changing OS' is a big change and you have to learn how things work. It's easier to go from Android to iOS, because iOS does less, but there's more of a curve going from iOS to Android because you have to adjust to you controlling your experience instead of it being dictated. I don't mean this as an attack or anything but, the bulk of your list could easily be resolved by you becoming competent with the platform.

Well said.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Not all of us Android users bashed him, you should see all your fellow iOS users bashing Android users. Funny how you make fun of Android users bashing & you bash yourself. Guess you need a life also?

I was not making fun of android users, what I'm saying is macrumors had to make a seperate section for all the people that feel they need to discuss android on a MAC forum... I'm not saying all but many are pissed of as hell that we don't like what "they" like. It's pretty sad


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 22, 2011
SF Bay Area
I had to double check the notification issue. First, there is the notification LED (which let's me know by color if I have a missed call, missed text or missed email. Once the app Light flowers if fixed for the us version, we'll be able to set any color for any type of notification.) , next there is a notification icon in the status bar telling you if you have email, hotmail, sms, calendar event, etc. Swipe down from the top and your notification information is all there right from the lockscreen. This is all built in stuff! Don't even need an app.
Or are you saying a notification LED was not enough and a single swipe was to much to get all your notification info at once? By the way, you can display missed info directly on the lockscreen, but that requires a launcher like Nova and an app like Missed It. I thought iphone notifications did it, but I guess not.

Ok, I'll go through it again. Obviously people didn't understand my original post, and now I'm not "knowledgeable" enough. So even with the notification LED AND the status bar icons, AND the drop down notification shade in the lockscreen AND shortcuts from the lockscreen to any 4 apps (built in features), it still does not solve the problem of immediately seeing what app is notifying you AND what they are saying (e.g. one line of the email). Like I said, I like to see my phone buzz on my desk and without even touching it, know if I have to answer a notification or not (by knowing who is messaging me, and what they're saying, etc.). And if I have a security lock on android I can't see anything until I unlock it (and if that's what you prefer for security, that's great for you, but people usually don't start out their emails with credit card numbers and sub nuclear codes, so anybody can read the first 5 words of my emails if they want). And "missed it!" as far as the description states, only gives you the number of missed events (i.e. one "dropbox" notification, two "Whatsapp" notifications, etc.) so this is hardly a full solution. And again, I really wouldn't care to install all this crap so that the main notifications works half decently. All this means is that Android stock notifications can't do what the iPhone does (which you may or may not like - not the point), and that is one main reason why I didn't care for the S3. But people will fly into a rage if you say that you didn't like their OS, and call you stupid, and dumb, and lazy, and all that. But whatever! I did my research!

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
I was not making fun of android users, what I'm saying is macrumors had to make a seperate section for all the people that feel they need to discuss android on a MAC forum... I'm not saying all but many are pissed of as hell that we don't like what "they" like. It's pretty sad

I don't think it's that they're pissed off, more so that some people have this "my way is the only way" attitude. Despite my current preference, I still think iOS is a decent platform for some people. It just isn't a good platform for me, because I am a bit demanding when it comes to my smartphone, and it just falls short in too many categories. For someone else who may not be as demanding, it may be just fine for them. I have a top of the line Toshiba ultrabook, but some people can get by with a celeron powered computer. Some people simply don't need as much, and there's nothing wrong with that.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Ok, I'll go through it again. Obviously people didn't understand my original post, and now I'm not "knowledgeable" enough. So even with the notification LED AND the status bar icons, AND the drop down notification shade in the lockscreen AND shortcuts from the lockscreen to any 4 apps (built in features), it still does not solve the problem of immediately seeing what app is notifying you AND what they are saying (e.g. one line of the email). Like I said, I like to see my phone buzz on my desk and without even touching it, know if I have to answer a notification or not (by knowing who is messaging me, and what they're saying, etc.). And if I have a security lock on android I can't see anything until I unlock it (and if that's what you prefer for security, that's great for you, but people usually don't start out their emails with credit card numbers and sub nuclear codes, so anybody can read the first 5 words of my emails if they want). And "missed it!" as far as the description states, only gives you the number of missed events (i.e. one "dropbox" notification, two "Whatsapp" notifications, etc.) so this is hardly a full solution. And again, I really wouldn't care to install all this crap so that the main notifications works half decently. All this means is that Android stock notifications can't do what the iPhone does (which you may or may not like - not the point), and that is one main reason why I didn't care for the S3. But people will fly into a rage if you say that you didn't like their OS, and call you stupid, and dumb, and lazy, and all that. But whatever! I did my research!

I had my run with android when i got bored of IOS. After 3 android phones later i was back with IOS. Main reasons being i didnt use widgets as much as i though, phone would get laggy, and alot of things i had to download because the stock OS couldent do it.


I don't think it's that they're pissed off, more so that some people have this "my way is the only way" attitude. Despite my current preference, I still think iOS is a decent platform for some people. It just isn't a good platform for me, because I am a bit demanding when it comes to my smartphone, and it just falls short in too many categories. For someone else who may not be as demanding, it may be just fine for them. I have a top of the line Toshiba ultrabook, but some people can get by with a celeron powered computer. Some people simply don't need as much, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Exaclty, and then comes the name calling, " i sheep, your a simple/stupid person,"

seriously its getting pretty bad..

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
I had my run with android when i got bored of IOS. After 3 android phones later i was back with IOS. Main reasons being i didnt use widgets as much as i though, phone would get laggy, and alot of things i had to download because the stock OS couldent do it.

What device was that?

Exaclty, and then comes the name calling, " i sheep, your a simple/stupid person,"

seriously its getting pretty bad..

It goes both ways though. I see iOS fans all the time calling names. When I get asked about phones on Facebook, every time I recommend an Android device, some iPhone fan jumps in and starts name calling and acting crazy...simply because I didn't recommend their favorite phone lol. Go figure.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
What device was that?

It goes both ways though. I see iOS fans all the time calling names. When I get asked about phones on Facebook, every time I recommend an Android device, some iPhone fan jumps in and starts name calling and acting crazy...simply because I didn't recommend their favorite phone lol. Go figure.

it does go both ways. its just annoying when it happens on an apple website.

The Phones i had were Droid x, htc thunderbolt, and lastly htc incredible 2.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
it does go both ways. its just annoying when it happens on an apple website.
Well it's only normal that people will want to compare 1 high-end phone to another, and since there's only 1 iPhone, it's going to be compared to other top phones (typically and Android phone since it's the closest competitor). It's when people become irrational that the problems occur.

The Phones i had were Droid x, htc thunderbolt, and lastly htc incredible 2.
All of those phones are quite dated. The Droid X came out two year ago, the Thunderbolt was a year old when it was released (it's the same phone as the EVO but with lte instead of wimax), and the dinc2 had old internals at its launch. None of those phones were all that impressive. The Droid X was decent for when it came out, but that's about it. The other two on the list were bad purchases to begin with, as they were already quite dated at their release. Old phones are hardly indicative of the state of the platform today. Much has changed since the 2010 releases (yes I know the dinc2 was released in 2011, but it's guts were all 2010).


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Well it's only normal that people will want to compare 1 high-end phone to another, and since there's only 1 iPhone, it's going to be compared to other top phones (typically and Android phone since it's the closest competitor). It's when people become irrational that the problems occur.

All of those phones are quite dated. The Droid X came out two year ago, the Thunderbolt was a year old when it was released (it's the same phone as the EVO but with lte instead of wimax), and the dinc2 had old internals at its launch. None of those phones were all that impressive. The Droid X was decent for when it came out, but that's about it. The other two on the list were bad purchases to begin with, as they were already quite dated at their release. Old phones are hardly indicative of the state of the platform today. Much has changed since the 2010 releases (yes I know the dinc2 was released in 2011, but it's guts were all 2010).

Thats probably true, but I was so fed up with it that i doubt ill be going back.
Im sure they are better now but just get annoying switching back and forth. About 75% of my family has IOS so its just easier to communicate with everyone be it facetime ot imessage. :)

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Thats probably true, but I was so fed up with it that i doubt ill be going back.
Im sure they are better now but just get annoying switching back and forth. About 75% of my family has IOS so its just easier to communicate with everyone be it facetime ot imessage. :)

For me, iOS is a minimum of a year away (iOS 7) before I can even consider them for my day to day. For me it just falls short in way too many areas, and is too much of a compromise for me to move to. Now will the release of Jellybean, I feel the gap has widened. For example, Google Now has proven to be a VERY awesome app for my day to day life. It's even useful when I'm not actively using it. I wouldn't be willing to give that sort of functionality up, and I don't think we'll see Apple doing anything like that for at least another 2 years.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
For me, iOS is a minimum of a year away (iOS 7) before I can even consider them for my day to day. For me it just falls short in way too many areas, and is too much of a compromise for me to move to. Now will the release of Jellybean, I feel the gap has widened. For example, Google Now has proven to be a VERY awesome app for my day to day life. It's even useful when I'm not actively using it. I wouldn't be willing to give that sort of functionality up, and I don't think we'll see Apple doing anything like that for at least another 2 years.

That was a pretty cool thing when google now alerted you when to leave

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
That was a pretty cool thing when google now alerted you when to leave

Yeah I am enamored with Google Now. I can't wait to see what they add to it in the future. On the other side, I hope Apple can put together something within a year that can compete with it because more competition brings even better products. The future is going to be very interesting as it pertains to technology.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
Most of us are tech fans. If tomorrow Windows phone 8 blows iOS and android away you can bet Ill jump into it (but I hope this never happens).

IPhone is great. Ios is great. But not for the 2012 standards.

For example, Android has had voice commands and speech to text in my native languague (and many other languagues) for years. Compared that to Apple, which is adding new languagues in iOS 6 this fall. A bit too late maybe?

These are examples of what I mean by a true smartphone OS.

I hope iOS 7 adds other essential stuff, but thats in a whole years time... Giving Android even more time ahead on the race.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 22, 2011
SF Bay Area
Most of us are tech fans. If tomorrow Windows phone 8 blows iOS and android away you can bet Ill jump into it (but I hope this never happens).

IPhone is great. Ios is great. But not for the 2012 standards.

For example, Android has had voice commands and speech to text in my native languague (and many other languagues) for years. Compared that to Apple, which is adding new languagues in iOS 6 this fall. A bit too late maybe?

These are examples of what I mean by a true smartphone OS.

I hope iOS 7 adds other essential stuff, but thats in a whole years time... Giving Android even more time ahead on the race.

While this is true that Apple usually adds extra features later than say Google, I think it also doesn't give Apple credit for the level of polish that goes into its products. My opinion is that generally apple has more reliable software/hardware (ie it just works) and for me often I place more value on that than on having a bunch of incremental features beyond the basics.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2009
I was not making fun of android users, what I'm saying is macrumors had to make a seperate section for all the people that feel they need to discuss android on a MAC forum... I'm not saying all but many are pissed of as hell that we don't like what "they" like. It's pretty sad

We discuss Android because this forum is "Alternatives to iOS & iOS devices" which mean anything but iOS. It's pretty sad to see that some iOS users don't understand that.
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