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macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2005
An extreme long shot would be when iPods gain much higher capacity (Nano with at least 16GB, video type at least 100GB) would be a 'game system.' You would download a game from the iTunes Store, pop it on your iPod, and play a mobile version (weaker graphics) on the go, and drop your iPod in a dock and play a full version (good graphics), the dock taking over the work, and you'd have wireless controllers.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2006
iTunes for the rest of us

I'd really like access to TV/Movie episodes in iTunes for those of us not in the US.

C'mon, Steve. After this christmas, you have RIAA, MPAA and the rest of them over a barrel. Open it up for the rest of us.

I know they said 'probably in 2007', but I'd really like something more definite at MacWorld.

Hardware-wise.... I just want a replacement for my Palm and Nokia that is *integrated* with OS X, without 3rd-party addons.

Anything else is just dessert.

My two bits.


macrumors 65816
Mar 14, 2003
Sydney Australia
Interesting... my thoughts are changing a little, but basically I'm predicting
* Simple iPhone (nothing snazzy/special), for release shortly
* iTV ready to go in 1 month. Runs new small OSX.
(* New naming scheme for iPhone and iTV)
* Updated MacMini (ready for an update, and may share some features of iTV.
* iLife/iWork etc (inc spreadsheet). It always happens right?
* Remote control of a Mac's background user from iTV or other Macs. (not sure why I believe this).

Demo of upcoming products
* iPhone with wifi etc in final stages, being checked now by communication authorities (hence they might as well demo it). Same new small OSX as iTV.
* Leopard demo - showing the secrets, including a new finder interface using CoreImage.

I think they've got a full screen iPod but it's not quite there yet. I wonder how long it'll take.


macrumors 68000
May 31, 2006
London Town
What do people think are the chances that a new Nano will be announced?? I'm looking to get one and am wondering whether to wait or not. :confused:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2005
I had a dream...

... about the keynote, which is rather worrying and probably says a lot about the amount of red bull and vodka I had to drink last night. However, maybe it's my imagination that failed me because I didn't read about any exciting new features in Leopard, the iTV wasn't ready yet and the rumours about a mid-end headless mac and improved iMac turned out to be pure fabrication.

Remember being decidely disappointed when I kept hitting refresh and Steve had finished without even doing a 'One more thing...'

Still, a pessimist is never disappointed - unless of course he owns apple stock and the keynote were to pan out as described.


macrumors 603
Jan 10, 2006
Thankyou :)

I'll probably still wait though. I'm paranoid like that. :eek:

They have only just been updated :rolleyes:

Anyhoo... after watching the 'Showtime' keynote again I have a sneaky feeling we will be seeing iTV - SJ said Q1 of 07 and they had a working model already. This will obviously lead to Apple going into the TV market in the coming months too (typical after I have just bought a new TV).

I dont think we will see a fone in January. If you think about it there really is no rush to enter the market and why enter it with a rushed and/or service limited product? Get it right the first time!

iPod AV (fullscreen)...? Hmmm...? From the patent drawings it looks like they have some interesting stuff for this thing hence the long wait. Movies are now availabe on the ITS and are very likely going to go international very soon. I think we may finally be seeing this bad boy in January.

Revised processors all round I think. Including an 8 core option of some sort for the MP. No major design upgrades.

No Leopard release but a release date and some more info about it.

Obligatory piss take of Vista (and now Zune).

Thats how I see it anyway. People build these things up way too much and expect 24 core Macminis with built in phone capabilities alongside 50" fullscreen iPods :rolleyes: usually they go home dissappointed because Apple are realistic. Just like me :D


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2005
Leopard Ready Dual HDD iMac

The point of the iMac has always been that it is an off the shelf package that has all that you need to start computing out of the box. Isn't the fact that in order to make use of Leopard's Time Machine you need to add clutter to your desk (an external drive) going against this philosophy? So in order to solve this I predict that Apple will release an iMac with two HDDs and that following on from this there will be the MacBook and MBP dual HDD models.


macrumors regular
Dec 29, 2003
Even Hitler had quiet days

Steve Jobs will announce that Apple is going to invade Poland.

...this offers insight into the usual pre-Macworld posting frenzy. Most posters have ridiculously long lists that will be unfulfilled. The last Macworlds have been, for me, relatively plodding affairs (although still necessary viewing). I do not expect anything that exciting this year. In fact the iTV (as an earlier poster wrote) will be the 'one more thing' item. It will be the object that needs the hype and little to compete with. Yes the iPhone will come but it is too early and I feel Apple are way behind in the technical and distribution battle - they will not release it until it is going to blow away the rest.
I get the feeling that marketing departments have a greater say in the release of Apple stuff more and more, which kind of makes sense really(!) but marketing people are so boring.

<No authority in tone just opinions and as always, am happy to be proven wrong>


macrumors member
Nov 3, 2006
I do not expect anything that exciting this year. In fact the iTV (as an earlier poster wrote) will be the 'one more thing' item.>

I agree with most of what you're saying, but I can't see that iTV will be the One More Thing (OMT?). OMT is normally reserved for something you didn't see coming... and we've all seen iTV coming for months now.

Maybe Steve will decide it's time to shelve the "OMT" section? It might be getting a little old.

But I still have faith that Apple will broadside us all with some new product. This year's "predictions" have been boringly pessimistic, so there's plenty of scope ;)


May 16, 2006
I agree with most of what you're saying, but I can't see that iTV will be the One More Thing (OMT?). OMT is normally reserved for something you didn't see coming... and we've all seen iTV coming for months now.

Maybe Steve will decide it's time to shelve the "OMT" section? It might be getting a little old.

But I still have faith that Apple will broadside us all with some new product. This year's "predictions" have been boringly pessimistic, so there's plenty of scope ;)

Oh and OMT: Apple have bought Dell and Microsoft. Don't ask where we got the money, it just came to us.


macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2006
North-East, UK
I'm guessing Steve will announce new displays!

Maybe a new keyboard, at the moment, we have "Keyboard" perhaps we will get a "Mighty Keyboard"?


macrumors 601
May 29, 2005
I doubt the keyboard will get anything - doubt it.

I'm guessing mostly surrounding Leopard, iTV™ stuff, maybe an update for a product.

Mac mini -> Core 2 Duo?

Displays most likely.



macrumors member
Nov 3, 2006
Maybe a new keyboard, at the moment, we have "Keyboard" perhaps we will get a "Mighty Keyboard"?

While it's not a show-stopper, a new keyboard some time would be cool.

I don't think they'll make one with more keys, but a keyboard that didn't fill up with c!&p so quickly, or that you could at least clean easily would be great.

History suggests that any keyboard update would accompany a major design revision to their machines. God knows when that would be... I think the current designs (with the exception of the MBP) are the strongest Apple have ever had.


macrumors 601
Sep 11, 2006
Sacramento, CA USA
Here's my three-day "wild guess" in regards to iPod at MacWorld SF:

1) We'll see a new nano with 16 GB of flash memory. Apple drops the 2 GB model, and the 4 GB model drops to US$175 and 8 GB model drops to US$225 respectively.

2) The regular 5.5G iPods will get longer battery life using a new battery design. A 40 GB model replaces the 30 GB model at no change in price.

3) We'll see a true video iPod about the size of the Samsung Q1 handheld computer with a large, scratchproof LCD display screen and full touchscreen operation. It comes in two versions (80 GB and 120 GB).

4) We'll see a major firmware upgrade for all 5.5G iPods and 2G nanos that correct a number of major known issues with the player.

5) iTunes will upgrade to Version 7.5 to accommodate the "true" video iPod. There will be some interface changes to make it easier to use.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2006
Thats how I see it anyway. People build these things up way too much and expect 24 core Macminis with built in phone capabilities alongside 50" fullscreen iPods :rolleyes: usually they go home dissappointed because Apple are realistic. Just like me :D
I actually just got the new 72" lcd iPod, it is wonderful- it is reminiscent of the 80's boom-boxes that we put on our shoulders and rapped to Run DMC.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2006
I'm guessing Steve will announce new displays!

Maybe a new keyboard, at the moment, we have "Keyboard" perhaps we will get a "Mighty Keyboard"?

What would the mighty keyboard look like one big white button with a small grey dot? hahaha


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
There better be an iPod with at least a 100 gig iPod hard drive because I just added about 20 gigs of music this past week (thanks OiNK :D) and filled up my 60 gig and will fill up an 80 gig very shortly
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